


岩壁茂.(2022).改訂増補 心理療法・失敗例の臨床研究 — その予防と治療関係の立て直し.金剛出版.

岩壁茂. (監修). (2020). よくわかる臨床心理学. ナツメ社.

岩壁茂(2019). (監修). 恥―生きづらさの根っこにあるもの.アスク・ヒューマン・ケア.

岩壁茂・伊藤絵美・福島哲夫(共著).(2013). 臨床心理学入門 — 多様なアプローチを越境する.有斐閣.

平木典子・岩壁茂・福島哲夫(共編著).新世紀うつ病治療・支援論 ー うつに対する統合アプローチ.金剛出版.

岩壁茂.(2010)はじめて学ぶ臨床心理学の質的研究 ー 方法とプロセス.岩崎学術出版社.

岩壁茂.(2008) プロセス研究の方法 新曜社

岩壁茂.(2007) 心理療法・失敗例の臨床研究 — その予防と治療関係の立て直し.金剛出版.


岩壁茂(監訳)(2022). ティーンのためのセルフ・コンパッション・ワークブックーマインドフルネスと思いやりで,ありのままの自分を受け入れる. 金剛出版.

岩壁茂(監訳)(2021). カップルのための感情焦点化療法ー 感情の力で二人の関係を育むワークブック. 金剛出版.

津川律子・岩壁茂(監訳)(2021). 心理療法におけるケース・フォーミュレーション 的確な臨床判断に基づいた治療計画の基本ガイド. 福村出版.

岩壁茂・花川ゆう子・福島哲夫・沢宮容子・妙木浩之 (監訳). (2017) . 人を育む感情の力 — AEDPによる感情変容の理論と実践.福村出版


岩壁茂・平木典子・福島哲夫・中釜洋子・野末武義.(監訳).(2013). 変容する臨床家 ー 現代アメリカを代表するセラピスト16人が語る心理療法統合へのアプローチ.福村出版.

岩壁茂・伊藤正哉・細越寛樹(監訳).(2013). エモーション・フォーカスト・セラピー入門.金剛出版.

岩壁茂.(監訳)(2011) ダイニングテーブルのミイラ セラピストが語る奇妙な臨床事例 ー セラピストはクライエントから何を学ぶのか.ジェフリー・コトラー ジョン・カールソン (編著).門脇陽子・森田由美(訳).福村出版.

岩壁茂.(2007)こどもと家族を援助する.統合的心理療法のアプローチ.エレン・ワクテル(著).佐々木千恵(共訳) 星和書店.

岩壁茂.(2006)感情に働きかける面接技法 — 心理療法の統合的アプローチ.レスリー・グリーンバーグ(他著).誠信書房.

岩壁茂.(訳・解説).(2003):心理療法の構造:アメリカ心理学会による12の理論の解説書. 誠信書房. [原題:The anatomy of psychotherapy: Viewer’s guide to the APA psychotherapy videotape series. By VandenBos, Gary, R., Frank-McNeil, J. F., Norcross, J. C., & Freedheim, D. K. (1995). Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.]



Iwakabe. S. (2022, July). Suffering and flourishing: Positive emotions and their roles in transforming emotional pain and facilitating therapeutic change. A semiplenary talk at the 15th world conference for Person-centered and Experiential Psychotherapy & Counselling. Copenhagen, Denmark.

Iwakabe, S., Edlin, J., Fosha, D., Gretton, H., Joseph, A. J., Nakamura, K., & Thoma, N. C. (2022, accepted). The long-term effectiveness of Accelerated Experiential Dynamic Psychotherapy: Six and 12-month follow-up results.

Nakamura, K., Iwakabe, S., & Heim, N. (2022). Connecting in-session corrective emotional experiences with postsession therapeutic changes: A systematic case study. Psychotherapy, 59(1), 63–73. https://doi.org/10.1037/pst0000369

岩壁茂.(2022). (監修) 嫌悪の心理学.ニュートン、6月号,83.

岩壁茂.(2022). 研究のたのしみ・発見のよろこび. 臨床心理学,22 (3), 1-4,

岩壁茂.(2022). 心理療法の効果検証と医療モデル. 臨床心理学,22 (1), 44-49,

岩壁茂.(2022). COVID-19 .カウンセリングノートーーオンライン化・孤独・レジリエンス. 臨床心理学,22 (2).

Heinonen, E., Caspar, F., Goldman, R., Iwakabe, S., Kramer, U., McMain, S., & Özakkaş, T. (2022, April). Let’s not just talk about it? Training future therapists to work with emotion. Structured Discussion Held at the annual meeting of the Society for Exploration of Psychotherapy Integration. Online.

Wiseman, H., Pos, A., Iwakabe, S., Heinonen, E., Ziv-Beiman, S., & Egozi, S. (2022, April). Exploring the Wounded Healer Concept as a Common Factor. Structured Discussion Held at the annual meeting of the Society for Exploration of Psychotherapy Integration. Online.



Castonguay, L.G., Eubanks, C. F., Iwakabe, S., Krause, M., Page, A. C., Zilcha-Mano, S., Lutz, W., & Barkham, M. (2021). Epilogue: Prevalent themes, predictions, and recommendations. In M. Barkham, W. Lutz, & L. G. Castanguay (Eds.), Bergin and Garfield's Handbook of psychotherapy and behavior change (pp.793-802). Wiley.

(Iwakabe, S., Edlin, J., & Thoma, N. (2021). A phenomenological case study of accelerated experiential dynamic psychotherapy: The experience of change in the initial session from a client perspective. Journal of Psychotherapy Integration.Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1037/int0000261

Iwakabe, S. (2021). Working with Social Withdrawal, or Hikikomori, in Japan: From Shame to Pride. Journal of Clinical Psychology,.https://doi.org/10.1002/jclp.23151

岩壁 茂・野田亜由美・山﨑和佳子. (2021). エモーションフォーカストセラピー.杉原保史・福島哲夫(編)心理療法統合ハンドブック.誠信書房.

岩壁茂.(2021). 自分の気持ちが分からない − エモーション・フォーカスト・セラピー.臨床心理学,122 (2),

Goto, A., Iwakabe, S., & Heim, N. (2021). Therapeutic courage in novice therapists in Japan: A qualitative study. Journal of Psychotherapy Integration. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1037/int0000260

山田陽子・岩壁茂・森岡正芳. (2021). 【新連載】治療は文化である[第一回」感情と癒やし − 心理学と社会のクロストーク. 臨床心理学,121 (1), 119-132.


津川律子・岩壁茂. (2020). アセスメントからケースフォーミュレーションへ(特別対談).津川律子(著) 精神科臨床における心理アセスメント入門 (改訂増補版)219-280. 金剛出版.

Iwakabe, S., Edlin, J., Fosha, D., Gretton, H., Joseph, A. J., Nunnink, S. E., Nakamura, K., & Thoma, N. C. (2020). The effectiveness of accelerated experiential dynamic psychotherapy (AEDP) in private practice settings: A transdiagnostic study conducted within the context of a practice-research network. Psychotherapy, 57(4), 548–561. https://doi.org/10.1037/pst0000344

中村香理・岩壁茂.(2020). 心理療法におけるクライエントの感情変容を捉える:感情変容尺度クライエント版の開発の試み. 臨床心理学, 20(6), 765-770.

横田悠季・吉田寿美子・岩壁茂 (2020). 初回面接におけるセラピストの肯定はクライエントにどのように評価されるか:模擬面接ビデオを用いて.臨床心理学, 20 (2), 209-219.

木村友馨・岩壁茂 (2021). 心理臨床家の勇気 ― 熟練臨床心理士へのインタビュー調査.心理臨床学研究, 28(4), 300-311.

岩壁茂.(2020). 特集の序.緊急特集−コロナウィルス時代のカウンセリング1.0. 臨床心理学,118 (4), 465-466.

岩壁茂.(2020). 感情への招待 ー 基礎心理学と臨床心理学のクロストーク.臨床心理学,117 (3), 245-248.

Nakamura, K., Iwakabe, S., Yamazaki, W., Okubo, C., Kimura, Y., Arakaki, Y., …Kawasaki, N. (2020, June 17-20). Verifying a task model of corrective emotional experience [Poster session]. The annual meeting of the Society for Psychotherapy Research, Amherst, MA, USA. https://www.sprconference.com/ (Conference canceled)

Nakamura, K., & Iwakabe, S. (2020). Validation of the Corrective Emotional Experience Scale (CEES). A poster presented at the annual meeting of Society for the Exploration of Psychotherapy Integration, Online.

Yaegashi, M., Yabuki, M., Nakamura, K., Iwakabe, S., Fosha, D., & Edlin, J. (2020). Patient's experiences in the early phase of Accelerated Experiential Dynamic Psychotherapy: Healing from the get-go. A poster presented at the annual meeting of Society for the Exploration of Psychotherapy Integration, Online.

Kizuki, S., Yamazaki, W., Nakamura, K., & Iwakabe, S. (2020). Identifying flourishing events in Emotion-Focused Therapy. A poster presented at the annual meeting of Society for the Exploration of Psychotherapy Integration, Online.

Yamaguchi, C., Kimura, Y., Noda, A., Yamazaki, W., Nakamura, K., & Iwakabe, S. (2020). Clients' subjective experiences in Emotion-Focused Therapy. A poster presented at the annual meeting of Society for the Exploration of Psychotherapy Integration, Online.


Iwakabe, S.(2019). Working through shame with an intercultural couple in Japan: Transforming negative emotional interactions and expanding positive emotional resources. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 1-12. DOI: 10.1002/jclp.22864

岩壁茂.(2019). スーパービジョンにおける恥.臨床心理学,111, 321-323.

岩壁茂.(2019). 「罪悪感」の縛りから自由になる!Be!,137, 8-24.

岩壁茂. (2019). 心理領域からみた公認心理師による精神科医療への貢献.臨床精神医学, 48, 627-632.

