Can the resolution be increased in embedded Sketchup models on the internet?

Notable, old forum thread with an innovative method of work.



Just wondering if there is anyway to increase the resolution of an embedded model so that when you zoom it doesn't just pixelate.

Ideally I would like to actually increase the embedded size (not the resolution) of the model as it appears on a site, but I don't see

anything obvious in the code that points to either of these options. Am I just not seeing it, or is there a workaround?

Google Guide Mark


You can change the size of the embedded view by changing a couple of parameters on the URL. See this article for details:

The resolution of the images cannot be changed, however.

Hope that helps.




You can try to make the "swivel" function with images of your own choice (higher resolution, number of images, perspective...). You would only need to place the files on your own webspace. The swivel function from 3d-warehouse can easily be adopted for more special needs without changing the javascript, you only need to insert your images in a folder and the filenames in a file, there's a description how to do it: [dead link]

For more ideas, you can read this forum topic:

There is also a good plugin that also allows to rotate the 'model' in more than one direction: [dead link]



The source on that page has a small error. In 'Embedding a model with Google Earth plug-in' this line:

url += ? '&etyp=ge' : '&etyp=sw';`

The character ` after the ; is accidentally added.



PS: I tried changing the size before and found out that the height didn't show correct. I have to say I don't have a key so maybe that

was the problem...



Hello xiombarg

Regarding the Swivel Code for models on your website etc, there is (as has been mentioned) a great way to increase both the size of the swivel window and the resolution of the images used.

The following link has a video tutorial that shows you how to "Hack" the output of the Google SketchUp Web Exporter files.

It is easy to follow. Once you have done it once, you don't even need the exporter any more as you can copy the code and use on another model .. only having to change the images and referring image script lines.

Here is a great way to set up the views for each of the images you are after.

I have created a template with a component that I use to obtain my images (using the instructions for exporting the images as shown in the Hacking Output video).

I simply put the component on a hidden layer and have created 12 Scenes, each of which has its own viewing angle. It is these angled shots that become the exported image files that you use in place of the Web Exporter's image files.

The guy in this video is a bit of a dweeb, but his methods are sound.

Once the component is made, it can easily be scaled to suite any model. The only thing I have found about following the Hacked Output method, is that when complete, the model rotates in the opposite direction than it should. I have no idea why it does this, but it is a moot issue IMO.



BTW - Scroll 2/3rds the way down on this page (link) to see an example of the results of following the methods illustrated in the 2 video

links provided in my previous post. [dead link]

PS> This is neither my business nor my website, but it is my model and

I did create the output files/images and edited the script to make it


The business exists in my town and Ontario Rural Routes is a local/

regional business/service. The owner of Ontario Rural Routes is also a

Google Earth Modeler.



Awesome. You guys rock. Thanks.

y g


guys. i need help. i couldn't find any toipic on sketchup web exporter . I have no idea how the upload html thing works and iframe

or what .. which is shown in this video .. h?v=j0Tmlko5YTU

my project model needs to be online within this two week to fully

complete .. im a total retard in this and i m desperate in needing

help. can anyone guide me on how upload my model online . thanks .

Colin Holgate


Watch all of this video, but especially the bit around 7:30:

There's an HD button in the lower right, click on that to get a much

better quality version of the video.



Hello y q

If you are in dire need of assistance, I can either walk you through

it or I can assist more directly .... i.e. create the code for you.

But unless I have a copy of your model(s), you will have to create the


However, I am only willing to do so much because I generally get paid

for this service.

But I certainly don't mind helping once.

Furthermore, once you have the code for one model, you can simply copy/

paste it into other web pages and only have to change the lines of

code dealing with the Image Names and change/upload different images.

So if you still haven't figured out what to do, send me an email.

I might even consider providing my phone number if needed to walk you

through it, but the call has to be on your dime.