
An Explanation - in the colours I prefer

'Blue-on-Blue' refers to the colours I find easiest to view - both on the computer screen and on paper. As noted elsewhere, I have dyslexia and Irlen syndrome. Traditional black text on white paper is problematic for me. The image does not appear evenly illuminated and the text is never entirely stationary. However, when dark blue text (RGB: 00007F) is set against a lighter blue background (RGB: A3B5FF), my whole experience of text on a page changes.

Thus, there are two colours that are very dear to me: blue (RGB: 00007F) and blue (RGB: A3B5FF). The idea of the blue-on-blue images is to present simple abstract images using both of these colours. They should not be thought of as being attempts at producing works of art. Rather, they are expressions using my two blues. Each is made very quickly using PowerPoint. Whatever 'feels' right when I do it gets added to this website. In that respect, these images are a sort of Rorschach test. Indeed, it would be very interesting to know if they really do represent my mode.

My intention is to produce two 'Blue-on-Blue' images each week until I have produced 100.

NOTE: This is how I prefer to read font and background colours to be when I read from a computer screen. I don't know how it appears to you. For some, I know, it is very hard to read but for me it is just right.