Iwakabe, S.(2019).Case studies in accelerated experiential dynamic psychotherapy (AEDP): Reflections on the case of “Rosa”. Pragmatic Case Studies in Psychotherapy.

Gomez, B., Iwakabe, S., & Vaz, A. (2019). International themes in psychotherapy integration. In J. C. Norcross & M. R. Goldfried (Eds.), Handbook of Psychotherapy Integration (3rd. Ed.).Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.

Gómez, B., Iwakabe, S., & Vaz, A. (2019, June). Highlights of psychotherapy integration around the world. A Symposia presented at the annual meeting of Society for the Exploration of Psychotherapy Integration,Lisbon, Portugal.

Goto, A., & Iwakabe, S. (2019, July). Gender differences in therapists' experience of courage in psychotherapy: A qualitative study. A paper presented at the annual meeting of The Society for Psychotherapy Research, Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Iwakabe, S. (Moderator). (2019, July). When things go wrong: knowing why therapeutic failures occur and learning what to do next time. A paper presented at the annual meeting of The Society for Psychotherapy Research, Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Iwakabe, S., & Goto, A. (2019, July). Authentic humility or cultural imperative: A qualitative study on the experience of humility in Japanese psychotherapists. A paper presented at the annual meeting of The Society for Psychotherapy Research, Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Iwakabe, S. (Discussant). (2019, July). EFT research: future tasks and perspectives. A Structured discussion group held at the annual meeting of The Society for Psychotherapy Research, Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Iwakabe, S. (Discussant). (2019, July). Research on Psychotherapy integration: What we know, what we need to know. A Structured discussion group held at the annual meeting of The Society for Psychotherapy Research, Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Iwakabe, S. (Discussant). (2019, July). SPR has turned 50: Remembrances of lost time and visions of the future. A semi-plenary held at the annual meeting of The Society for Psychotherapy Research, Buenos Aires, Argentina.


Timulak, L., Iwakabe, S., & Elliott, R. (2018). Clinical implications of research on emotion-focused therapy. In L. S. Greenberg & R. N. Goldman (Eds.), The clinical handbook of emotion-focused therapy(pp.93-109). Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.

Levitt, H., Whelton, W. J., & Iwakabe, S. (2018). Integrating feminist-multicultural perspectives into emotion-focused therapy. In L. S. Greenberg & R. N. Goldman (Eds.), The clinical handbook of emotion-focused therapy(pp.425-444). Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.

岩壁茂.(2018). クライエントは認知行動療法をどのように体験しているか? 臨床心理学,18(1), 80-84.

Iwakabe, S., Edlin, J., Fosha, D., Nakamura, K.(2018, June).The preliminary results on AEDP outcome research. A paper presented at the annual meeting of The Society for Exploration of Psychotherapy Integration, New York City, New York.

Iwakabe, S., Kimura, Y., Hayakawa, M., & Gazzola, N. (2018, June). Therapeutic courage in Japanese therapists: A qualitative research comparing the experience of beginning and experienced therapists. A Paper presented at the 29thInternational Congress of Applied Psychology, Montreal, Canada.

Murray, S., Verba, M., Fosha, D., Edlin, J., Iwakabe, S., & Nakamura, K. (2018, May). Client experiences in the early phase of AEDP. A paper presented at the annual meeting of Society for the Exploration of Psychotherapy Integration, New York, US.

Nakamura, K., Iwakabe, S., Fosha, D., & Edlin, J. (2018, May). Corrective Emotional Experience in Accelerated Experiential Dynamic Psychotherapy (AEDP): Development of the Interpersonal Corrective Emotional Experience Model. A poster presented at the annual meeting of Society for the Exploration of Psychotherapy Integration, New York, US.

Noda, A., Iwakabe, S., Kimura, Y., & Mukai, E., (2018, June). The Process of Transforming Shame in a Long-Term Emotion-Focused Therapy. A poster presented at the annual meeting of The Society for Exploration of Psychotherapy Integration, New York City, New York.

Arakaki, Y, Shoji, Y, Yamagishi, A, Katahira, Y, Furuya, M, Kizuki, S, Ogasawara, M, Nagata, N, Yamazaki, W, & Iwakabe, S.(2018, June). When therapists put themselves before their clients: A qualitative study on therapists's experience and what they learn from it. A Poster presented at the annual meeting of The Society for Psychotherapy Research, Amsterdam, Netherlands.

Edlin, J., Fosha, D., Iwakabe, S., Nakamura, K., & Yamazaki, W. (2018, June). A systematic case study in Accelerated Experiential Dynamic Psychotherapy: A client with a past medical trauma. A paper presented at the annual meeting of the Society for Psychotherapy Research, Amsterdam, Netherlands.

Goto, A., Kimura, Y. & Iwakabe, S. (2018, June). Fear and Anxiety around exercising Courage of Japanese Novice Therapists. A Paper presented at the annual meeting of The Society for Psychotherapy Research, Amsterdam, Netherlands.

Iwakabe, S. (Moderator). (2018, June). Psychotherapy Research in the era of Global Mental Health: Semi-plenary of Culture and Psychotherapy Interest. Semi-Plenary presented at the annual meeting of the Society for Psychotherapy Research, Amsterdam, Netherlands.

Iwakabe, S. (Moderator). (2018, June). Courage and the Effective Practice of Psychotherapy Across Cultures. Structured discussion group held at the annual meeting of the Society for Psychotherapy Research, Amsterdam, Netherlands.

Iwakabe, S., Fosha, D., Edlin, J., & Nakamura, K. (2018, June). A study on the outcome of Accelerated Experiential Dynamic Psychotherapy: An interim report. A paper presented at the annual meeting of the Society for Psychotherapy Research, Amsterdam, Netherlands.

Iwakabe, S., Kimura, Y., Hayakawa, M., & Gazzola, N. (2018, June). Therapeutic courage in Japanese therapists: A qualitative research comparing the experience of beginning and experienced therapists. A Paper presented at the 29thInternational Congress of Applied Psychology, Montreal, Canada.

Kimura, Y., Goto, A. & Iwakabe, S. (2018, June). Therapeutic courage in experienced Japanese therapists. A Paper presented at the annual meeting of The Society for Psychotherapy Research, Amsterdam, Netherlands.

Nakamura, K., & Iwakabe, S. (2018, June). Comparing the processes of corrective emotional experience along two distinct interpersonal conflicts: A theory-building case study. A paper presented at the annual meeting of the Society for Psychotherapy Research, Amsterdam, Netherlands.

Yamazaki, W., Fosha, D., Edlin, J., Nakamura, K., & Iwakabe, S. (2018, June). A systematic case study in Accelerated Experiential Dynamic Psychotherapy (AEDP): A client with depression. A paper presented at the annual meeting of the Society for Psychotherapy Research, Amsterdam, Netherlands.

岩壁茂(2018). プログラムによる心理専門職の成長.日本精神神経学会 第114回学術総会シンポジウム.

岩壁茂(2018, 9月). 裏側からみた心理療法の効果のエビデンス.遠藤裕乃ほか (共編著).その心理臨床大丈夫?実践のポイント.日本評論社.


岩壁茂(2017).感情焦点化療法を活かした臨床の現場から (臨床家のほめる技術)こころの科学, (196), 63-68.

草岡 章大 ・岩壁 茂・橋本 忠行 (2017). 初回面接におけるクライエントの主観的体験の質的研究 臨床心理学, 17(6), 840-849.

Iwakabe, S.(Moderator). (2017, June). Cultural factors in building and repairing the working alliance. A structural Discussion group conducted at the annual meeting of the Society for Psychotherapy Research, Toronto, Canada.

Nakamura, K. & Iwakabe, S. (2017, June). Corrective emotional experience over sessions: A systematic case study. A paper presented at the annual meeting of the Society for Psychotherapy Research, Toronto, Canada.

Takabatake, Y, & Iwakabe, S.(2017, June). Immediacy events in the early phase of psychotherapy: A multiple case study. A paper presented at the annual meeting of the Society for Psychotherapy Research, Toronto, Canada.

Iwakabe, S. (2017, May). (Moderator). When to lead and when to follow in AEDP and EFT: Making the most of affective change processes. A Panel presented at the annual meeting of The Society for Exploration of Psychotherapy Integration, Denver, Colorado.

Nakamura, K., Iwakabe, S., Mukai, E., & Kimura, Y. (2017, May). From in-session corrective emotional experience to interpersonal change in real life: A systematic case study of integrative affect- focused therapy. A poster presented at the annual meeting of The Society for Exploration of Psychotherapy Integration, Denver, Colorado.

Iwakabe, S. (Discussant). (2017, May). Comparing and Contrasting Decision-Making by Experienced and Novice Integrative Psychotherapists. A structured discussion group held at the annual meeting of The Society for Exploration of Psychotherapy Integration, Denver, Colorado.

Iwakabe, S. (Discussant). (2017, May). A Mixed-Methods Approach to Clinical Decision- Making: Integrating RCTs and Case Studies. (Moderator Dan Fishman). A Panel presented at the annual meeting of The Society for Exploration of Psychotherapy Integration, Denver, Colorado.

Iwakabe, S., Nakamura, K., Fuchigami, M., Nakayama, R., Fosha, D., Edlin, J., Conceição, N. (2017, May). The "Acceleration" in Accelerated Experiential Dynamic Psychotherapy: Patient and therapist experiences in the early phase of therapy. A Panel presented at the annual meeting of The Society for Exploration of Psychotherapy Integration, Denver, Colorado.

Conceição, N., Rodrigues, C., Ribeiro, S., Gonzalez, A., Ferreira, R. Silva, A., Caetano, M., Vaz, A., Iwakabe, S., Edlin, J., & Fosha, D. (2017, May). Decisions around processing the process of change: disassembling and reassembling the previous task model of metaprocessing. A Panel presented at the annual meeting of The Society for Exploration of Psychotherapy Integration, Denver, Colorado.

