andré labelle davey

André is one of the founding members of Purple Octogon Theatre.

a.k.a. : mandrepheus androgon

             the spiritual intoxicator


credits include:  

     directing Jesus & Buddha

     co-directing and performing in Sex, Drugs, Rock & Roll

     performing in The Malcontents

     performing in A Particular Class of Women

     writing & directing Brain Drain and performing in The Comedy Showcase

     adapting, directing & performing in Pulp Fiction - LIVE!

     performing in Who's on First

     directing Code Red

     writing, directing & performing in HEAVEN!

     writing & directing The Importance of Being Human

     graphic design for: The Importance of Being Human, HEAVEN!, Sex, Drugs, Rock & Roll, and Jesus & Buddha

check out the fire breathing & numchucking vid below...

link for further info on the plays by andré at

you can also find more information about his day job at...

...or read further details about mandrepheus androgon below...