with the turn of the millennium... Purple Octogon Theatre gained a name and momentum...

the company is comprised of local actors, writers, directors, singers, MCs, jesters, musicians, artists, and dreamers... working toward an ideal scenario of self-sustainment through art...

Our Goal:

    to produce quality entertainment that engages it's audiences with original productions


    in our willingness to take risks

    in our openness to new works

    in our respect for the artists

We stand out with:

    our ability to open minds

    our audacity to provoke independent thought 

March saw the premier of Code Red in Dalhousie University's playwrights' cabaret

July was the first time appearing on the Neptune stage with The Importance of Being Human

August's Atlantic Fringe 2000 was host to an unprecedented four productions including: 

Code Red, HEAVEN!, and Who's on First? with Code Red garnishing the title of FRINGE HIT!   

Please make your selection from one of the productions performed in the year 2000

Code Red

Who's on First?


The Importance of Being Human