岩壁茂. (2017). 質的研究と実践研究.LD研究, 26, 30-38.


壁茂(2016). プロセス研究と質的研究法.福島哲夫(編).臨床現場で役立つ質的研究法-臨床心理学の卒論・修論から投稿論文まで.pp.53-69. 新曜社.

壁茂(2016). トータルなアセスメントとケースマネジメント.臨床心理学, 16, 112-116.

岩壁茂(2016). トータルなアセスメントとケースマネジメント.臨床心理学, 16, 112-116.

岩壁茂(2016). 臨床的判断の鍛え方.臨床心理学, 16, 265-269.

壁茂(2016). 臨床心理学・最新研究レポート:微妙な偏見と差別 - マイクロアグレッションと治療同盟.臨床心理学, 16, 247-251.

関口祥子・岩壁茂. (2016). セラピストの肯定介入に対するクライエントの主観的体験の検討.臨床心理学,16, 79-89.

久間(糟谷)寛子・藤岡勲・隅谷理子・福島哲夫・岩壁茂(2016). セラピストによる肯定的発話の類型化.臨床心理学,16, 90-98.

壁茂(2016). 臨床心理学・最新研究レポート:微妙な偏見と差別 - マイクロアグレッションと治療同盟.臨床心理学, 16, 247-251.

Iwakabe, S. (2016, July). Competencies in clinical psychology training: Exploring competencies in Japanese context. In Y. Kanazawa (Chair), The role of clinical psychology in Japan in the 21st century. A symposium conducted at the 31st Meeting of International Congress of Psychology, Yokohama, Japan.

Iwakabe, S. (Chair, Discussant). (2016, July). Healing relationship in psychotherapy: Attachment, the therapeutic alliance, and transformation. A symposium conducted at the 31st Meeting of International Congress of Psychology, Yokohama, Japan.

Iwakabe, S.(Moderator). (2016, June). Depression and Culture. A structural Discussion group conducted at the annual meeting of the Society for Psychotherapy Research, Jerusalem, Israel.

Iwakabe, S. (2016, June). Discovery-oriented research and psychotherapy integration: Learning from Japanese clients and therapists. In C. Eubanks (Chair), Research on psychotherapy integration: Where we are and where we need to go. A semi-plenary conducted at the annual meeting of the Society for Psychotherapy Research, Jerusalem, Israel.

Nakamura, K., Iwakabe, S., & Fukushima, T. (2016). Essential components of corrective emotional experience: A theory building case study. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Society for Psychotherapy Research, Jerusalem, Israel.

Nakamura, K., Iwakabe, S., & Fukushima, T. (2016). Characteristics of corrective emotional experience in early sessions: A systematic case study of integrative affect-focused therapy. Poster presented at the annual meeting of Society for the Exploration of Psychotherapy Integration, Dublin, Ireland.

Noda, A., & Iwakabe, S. (2016, June). The client experience of resolving unfinished business: A phenomenological case study. A panel conducted at the annual meeting of the Society for Psychotherapy Research, Jerusalem, Israel.

Takabatake, Y, & Iwakabe, S.(2016). The emotional impact of therapist’s immediacy response: A systematic case study. Poster presented at the annual meeting of The Society for Exploration of Psychotherapy Integration, Dublin, Ireland.

Yamaguchi, K., & Iwakabe, S. (2016, July). How do female therapists experience becoming a mother? : A qualitative study on comparing their personal and professional change of two cases. A poster presented at the 31st Meeting of International Congress of Psychology, Yokohama, Japan.

Yamaguchi, K., & Iwakabe, S. (2016, July). Emotion-focused therapy. In Itoh, Y. (Chair), New trend of person-centered and experiential approach in Japan. A symposium conducted at the 31st Meeting of International Congress of Psychology, Yokohama, Japan.

Yamasaki, Y., Iwakabe, S., & Fukushima, T. (2016, June). Client relational experience in and out of therapy: How a client implements therapeutic experience into everyday life. A paper presented at the annual meeting of the Society for Psychotherapy Research, Jerusalem, Israel.

岩壁茂(2016). (指定討論).教育・研修委員会企画シンポジウム「大学院生の教育におけるスーパーヴァイザーの役割を考えるーライブスーパービジョンを素材として」 日本心理臨床学会第35回大会.

岩壁茂(2016). 心理臨床と質的研究.学会誌編集委員会委員会企画シンポジウム「心理臨床における質的研究をめぐって」日本心理臨床学会第35回大会.

野田亜由美・岩壁茂・福島哲夫・中村香理・髙畠靖菜・山﨑和佳子・戸村徳子 (2016). 介入としての肯定に関するプロセス研究(2)ー3事例における典型的肯定場面の比較検討ー, 日本心理臨床学会第35回大会論文集, 160.

山﨑和佳子・野村朋子・中村香理・髙畠靖菜・野田亜由美・長谷川かさね・森美和子・戸村徳子・岩壁茂・福島哲夫 (2016). 心理療法におけるクライエント変容プロセスの主観的体験ー治療関係の変化・セラピー内外をつなぐクライエントの行動に注目してー, 日本心理臨床学会第35回大会論文集, 186.

中村香理・岩壁茂・野村朋子・戸村徳子・髙畠靖菜・山﨑和佳子 (2016). セラピーにおける修正感情体験と日常生活における対人関係の変化ーThe Core Conflictual Relationship Theme-Logically Unifiedを用いてー, 日本心理臨床学会第35回大会論文集, 187.

髙畠靖菜・中村香理・福島哲夫・岩壁茂 (2016). 面接初期のクライエントの感情変容プロセスにおけるセラピストの即時性ー系統的事例研究ー, 日本心理臨床学会第35回大会論文集, 188.


Iwakabe, S., & Conceicao, N. (2015). Metatherapeutic processing as a change-based therapeutic immediacy task: Building an initial process model using a task-analytic research strategy. Journal of Psychotherapy Integration, 1-18.

Iwakabe, S.(2015). Case studies in Japan: Two methods, two world views. Pragmatic Case Studies in Psychotherapy, 11, 65-80.

Iwakabe, S., & Enns, C. Z. (2015). Counselling and psychotherapy in Japan: Masako's story. In R. Moodley, M. Lengyell, R. Wu, & U. P. Gielen (Eds.), Handbook of counselling and psychotherapy in an international context. Routledge: New York.

Kanazawa, Y., Iwakabe, S. (2015). Learning and difficult experiences in graduate training in clinical psychology: A qualitative study of Japanese trainees' retrospective accounts. Counselling Psychology Quarterly, 1-24.

Iwakabe, S. (2015). Review of Therapist and client: A relational approach to psychotherapy [Review of the book Therapist and client: A relational approach to psychotherapy, by P. Nolan]. Canadian Journal of Counselling and Psychotherapy, 49(2), 198–200.

Conceição, N., Iwakabe, S., Teixeira, J., Maia, P., Florencio, J., & Jeronimo, I. (2015, June). "Metaprocessing" Transforming Researchers' Experience: Exporting a component from AEPD practice into the way we conduct(ed) research. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of The Society for Exploration of Psychotherapy Integration (SEPI), Baltimore, Maryland.

Iwakabe, S., Conceição, N., Nakamura, K., Nomura, T. (2015, June). Developing the research collaboration with clients: Does the nature of therapeutic relationship influence the nature of client participation in research? Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of The Society for Exploration of Psychotherapy Integration (SEPI), Baltimore, Maryland.

Nakamura, K., & Iwakabe, S. (2015). A task analytic study of corrective emotional experience: An initial model building from a pure gold sample. Poster presented at the annual meeting of Society for Psychotherapy Research, Philadelphia, USA.

Nakamura, K., Iwakabe, S., & Fukushima, T. (2015). Corrective emotional experience over time: A systematic case study of integrative affect-focused therapy with a middle-aged woman with depression. Poster presented at the annual meeting of Society for the Exploration of Psychotherapy Integration, Baltimore, USA.

Rodrigues, P., Conceição, N., Iwakabe, S., & Gleiser, K. (2015, June). Voicing an AEDP supervision process: A case study on supervision session change processes and how it likely spread to and affected the researchers/clinicians/clients involved. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of The Society for Exploration of Psychotherapy Integration (SEPI), Baltimore, Maryland.

岩壁茂(2015,編集). カウンセリング・テクニック入門.臨床心理学 増刊第7号.

岩壁茂.(2015). 感情って何? Be!,118, 16-20.

岩壁茂(2015). カウンセリング・テクニックの前提条件.カウンセリング・テクニック入門.臨床心理学 増刊第7号, 20-27.

岩壁茂(2015). 専門家としての成長・発展とは何か?臨床心理学, 15, 695-699.

岩壁茂(2015). 臨床心理学・最新研究レポート: 過去の記憶は変えられるか ー 記憶の再固定化理論.臨床心理学, 15, 799-803.

岩壁茂(2015). 臨床心理学・最新研究レポート: 共通因子としての感情変容のプロセス ー 2つの悲しみの治療的役割.臨床心理学, 15, 551-556.

岩壁茂(2015). 臨床心理学・最新研究レポート: 共感の神経科学ー共感的苦痛とコンパッション.臨床心理学, 15, 274-279.

岩壁茂(2015). 臨床心理学・最新研究レポート: ポジティブ感情の調整と感情の障害.臨床心理学, 15, 894-899.

岩壁茂(2015). 臨床心理学・最新研究レポート: 心は脳を変えるか ー ニューロイメージング研究レビュー.臨床心理学, 15, 745-749.

野村朋子・岩壁茂 (2015). 心理臨床家自身の心理療法に関する質的研究-その理由・体験・影響に焦点を当てて-, 日本心理臨床学会第34回大会論文集, 254.


