Skerdi  Zanaj

Welcome to my webpage! 

I am a Full Professor of Economics at the University of Luxembourg. Prior to joining the University of Luxembourg, I have been a Marie Curie Fellow at CORE, University Catholique de Louvain. I hold a PhD in Economics (2008) from CORE, University Catholique de Louvain in co-tutelle with the Università degli Studi di Siena.

My research agenda is at the intersection of public and international economics, with theoretical and empirical methods. I develop game-theoretical settings and use panel data sets (both micro and macro data) to understand better interactions among states, the strategic decisions of firms, or the decision-making of ethnically diverse groups. 

My papers cover the areas of fiscal competition, migration, cultural norms, the environment, and gender. 

In May 2024, I ranked in the top 5% of female economists wolrdwide: 

I am the Gender Equality Officer of the University of Luxembourg

Curriculum Vitae

My UNI.LU page


                 CONTACT DETAILS

Campus Kirchberg; Building G

6, Rue Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi

L-1359 Luxembourg 

Tel:  +352  46 66 44 6464

Fax: +352  46 66 44 6341 


My main fields of research are:
