About me

Siyuan Dong

Ph.D. candidate, MIT

Google Scholar


I'm a postdoctoral scholar in the Paul G. Allen School of Computer Science & Engineering at the University of Washington, working with Prof. Byron Boots. My research lies in robotics manipulation, tactile sensing, computer vision, and machine learning.

I received my Ph.D. degree at MIT in 2020, supervised by Prof. Alberto Rodriguez. My Ph.D. thesis focused on designing and using high-resolution tactile sensing to detect and reason about contact interactions between the fingers and the object and enable reactive behaviors during manipulation.

I earned my master's degree at University of Connecticut in 2014, supervised by Prof. Guoan Zheng. I worked on Fourier Ptychographic imaging, which is a high-resolution high-throughout microscopic imaging technique that combines Fourier optics and numerical optimization. I received my bachelor's degree at Zhejiang University, China in 2013.

contact: siyuandong {dot} bme @ gmail {dot} com