Conceicao, N., & Iwakabe, S. (2014, June). Therapist self-disclosure and therapist transformation: A qualitative study on AEDP therapists working with immediate experience. Paper presented at the annual meeting of The Society for Psychotherapy Research, Copenhagen, Denmark.

Silva, A., Conceicao, N., & Iwakabe, S. (2014, June). In-session change processes and out-session change mechanisms in Accelerated Experiential Dynamic Psychotherapy: A qualitative study on the perspective of current clients. Paper presented at the annual meeting of The Society for Psychotherapy Research, Copenhagen, Denmark.

Conceicao, N., Iwakabe, S., Rodrigues, P., Silva, A., & Ferreira, R. (2014, April). Clients’ perspectives of out session change mechanisms in AEDP: A qualitative study about the translation of in-session change into daily life’s change. Paper presented at the annual meeting of The Society for Exploration of Psychotherapy Integration, Montreal, Canada.

Iwakabe, S., Conceicao, N., & Fosha, D. (2014, April). A phenomenological study on the client experience of change in AEDP. Paper presented at the annual meeting of The Society for Exploration of Psychotherapy Integration, Montreal, Canada.

Nakamura, K., Iwakabe, S., Fosha, D., & Conceicao, N. (2014). Delineating components of corrective emotional experience in AEDP: A qualitative study. Poster presented at the annual meeting of Society for the Exploration of Psychotherapy Integration, Montreal, Canada.

Nomura, T., & Iwakabe, S. (2014) . Clients’ experience of seeking counseling: A qualitative study on the process leading to the first counseling session. Poster presented at the annual meeting of The Society for Exploration of Psychotherapy Integration, Montreal, Canada.

Rodrigues, P., Conceicao, N., Iwakabe, S., Silva, A., & Ferreira, R. (2014, April). Clients perspective of in session change processes in AEDP. A qualitative study on what clients and therapist do in the sessions. Paper presented at the annual meeting of The Society for Exploration of Psychotherapy Integration, Montreal, Canada.

岩壁茂(2014). 臨床心理学・最新研究レポート: セラピストの涙.臨床心理学, 14, 589-593.

岩壁茂(2014). 臨床心理学・最新研究レポート: 子どもの心理療法における早期終結.臨床心理学, 14, 285-289.

岩壁茂(2014). 私の臨床心理学研究論文の書き方 ー 楽しいフィリーライティングから緻密なフォーカストライティングへ.臨床心理学, 増刊6, 45-51.

井田浩正・岩壁 茂・中川和美・岡村達也.(2014). 若年労働者の転職志向と関連するパーソナリティ要因 - レジリエンス要因,心理的健康要因についての検討. ストレス科学, 29, 293-307.

中村香理・岩壁茂 (2014).修正感情体験に関する質的研究―第三者視点からの特徴や要素の検討―,日本心理臨床学会第33回大会論文集,79.


Iwakabe, S., & Gazzola, N. (2013). From single-case studies to practice-based knowledge: Aggregating and synthesizing case studies. In W. Lutz & S. Knox (Eds.), Quantitative and qualitative methods in psychotherapy research (pp.xx-xx). London: Routledge.

Mackrill, T., & Iwakabe, S. (2013). Making a case for case studies in psychotherapy training: A small step towards establishing an empirical basis for psychotherapy training. Counselling Psychology Quarterly, 26, 3-4, 250-266.

Iwakabe, S. (2013). Competing Models of Evidence, Corroborating Research Strategies: Shaping the Landscape of Psychotherapy Research in the Era of Evidence-Based Practice. Psychologia, 56. 89-112.

村井亮介・岩壁茂・杉岡品子.(2013).初回面接における訓練セラピストの困難とその対応 — 継続事例と中断事例の比較検討.心理臨床学研究, 31, 141-151.

岩壁茂(2013):統合的精神療法・最近の事情.精神療法, 39, 22-27.

岩壁茂(2013):臨床心理学における研究の多様性と科学性 ー 事例研究を超えて.臨床心理学, 13, 313-318.

岩壁茂(2013):臨床心理学・最新研究レポート第6回エビデンスベースト事例研究 ー 今ここでの関わりの探索.臨床心理学, 13, 881-886.

岩壁茂(2013):臨床心理学・最新研究レポート第3回並行プロセスは実在するか ー スーパービジョンの実証研究.臨床心理学, 13, 580-585.

岩壁茂(2013):臨床心理学・最新研究レポート第2回心理療法における関係性の深みの研究.臨床心理学, 13, 293-298.

岩壁茂(2013):臨床心理学・最新研究レポート第1回 臨床心理学におけるエビデンスの発展.臨床心理学, 13, 145-150.

岩壁茂(2013):臨床家のストレス - セルフケアの視点から.臨床心理学, 12, 805-810.

岩壁茂(2013). エモーション・フォーカスト・セラピーにおける見立てと介入をつなぐ工夫.乾吉祐(編)「心理療法の見立てと介入をつなぐ工夫」p.165-178. 金剛出版.

村瀬嘉代子・森岡正芳・岩壁茂(2013). 臨床の方法としてのケーススタディ.臨床心理学.増刊第5号, 1-23.

岩壁茂(2013):臨床と研究のクロストークをいかに構築するか ー 研究の方法.臨床心理学.増刊第5号, 53-61.

Iwakabe, S., & Orlinsky, D. (Moderator). (2013, June). Social and cultural aspects of psychotherapy research: Assumptions and biases that reveal cultural views of psychotherapy. Structured Discussion held at the annual meeting of The Society for Psychotherapy Research, Brisbane, Australia.

Iwakabe, S., & Conceicao, N. (2013). A qualitative study on therapists' change processes in AEDP training and practice: Are they (all) so AEDP-specific? Paper presented at the annual meeting of The Society for Exploration of Psychotherapy Integration (SEPI), Barcelona, Spain.

Conceicao, N., & Iwakabe, S. (2013). Metaprocessing: An initial attempt for a process model building of transformational cascade. Paper presented at the annual meeting of The Society for Exploration of Psychotherapy Integration (SEPI), Barcelona, Spain.

Nucena, B. D., Cristo, S., Conceicao, N., Ferreira, A. R., Iwakabe, S. (2013). Clients' perspectives of change mechanisms and processes in AEDP. Paper presented at the annual meeting of The Society for Exploration of Psychotherapy Integration (SEPI), Barcelona, Spain.


Iwakabe, S., & Enns, C. Z. (2012). Counselling and psychotherapy in Japan. In R. Moodley, U. P. Gielen, & R. Wu (Eds.), Handbook of counselling and psychotherapy in an international context. Routledge.

山口慶子・岩壁 茂. (2012). 母親であることと心理臨床家であること:子育て体験と臨床活動の交差.心理臨床学研究,29, 728-738.

Iwakabe, S. (2012, May). (Moderator). Working with emotion in AEDP and EFT: Commonalities and Differences. Part I: The Relationship and Experiential Work. Fosha, D. What's love got to do with it? Going beyond empathy to experiential work with relational experience. Greenberg, L. S. Presence, Empathy and Compassion: The Elements of Bonding. Symposium presented at the annual meeting of The Society for Exploration of Psychotherapy Integration, Evanston, IL.

Conceicao, N., Iwakabe, S., & Pascual-Leone, A. (2012). A qualitative study on therapists working at the edge of experience: their change processes and development. Paper presented at the annual meeting of The Society for Exploration of Psychotherapy Integration, Evanston, IL.

Iwakabe, S. (2012, May). (Moderator). Working with emotion in AEDP and EFT: Commonalities and Differences, Part II: Transformation in Action: Emergent Principles of Emotional Healing. Work. Fosha, D. Working at the edge of transformational experience: Turbocharging neuroplasticity through AEDP's metaprocessing. Greenberg, L. S. Principles of Emotional change: You have to feel it to heal it . Mini-workshop presented at the annual meeting of The Society for Exploration of Psychotherapy Integration, Evanston, IL.

Yamaguchi, K., & Iwakabe, S. (2012). Therapist’s Experience of becoming a Mother: Influences of therapist’s own early parenting experience on clinical practice. Poster presented at the annual meeting of The Society for Exploration of Psychotherapy Integration, Evanston, IL.

Iwakabe, S., Itoh, M., & Yamaguchi, K. (2012, June). The process of resolving shame: A task analytic study. Paper presented at the annual meeting of The Society for Psychotherapy Research, Virginia Beach, VA.

Iwakabe, S. (2012, June). (Discussant). Culture and social context of psychotherapy and psychotherapy research: Perspective from different professions and different cultures. Structured Discussion held at the annual meeting of The Society for Psychotherapy Research, Virginia Beach, VA.

Iwakabe, S. (2012, June). (Discussant). Psychoanalytic single case studies published in ISI ranked journals: A review. Panel presented at the annual meeting of The Society for Psychotherapy Research, Virginia Beach, VA.

岸田彩・中村香理・柏谷牧・山口慶子・岩壁茂・白鳥志保・上野まどか・福島真一・金沢吉展(2012). スーパービジョンにおける「良かった体験」に関する研究-初心スーパーバイジーの学びに関する質的分析-,日本心理臨床学会第31回大会論文集,343.

中村香理・岸田彩・柏谷牧・山口慶子・岩壁茂・白鳥志保・上野まどか・福島真一・金沢吉展(2012). スーパービジョンにおける「良くなかった体験」に関する研究-中心的なテーマと学びに関する質的分析-,日本心理臨床学会第31回大会論文集,344.

白鳥志保・上野まどか・福島真一・金沢吉展・中村香理・岸田彩・柏谷牧・山口慶子・岩壁茂(2012). スーパーヴィジョンにおける「言わなかった体験」に関する研究(1)-内容と理由に関する質的分析-,日本心理臨床学会第31回大会論文集,345.

足立英彦・坂本憲治・藤岡勲・中村香理・糟谷寛子・隅谷理子・福島哲夫・沢宮容子・岩壁茂 (2012).二項対立の面接場面におけるセラピストの肯定―合議制質的研究法による初期モデルの生成―,日本心理臨床学会第31回大会論文集,338.

足立英彦・白鳥志保・中村香理・横田悠季・岩壁茂・伊藤正哉 (2011).セラピストの肯定に関するプロセス研究(1)―対人プロセス想起法によるセラピストの介入意図の整理―,日本心理臨床学会第30回大会論文集,225.


Greenberg, L. S., & Iwakabe, S. (2011). Emotion-focused therapy and shame. In R. L. Dearing & J. P. Tangney (Eds.), Shame in the therapeutic hour (pp.69-90). Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.

Iwakabe, S. (2011). Commentary: Extending systematic case study method: Generating and testing hypotheses about therapeutic factors through comparisons of successful and unsuccessful cases. Pragmatic Case Studies in Psychotherapy, 7, 339-350.

Iwakabe, S., & Enns, C. Z. (in press). Counselling and psychotherapy in Japan. Scheduled for publication in R. Moodley, U. P. Gielen, & R. Wu (Eds.), Handbook of counselling and psychotherapy in an international context. Routledge.

岩壁茂(2011). 情動と言葉 ー 感情焦点化療法の立場から.現代のエスプリ, 530, 93-106.

岩壁茂(2011). 心理療法のエビデンスー効果研究とメタ分析が示す治療的要因.心と社会,143.

岩壁茂(2011). 引き継ぎで遭遇する困難.札幌学院大学心理臨床センター紀要, 10.

岩壁茂(2011). 効果研究とプロセス研究.心理臨床学事典.丸善.

Fukushima, T., Iwakabe, S., & Ito, M. (2011, June). Varieties of therapist affirmation responses; A culture-specific imperative or transcultural therapeutic factor? Paper presented at the annual meeting of The Society for Psychotherapy Research, Bern. Switzerland.

Ito, M., Iwakabe, S., & Greenberg, L. (2011, June). Self-soothing in psychotherapy: Theoretical classification and a single case study. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Society for Psychotherapy Research, Bern, Switzerland.

Iwakabe, S. (2011, June). Psychotherapy case studies in Japan. A structured Discussion group organized by Daniel Fishman at the annual meeting of The Society for Psychotherapy Research, Bern, Switzerland.

Iwakabe, S. (2011, June). Psychotherapy In Japana. "Hallmarks of psychotherapy research, take 3: Encouters and challenges between generations and cultures: A structured Discussion group organized by Louis Castonguay at the annual meeting of The Society for Psychotherapy Research, Bern, Switzerland.


岩壁茂(2010):初回面接における共感的反射と共感的肯定。精神療法,36, 509-510.

岩壁茂(2010):感情と体験の心理療法 過去の感情的傷つきをどう扱うか ー "Unfinished business" と空の椅子の対話. 臨床心理学, 10, 741-749.

岩壁茂(2010):感情と体験の心理療法 自己批判による葛藤と二つの椅子の対話 ー 対立する二つの自己をどう統合するか. 臨床心理学, 10, 574-582.

岩壁茂(2010):感情と体験の心理療法 感情調整. 臨床心理学, 10, 420-428.

岩壁茂(2010):感情と体験の心理療法 感情の気づきを高めるために. 臨床心理学, 10, 274-282.

岩壁茂(2010):感情と体験の心理療法 共感的肯定と共感的探索 ー 共感を基礎とした介入課題. 臨床心理学, 10, 91-99.

McMain, S., Pos, A., & Iwakabe, S. (2010). [Invited Paper] Facilitating emotion regulation: General principles for psychotherapy. Psychotherapy Bulletin, 45, 16-21.

Iwakabe, S. (2010, June). (Discussant).The Individual- Case- Comparison (ICC) method for systematically comparing good-­outcome and poor-­outcome RCT clients. Symposium presented at the annual meeting of The Society for Psychotherapy Research, Asilomar, California.

Iwakabe, S. (2010, June). (Discussant). Research on psychotherapists in Asia: New studies from the SPR collaborative research network. Symposium presented at the annual meeting of The Society for Psychotherapy Research, Asilomar, California.

Iwakabe, S. (2010, June). (Discussant). Self and mind: Can we agree on what we are trying to change here? Symposium presented at the annual meeting of The Society for Psychotherapy Research, Asilomar, California.

Iwakabe, S. (2010, June). (Discussant). Learning from treatment failures. Symposium presented at the annual meeting of The Society for Psychotherapy Research, Asilomar, California

Iwakabe, S. (2010, June). (Discussant). Emotion and narrative change processes in individual and couple therapy. Symposium presented at the annual meeting of The Society for Psychotherapy Research, Asilomar, California.

Iwakabe, S. (2010, May). (Discussant). Common versus specific principles of emotion regulation in Dialectical Behavior Therapy and Emotion-Focused Therapy. Symposiumpresented at the annual meeting of The Society for Exploration of Psychotherapy Integration, Firenze, Italy.

Iwakabe, S. (2010, May). (Discussant). Comparing two approaches to integrative case formulation with a Japanese client. Symposium presented at the annual meeting of The Society for Exploration of Psychotherapy Integration, Firenze, Italy.

Ito, M., Greenberg, L. S., Iwakabe, S., & Pascual-Leone, A. (2010, May). A task analysis for self-soothing process in emotion-focused therapy. Paper presented at the annual meeting of The Society for Exploration of Psychotherapy Integration, Firenze, Italy.

横田悠季・岩壁茂 (2010,論文発表): 困難な面接場面における臨床家の主観的体験 ー 質的分析を用いて.日本心理臨床学会第29回大会.

岩壁茂 (2010): 臨床家のうつ、臨床家のストレス、セルフケア.日本心理臨床学会第29回大会.自主シンポジウム「臨床家のストレスと癒しについて考える」(企画・金沢吉展).


岩壁茂(2009):効果研究とプロセス研究 — 心理療法・カウンセリングの実証的基盤(前).日本大学文理学部心理臨床センター紀要,6, 73-85.

岩壁 茂(2009):実践研究を発展させるために —心理療法の効果とプロセスの研究から 感情の役割と感情の作業の治療原則.臨床心理学,9,14-21.

岩壁 茂(2009):感情と体験の心理療法 (1)感情の役割と感情の作業の治療原則.臨床心理学,9,249-258.

岩壁 茂(2009):感情と体験の心理療法 感情のアセスメント (1).臨床心理学,9,395-402.

岩壁 茂(2009):感情と体験の心理療法 感情のアセスメント (2).臨床心理学,9,534-542.

岩壁 茂(2009):感情と体験の心理療法 介入の段階と中心的作業.臨床心理学,9,660-668.

岩壁 茂(2009):感情焦点化療法の立場から 実行委員会企画シンポジウム 2「うつの理解とアプローチをめぐって」日本心理臨床学会第28回大会.

山口慶子・佐合累・岩壁茂・金沢吉展(2009): 心理臨床家の職業的発達に関する調査から:(8)大学院における学習体験に関する質的分析」日本心理臨床学会第28回大会.

佐合累・山口慶子・岩壁茂・金沢吉展(2009): 「心理臨床家の職業的発達に関する調査から:(9)大学院の困難体験に関する質的分析」日本心理臨床学会第28回大会.

Iwakabe, S., & Gazzola, N. (2009). From single-case studies to practice-based knowledge: Aggregating and synthesizing case studies. Psychotherapy Research, 19, 1-11.


Shigeru Iwakabe (2008, June). Grounded theory analysis on client experience in the initial psychotherapy session. Paper presented at the annual meeting of The Society for Psychotherapy Research, Barcelona, Spain.

Shigeru Iwakabe (2008, May). Mismatch between therapist and client in therapeutic failures: A qualitative study on therapist perspective. Paper presented at the annual meeting of The Society for Exploration of Psychotherapy Integration, Boston.

Shigeru Iwakabe (2008, June). (Discussant). New vistas on an inconvenient topic: The instructive impact of failures in psychotherapy(moderator Annegret Conrad). Symposium presented at the annual meeting of The Society for Psychotherapy Research, Barcelona, Spain.

Shigeru Iwakabe (2008, June). (Discussant). Emotional change processes. (moderator Leslie Greenberg). Symposium presented at the annual meeting of The Society for Psychotherapy Research, Barcelona, Spain.

岩壁茂(2008): クライエントの変容プロセスを記述する同化分析 ー 統合的実践の準拠枠.pp.381-398.小山充道(編著)「必携 臨床心理 アセスメント」 金剛出版.

岩壁茂・金沢吉展 (2008) 心理臨床家の職業的発達に関する調査から:-(5)臨床業務を行う現在の動機に関する質的分析- 日本心理臨床学会第27回大会

岩壁茂・金沢吉展(2008) 心理臨床家の職業的発達に関する調査から:-(6) 心理臨床に関する見方の変化に関する質的分析-日本心理臨床学会第27回大会

岩壁茂 (2008). 女性臨床家とクライエントとの“ミスマッチ”について日本心理臨床学会第27回大会 自主シンポジウム 「心理臨床家の教育・訓練をめぐる課題について(2)」


岩壁茂(2007):カウンセラー・セラピストに求められる資質.pp.44-51. 金沢吉展(編著) 「カウンセリング・心理療法の基礎」有斐閣.

岩壁茂(2007):スーパービジョン.pp.60-s69. 金沢吉展(編著)「カウンセリング・心理療法の基礎」.有斐閣.

岩壁茂(2007):カウンセリング・心理療法の過程.pp.121-162. 金沢吉展(編著)「カウンセリング・心理療法の基礎」.有斐閣.

岩壁茂(2007):カウンセリング・心理療法の効果.pp.163-187. 金沢吉展(編著)「カウンセリング・心理療法の基礎」.有斐閣.

Iwakabe, S., & Kanazawa, Y. (2007, June). Trainees perception of impaired peers in clinical psychology programs in Japan: A qualitative study. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Society for Psychotherapy Research. Madison, Wisconsin.

Iwakabe, S. (2007, July). Therapeutic failures: A framework for understanding therapist’s mistakes. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Society for the Exploration of Psychotherapy Integration. Lisbon, Portugal.

Kanazawa, Y., & Iwakabe, S. (2007, June). Impaired trainees in clinical psychology programs in Japan: A qualitative study on instructors’ view. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Society for Psychotherapy Research. Madison, Wisconsin.

金沢吉展・岩壁茂 (2007) 心理臨床家の職業的発達に関する調査から:-(3)臨床家を志す動機に関する質的分析- 日本心理 臨床学会第26回大会

岩壁茂・金沢吉展(2007) 心理臨床家の職業的発達に関する調査から:-(4)職業的発達の契機に関する質的分析-日本心理臨床学会第26回大会

岩壁茂 (2007). 指定討論者.日本心理臨床学会第27回大会 自主シンポジウム 「心理臨床家の教育・訓練をめぐる課題について」


金沢吉展・岩壁 茂「心理臨床家の専門家としての発達、および、職業的ストレスへの対処について:文献研究」 明治学院大学心理学部付属研究所紀要、4号、2006年3月、pp. 57-73.

金沢吉展・岩壁 茂 「心理臨床家の職業的発達に関する調査から:(1)臨床家としての自己評価に影響を与える要因について」 日本心理臨床学会第25回大会、2006年9月 (同大会発表論文集、p. 234)

岩壁 茂・金沢吉展 「心理臨床家の職業的発達に関する調査から:(2)心理臨床家の直面する困難とその対処法について」 日本心理臨床学会第25回大会、2006年9月(同大会発表論文集、p. 235)


Fitzpatrick, M., Stalikas, A., & Iwakabe, S. (2005). Perspective divergence in the working alliance. Psychotherapy Research

岩壁茂.(2005):心理療法の効果測定 — 初回面接の実践効果研究.臨床心理学,5, p.123-128.

岩壁茂 (2005) :効果研究.下山晴彦(編)「臨床心理学の新しいかたち(pp.180-202)」誠信書房.

Iwakabe, S. (2005). Fears and anxieties of beginning therapists in Japan. Paper presented at the annual meeting of The Society for Psychotherapy Research, Montreal, Canada.


岩壁茂.(2004):クライエントの初回面接の体験ム札幌学院大学心理臨床センターにおける実践的研究の取り組み.札幌学院大学心理臨床セン ター紀要, 4、p.1-16.


Gazzola, N., Iwakabe, S., & Stalikas, A. (2003). Counselor interpretations and the occurrence of in-session client change moment in non-dynamic psychotherapies. Counselling Psychology Quarterly, 16,81-94.

Iwakabe, S. (2003). The pluralistic nature of the field of psychotherapy: A response to Al Mahrer. Journal of The Hellenic Society of Psychology, 10, 25-30.

岩壁茂.(2003):面接中の微少的変容過程を示す指標.札幌学院大学心理臨床センター紀要, 3.

Iwakabe, S. (2003, May). Common change events in stages of psychotherapy: A qualitative analysis of case reports. Paper will be presented at the 19th annual conference of the Society of the Exploration of Psychotherapy Integration, New York.

Iwakabe, S. (2003, May). Psychotherapy integration in Japan: A critical examination of cultural integration and its problems. In P. L. Wachtel (Chair), A world-view perspective. Invited dialogue will be conducted at the 19th annual conference of the Society of the Exploration of Psychotherapy Integration, New York.


岩壁茂・小山充道.(2002):心理臨床研究における科学性に関する一考察.心理臨床学研究, 20, 443-452.

Iwakabe, S. (2002, June). The practice of psychotherapy in Japan: Meta-analysis of case studies. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Society of Psychotherapy Research, Santa Barbara, CA.


岩壁茂.(2001):治療者に向けられた怒りへの介入法.札幌学院大学心理臨床センター紀要, 1, 1-21.

Fitzpatrick, M., Stalikas, A., & Iwakabe, S. (2001). Examining counselor interventions and client progress in the context of the therapeutic alliance. Psychotherapy: Theory/ Research/ Practice/ Training, 38, 160-170.

De Stefano, J., Bernadelli,, T., Stalikas, A., & Iwakabe, S. (2001). The relationship of therapist verbal response mode and client good moments in short term dynamic psychotherapy. Canadian Journal of Counselling, 35, 260-276.

Iwakabe, S., Gazzola, N. (2001, August). A comparison of three event approaches to studying psychotherapy. Poster presented at the 109th annual convention of the American Psychological Association, San Francisco, CA.


Iwakabe, S., Rogan, K., & Stalikas, A. (2000). The relationship between client emotional expressions, therapist interventions, and the working alliance: An exploration of eight emotional expression events. Journal of Psychotherapy Integration, 10, 375-401.


Iwakabe, S. (1999). Chaos theory and psychotherapy: The metaphoric relationship between chaos and psychodynamic therapy. Psychotherapy: Theory/ Research/ Practice/ Training, 36, 274-286.

Fitzpatrick, M., Peternelli, P., Stalikas, A., & Iwakabe, S. (1999). Client emotional involvement and occurrence of in-session therapeutic phenomena. Canadian Journal of Counselling, 33, 179-194.



『うつに対する感情焦点化療法:エモーション・フォーカスト・ セラピー(EFT)の理論と実際』レスリー・S・グリーンバーグ.日本心理療法研究所・丸善.監修.2005.平木典子・中釜洋子・野末武義(共同監修・共訳)

『アメリカ心理学会心理療法ビデオシリーズIII:行動の健康および健康カウンセリング:アルコール・薬物乱用の心理療法 — 動機付けを高めるクライエント中心療法的アプローチ』ウィリアム・リチャード・ミラー. 日本心理療法研究所・丸善.監修.2003.



『アメリカ心理学会心理療法ビデオシリーズIII:行動の健康および健康カウンセリング:性の健康 — 精神分析的アプローチと実存アプローチの統合的心理療法』 リサ・ファイアストーン.日本心理療法研究所・丸善.監修.2003.

『アメリカ心理学会心理療法ビデオシリーズIII:行動の健康および健康カウンセリング:禁煙のための行動心理学 — エビデンス・ベースド・アプローチ』ボニー・J・スプリング.日本心理療法研究所・丸善.監修.2003.

『アメリカ心理学会心理療法ビデオシリーズIII:行動の健康および健康カウンセリング:減量と体重管理の心理療法 — 行動認知アプローチと対人的アプローチの統合』 アン・マリー・カーニークック.日本心理療法研究所・丸善.監修.2003.


Iwakabe, S., Fukushima, T., & Ito, E. (2013). Introduction to Clinical Psychology. Tokyo, Japan: Yuhikaku.

Hiraki, N., Iwakabe, S., & Fukushima, T. (2011). (Eds.). The era of depression: Integrative approaches to treatment. Tokyo, Japan: Kongo Publishing.

Iwakabe, S. (2010). The process of qualitative research in clinical psychology. [in Japanese] Tokyo, Japan: Iwaksaki Academic Publishing.

Iwakabe, S. (2009). Research methods in psychotherapy process research. [in Japanese]Tokyo, Japan: Shinyo-sha.

Iwakabe, S. (2007). Clinical explorations of therapeutic failures: How therapists face, work through, and frow from their mistakes. [in Japanese] Tokyo, Japan: Kongo Publishing.


Iwakabe, S. (2012). Qualitative research on cognitive therapy. In N. Azuma (Ed.), The Developments in cognitive therapy: Theory, practice, and research (pp.81-114). Tokyo, Japan: Iwasaki Academic Publishing.

Iwakabe, S., & Enns, C. Z. (2012). Counselling and psychotherapy in Japan. In R. Moodley, U. P. Gielen, & R. Wu (Eds.), Handbook of counselling and psychotherapy in an international context. London: Routledge.

Greenberg, L. S., & Iwakabe, S. (2011). Emotion-focused therapy and shame. In R. L. Dearing & J. P. Tangney (Eds.), Shame in the therapeutic hour (pp.69-90). Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.

Iwakabe, S. (2011). Emotion-focused therapy for depression. In N. Hiraki, S. Iwakabe, & T. Fukushima (Eds.), The era of depression: Integrative approaches to treatment (pp.85-104). Tokyo, Japan: Kongo Publishing.

Iwakabe, S., & Maruyama, Y. (2011). The experience of depression: A review of qualitative and narrative research. In N. Hiraki, S. Iwakabe, & T. Fukushima (Eds.), The era of depression: Integrative approaches to treatment (pp.288-307). Tokyo, Japan: Kongo Publishing.

Iwakabe, S. (2011). Therapists’ experience of depression: burnouts, impairment, and self-care. In N. Hiraki, S. Iwakabe, & T. Fukushima (Eds.), The era of depression: Integrative approaches to treatment (pp.308-327). Tokyo, Japan: Kongo Publishing.

Iwakabe, S. (2011, in print). Psychotherapy outcome research on depression: A review. In N. Hiraki, S. Iwakabe, & T. Fukushima (Eds.), The era of depression: Integrative approaches to treatment (pp.323-354). Tokyo, Japan: Kongo Publishing.

Iwakabe, S. (2011). Depression and integrative approaches. In N. Hiraki, S. Iwakabe, & T. Fukushima (Eds.), The era of depression: Integrative approaches to treatment (pp.355-376). Tokyo, Japan: Kongo Publishing.

Iwakabe, S. (2007). Characteristics of a therapist. In Y. Kanazawa (Ed.), The Foundations for counseling and psychotherapy (pp.44-51). Tokyo, Japan: Yuhikaku.

Iwakabe, S. (2007). Supervision. In Y. Kanazawa (Ed.), The Foundations for counseling and psychotherapy (pp.60-70). Tokyo, Japan: Yuhikaku.

Iwakabe, S. (2007). The process of counseling. In Y. Kanazawa (Ed.), The Foundations for counseling and psychotherapy (pp.121-162). Tokyo, Japan: Yuhikaku.

Iwakabe, S. (2007). The process of counseling. In Y. Kanazawa (Ed.), The Foundations for counseling and psychotherapy (pp.164-190). Tokyo, Japan: Yuhikaku.


Iwakabe, S. (2012 in press). The stress of psychotherapists. Japanese Journal of Clinical Psychology, 12.

Iwakabe, S. (2012 in press). Recent developments in integrative approaches. Japanese Journal of Psychotherapy, 38.

Murai, R., Iwakabe, S., & Sugioka, S. (2013, in press). Trainee Therapists’ Difficulties and Coping Strategies in the First Psychotherapy Session: Comparing a Continuing Case and a Drop-out Case. Journal of Japanese Clinical Psychology.

Yamaguchi, K., & Iwakabe, S. (2012). Being a mother and a therapist at the same time: The convergence of parenting experience and professional development of female therapists with small children. Journal of Japanese Clinical Psychology, 6, 728-738.

Iwakabe, S. (2011). Commentary: Extending systematic case study method: Generating and testing hypotheses about therapeutic factors through comparisons of successful and unsuccessful cases. Pragmatic Case Studies in Psychotherapy, 7, 339-350.

Iwakabe, S. (2011). Emotion and language: From the perspective of emotion-focused therapy. [in Japanese] L’esprit d’aujourad’hui, 530, 93-106.

Iwakabe, S. (2011). Psychotherapy and its evidential basis: Therapeutic factors derived from outcome research and its meta-analysis, Psychology and Society, 143, 11-30.

Iwakabe, S. (2010). Difficulties and problems in transferring clients between trainees in training clinics. [In Japanese]. Bulletin of Clinical Psychology Centre at Sapporo Gakuin University, 10, 33-40.

Iwakabe, S. (2010). [Invited Series] Emotional experience in psychotherapy part. 6: Empathic validation and empathic exploration: Therapeutic tasks based on therapist’s empathy. [in Japanese] Japanese Journal of Clinical Psychology, 10, 91—99.

McMain, S., Pos, A., & Iwakabe, S. (2010). [Invited Paper] Facilitating emotion regulation: General principles for psychotherapy. Psychotherapy Bulletin, 45, 16-21.

Iwakabe, S., & Gazzola, N. (2009). From single case studies to practice-based knowledge: Aggregating and synthesizing case studies. Psychotherapy Research, 19, 601-611.

Iwakabe, S. (2009). [Invited Series] Emotional experience in psychotherapy part. 5: Emotional change and therapist’s empathic process [in Japanese] Japanese Journal of Clinical Psychology, 9, 792--800.

Iwakabe, S. (2009). [Invited Series] Emotional experience in psychotherapy part. 4: Varieties of empathic experiences. [in Japanese] Japanese Journal of Clinical Psychology, 9, 658--669.

Iwakabe, S. (2009). [Invited Series] Emotional experience in psychotherapy part. 4: Phases of working with emotions. [in Japanese] Japanese Journal of Clinical Psychology, 9, 545--556.

Iwakabe, S. (2009). [Invited Series] Emotional experience in psychotherapy part. 3: Emotion Assessment: Process diagnosis and moment-to-moment tracking [in Japanese] Japanese Journal of Clinical Psychology, 9, 469--490.

Iwakabe, S. (2009). [Invited Series] Emotional experience in psychotherapy part. 2: Emotion Assessment: Adaptive and maladaptive emotions. [in Japanese] Japanese Journal of Clinical Psychology, 9, 369-380.

Iwakabe, S. (2009). [Invited Series] Emotional experience in psychotherapy part. 1: Adaptive Roles of Emotion and principles of working with emotions in psychotherapy. [in Japanese] Japanese Journal of Clinical Psychology, 9, 249-258.

Iwakabe, S. (2008). Psychotherapy integration in Japan. Journal of Psychotherapy Integration, 18, 103-125.

Fitzpatrick, M., Stalikas, A., & Iwakabe, S. (2005). Perspective divergence in the working alliance. Psychotherapy Research, 15, 69-80.

Iwakabe, S. (2005). Measuring therapeutic effects in psychotherapy: Studying the first sessions using a practice oriented research design. Japanese Journal of Clinical Psychology, 5, 123-128.

Iwakabe, S. (2005). Meta-analysis of case studies: Synthesizing results of published case studies. Annuals of Japanese Family Therapy, 23, 154-169.

Iwakabe, S. (2004). What happens in the first session of psychotherapy: A Qualitative investigation of client subjective experience. [In Japanese] Bulletin of Clinical Psychology Centre at Sapporo Gakuin University, 3, 1-19.

Gazzola, N., Iwakabe, S., & Stalikas, A. (2003). Counselor interpretations and the occurrence of in-session client change moment in non-dynamic psychotherapies. Counselling Psychology Quarterly, 16, 81-94.

Iwakabe, S. (2003). The Pluralistic Nature of the Field of Psychotherapy: A Response to Al Mahrer. The Journal of the Hellenic Psychological Society, 10, 25-30.

Iwakabe, S. (2002). Building the scientific foundations of psychotherapy: Methods of studying process and outcome of psychotherapy. [In Japanese]. Journal of Japanese Clinical Psychology, 20, 443-452.

De Stefano, J., Bernardelli, A., Stalikas, A., & Iwakabe, S. (2001). The relationship of therapist verbal response mode and client good moments in short term dynamic psychotherapy. Canadian Journal of Counselling, 35, 260-276.

Fitzpatrick, M. R., Stalikas, A., & Iwakabe, S. (2001). Examining counselor interventions and client progress in the context of the therapeutic alliance. Psychotherapy: Theory, Research, Practice, Training, 38, 160-170.

Iwakabe, S. (2001). On working with client anger directed at the therapist. [In Japanese]. Bulletin of Clinical Psychology Centre at Sapporo Gakuin University, 1, 1-23.

Iwakabe, S., Rogan, K., & Stalikas, A. (2000). The relationship between client emotional expressions, therapist interventions, and the working alliance: An exploration of eight emotional expression events. Journal of Psychotherapy Integration, 4, 375-401.

Fitzpatrick, M., Peternelli, L., Stalikas, A., & Iwakabe, S. (1999). Client emotional involvement and occurrence of in-session therapeutic phenomena. Canadian Journal of Counselling, 33, 179-194.

Iwakabe, S. (1999). Psychotherapy and chaos theory: The metaphoric relationship between psychodynamic therapy and chaos theory. Psychotherapy: Theory, Research, Practice, and Training, 36, 274-287.


Iwakabe, S. (2011, in press). Psychotherapy outcome and process research. In the Association of Japanese Clinical Psychology (Ed.), The encyclopedia of clinical psychology. Tokyo, Japan: Maruzen.

American Psychological Association. (Ed.). (2002). APA Psychotherapy Videotape Series I: Systems of Psychotherapy. [Film] (S. Iwakabe, Japanese Trans.). Tokyo, Japan: Japan Institute of Psychotherapy/Maruzen Publishing. (Original work published in 1993, Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.).

Greenberg, L. S., Rice, L., & Elliott, R. (2005). Facilitating emotional change: The moment-by-moment process (S. Iwakabe, Japanese Trans.). Tokyo, Japan: Seishinshobo Publishing. (Original work published in 1993, New York: Guilford.).

Greenberg, L. S. (2010, In progress). Emotion-Focused Therapy: Coaching clients to work through their feelings. (S. Iwakabe, Japanese Trans.). Tokyo, Japan: Kongo Publishing. (Original work published in 2002, Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.).

VandenBos, G. R., Frank-McNeil, J., Norcross, J. C., & Freedheim, D. K. (2003). The anatomy of psychotherapy: Viewer’s guide to the APA Psychotherapy Videotape Series. (S. Iwakabe, Japanese Trans.). Tokyo, Japan: Seishin shobo Publishing. (Original Work published in 1995, Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.).

Wachtel, E. F. (2007). Treating troubled children and their families. (S. Iwakabe, Japanese Trans.). Tokyo, Japan: Seiwa Shoten. (Original work published in 1993, New York: Guilford.).


Iwakabe, S. (2012, June).The process of resolving shame: A task analytic study. Paper presented at the annual meeting of The Society for Psychotherapy Research, Virginia Beach.

Iwakabe, S. (2012, May). (Moderator). Working with emotion in AEDP and EFT: Commonalities and Differences. Part I: The Relationship and Experiential Work. Fosha, D. What's love got to do with it? Going beyond empathy to experiential work with relational experience. Greenberg, L. S. Presence, Empathy and Compassion: The Elements of Bonding. Symposium presented at the annual meeting of The Society for Exploration of Psychotherapy Integration, Evanston, IL.

Iwakabe, S. (2012, May). (Moderator). Working with emotion in AEDP and EFT: Commonalities and Differences, Part II: Transformation in Action: Emergent Principles of Emotional Healing. Work. Fosha, D. Working at the edge of transformational experience: Turbocharging neuroplasticity through AEDP's metaprocessing. Greenberg, L. S. Principles of Emotional change: You have to feel it to heal it . Mini-workshop presented at the annual meeting of The Society for Exploration of Psychotherapy Integration, Evanston, IL.

Conceicao, N., Iwakabe, S., & Pascual-Leone, A. (2012, May). A qualitative study on therapists working at the edge of experience: their change processes and development. Paper presented at the annual meeting of The Society for Exploration of Psychotherapy Integration, Evanston, IL.

Yamaguchi, K., & Iwakabe, S. (2012, May). Therapist’s Experience of becoming a Mother: Influences of therapist’s own early parenting experience on clinical practice. Poster presented at the annual meeting of The Society for Exploration of Psychotherapy Integration, Evanston, IL.

Iwakabe, S. (2011, October). Qualitative research in cognitive therapy. Invited paper presented at annual meeting of The Japanese Association for Cognitive Therapy. Osaka, Japan.

Iwakabe, S. (2011, September). The future of Japanese clinical psychology: Two integrations. Invited paper presented at the symposium, The past, present, and future of Japanese clinical psychology: the 30th anniversary of the Association of Japanese Clinical Psychology, at the annual meeting of The Japanese Association for Cognitive Therapy. Fukuoka, Japan.

Fukushima, T., Iwakabe, S., & Ito, M. (2011, June). Varieties of therapist affirmation responses; A culture-specific imperative or transcultural therapeutic factor? Paper presented at the annual meeting of The Society for Psychotherapy Research, Bern. Switzerland.

Ito, M., Iwakabe, S., & Greenberg, L. (2011, June). Self-soothing in psychotherapy: Theoretical classification and a single case study. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Society for Psychotherapy Research, Bern, Switzerland.

Iwakabe, S. (2011, June). Psychotherapy case studies in Japan. A structured Discussion group organized by Daniel Fishman at the annual meeting of The Society for Psychotherapy Research, Bern, Switzerland.

Iwakabe, S. (2011, June). Psychotherapy In Japan. "Hallmarks of psychotherapy research, take 3: Encouters and challenges between generations and cultures: A structured Discussion group organized by Louis Castonguay at the annual meeting of The Society for Psychotherapy Research, Bern, Switzerland.

Fukushima, T., Iwakabe, S., & Ito, M. (2011, June). Varieties of therapist affirmation responses; A culture-specific imperative or transcultural therapeutic factor? Paper presented at the annual meeting of The Society for Psychotherapy Research, Bern. Switzerland.

Iwakabe, S. (2010, June). (Discussant).The Individual- Case- Comparison (ICC) method for systematically comparing good-­outcome and poor-­outcome RCT clients. Symposium presented at the annual meeting of The Society for Psychotherapy Research, Asilomar, California.

Iwakabe, S. (2010, June). (Discussant). Research on psychotherapists in Asia: New studies from the SPR collaborative research network. Symposium presented at the annual meeting of The Society for Psychotherapy Research, Asilomar, California.

Iwakabe, S. (2010, June). (Discussant). Self and mind: Can we agree on what we are trying to change here? Symposium presented at the annual meeting of The Society for Psychotherapy Research, Asilomar, California.

Iwakabe, S. (2010, June). (Discussant). Learning from treatment failures. Symposium presented at the annual meeting of The Society for Psychotherapy Research, Asilomar, California.

Iwakabe, S. (2010, June). (Discussant). Emotion and narrative change processes in individual and couple therapy. Symposium presented at the annual meeting of The Society for Psychotherapy Research, Asilomar, California.

Iwakabe, S. (2010, May). (Discussant). Common versus specific principles of emotion regulation in Dialectical Behavior Therapy and Emotion-Focused Therapy. Symposiumpresented at the annual meeting of The Society for Exploration of Psychotherapy Integration, Firenze, Italy.

Iwakabe, S. (2010, May). (Discussant). Comparing two approaches to integrative case formulation with a Japanese client. Symposium presented at the annual meeting of The Society for Exploration of Psychotherapy Integration, Firenze, Italy.

Ito, M., Greenberg, L. S., Iwakabe, S., & Pascual-Leone, A. (2010, May). A task analysis for self-soothing process in emotion-focused therapy. Paper presented at the annual meeting of The Society for Exploration of Psychotherapy Integration, Firenze, Italy.

Yokota, Y., & Iwakabe, S. (2010). Therapist’s experience in difficult moments: A qualitative analysis. Paper presented at the annual meeting of The Association of Japanese Clinical Psychology, Sendai, Japan.

Iwakabe, S. (2010). Therapist’s depression, stress, and self-care. Paper presented at the annual meeting of The Association of Japanese Clinical Psychology, Sendai, Japan.

Iwakabe, S. (2009). Depression viewed from Emotion-Focused Therapy. Paper presented in an invited symposium, “Depression from three theoretical perspectives” at the annual meeting of The Association of Japanese Clinical Psychology, Tokyo, Japan.

Yamaguchi, K., Sago, K., Iwakabe, S., & Kanazawa, Y. (2009). Professional development of Japanese clinical psychologists (8): A qualitative analysis of clinical learning experience in graduate training. Paper presented at the annual meeting of The Association of Japanese Clinical Psychology, Tokyo, Japan.

Sago, K., Yamaguchi, K., Iwakabe, S., & Kanazawa, Y. (2009). Professional development of Japanese clinical psychologists (9): A qualitative analysis of trainees difficulties in graduate school. Paper presented at the annual meeting of The Association of Japanese Clinical Psychology, Tokyo, Japan.

Iwakabe, S. (2008, June). Grounded theory analysis on client experience in the initial psychotherapy session. Paper presented at the annual meeting of The Society for Psychotherapy Research, Barcelona, Spain.

Iwakabe, S. (2008, May). Mismatch between therapist and client in therapeutic failures: A qualitative study on therapist perspective. Paper presented at the annual meeting of The Society for Exploration of Psychotherapy Integration, Boston.

Iwakabe, S. (2008, June). (Discussant). New vistas on an inconvenient topic: The instructive impact of failures in psychotherapy (Moderator Annegret Conrad). Symposium presented at the annual meeting of The Society for Psychotherapy Research, Barcelona, Spain.

Iwakabe, S. (2008, June). (Discussant). Emotional change processes. (Moderator Leslie Greenberg). Symposium presented at the annual meeting of The Society for Psychotherapy Research, Barcelona, Spain.

Iwakabe, S., & Kanazawa, Y. (2007, June). Trainees perception of impaired peers in clinical psychology programs in Japan: A qualitative study. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Society for Psychotherapy Research. Madison, Wisconsin.

Iwakabe, S. (2007, July). Therapeutic failures: A framework for understanding therapist’s mistakes. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Society for the Exploration of Psychotherapy Integration. Lisbon, Portugal.

Kanazawa, Y., & Iwakabe, S. (2007, June). Impaired trainees in clinical psychology programs in Japan: A qualitative study on instructors’ view. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Society for Psychotherapy Research. Madison, Wisconsin.

Iwakabe, S. (2003, May). Common change events in stages of psychotherapy: A qualitative analysis of case reports. Paper will be presented at the 19th annual conference of the Society of the Exploration of Psychotherapy Integration, New York.

Iwakabe, S. (2003, May). Psychotherapy integration in Japan: A critical examination of cultural integration and its problems. In P. L. Wachtel (Chair), A world-view perspective. Invited dialogue will be conducted at the 19th annual conference of the Society of the Exploration of Psychotherapy Integration, New York.

Iwakabe, S. (2002, June). The practice of psychotherapy in Japan: Meta-analysis of case studies. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Society of Psychotherapy Research, Santa Barbara, CA.

Iwakabe, S., Gazzola, N. (2001, August). A comparison of three event approaches to studying psychotherapy. Poster presented at the 109th annual convention of the American Psychological Association, San Francisco, CA.

Iwakabe, S. (1998, February). Intersection between culture and clinical psychology. The concept of dependency in North America and Japan. Paper presented at the Grand Round of the Department of Psychiatry in Montreal General Hospital, Montreal, Quebec.

Stalikas, A., Iwakabe, S., & Rogan, K. (1996, August). An alternative conceptualization regarding the importance of client emotional involvement and the occurrence of in-session therapeutic phenomena. Symposia presented at the XXVI International Congress of Psychology, Montreal, Quebec.

Iwakabe, S., & Gazzola, N. (1996, August). Methodological issues in research on counseling with Asian Americans: are we overproducing cultural difference? Paper presented at the 104th annual conference of the American Psychological Association, Toronto, Ontario.

Iwakabe, S., Kuchel, S., Audet, C., & Gazzola, N. (1996, March). Recent methodological developments in studies of client emotional processes in psychotherapy: a critical review of five emotional measures. Paper presented at the annual conference of the Eastern Psychological Association, Philadelphia, PA.

Fitzpatrick, M., Morel, K., Iwakabe, S., & Salerno, E. (1996, March). The effects of therapeutic alliance on client emotions. Paper presented at the annual conference of the Eastern Psychological Association, Philadelphia, PA.

Gazzola, N., Iwakabe, S., Quinteros, J., & Frost, J. (1996, March). An examination of in-session client change in client-centered therapy. Paper presented at the annual conference of the Eastern Psychological Association, Philadelphia, PA.

Peternelli, L., Iwakabe, S., & Gill, E. (1996, March). Levels of emotional arousal and optimal therapeutic process. Paper presented at the annual conference of the Eastern Psychological Association, Philadelphia.

Fitzpatrick, M., Stalikas, A., Iwakabe, S. (1995, August). Counsellors interventions, the working alliance, and the client change process. Paper presented at the 103rd annual convention of the American Psychological Association, New York, NY.

Stalikas, A. Fitzpatrick, M., Peternelli, L., and Iwakabe, S. (1995, August). Emotional processes and therapist interventions: latest development in theory, research and practice. Symposia presented at the annual conference of the European Congress of Psychology, Athens, Greece.

Iwakabe, S., Stalikas, A., Gazzola, N., & Rogan, K. (July 1995). A preliminary report on the application of the Strength of Feeling Scale-Revised. Paper presented at the 4th European Congress of Psychology, Athens, Greece.

Iwakabe, S., Rogan, K., and Allard, N. (1995, June). Assessing client emotional processes: an intensive analysis of Rational-Emotive Therapy. Paper presented at the annual conference of the Canadian Psychological Association, Charlottetown, Nova Scotia.

Iwakabe, S., Stalikas, A., Ohashi, E., & Fitopolus, L. (1995, March). Development and validation of the Strength of Client feeling Scale-Revised: measuring client emotional process in psychotherapy. Paper presented at the annual conference of the Eastern Psychological Association, Boston, MA.