
Name: MARTIN Surname: Nicolas Status: Full Professor

Date and place of birth: 30th of November 1970 in Besançon (France)

Nationality: French

Organisation: High School of Engineers in Mechanics and Microtechnology (ENSMM) in Besançon

Professional address:


15B, Avenue des montboucons F-25030 Besançon cedex

Tel.: +33 (0)3 63 08 24 31 / Email: / Skype: nicolas.martin514


2005: Habilitation à Diriger les Recherches (Docent), University of Franche-Comté (Besançon)

1997: PhD Thesis in Physical Chemistry, University of Franche-Comté (Besançon)

Teaching activities & Employements

2008- ... : Full Professor in High School of Engineers in Mechanics and Microtechnology (ENSMM), Besançon (France)

2005-2008: Associate Professor in High School of Engineers in Mechanics and Microtechnology (ENSMM), Besançon (France)

2000-2005: Assistant Professor in High School of Engineers in Mechanics and Microtechnology (ENSMM), Besançon (France)

1998-2000: Post-doc position, Physics department, Institute of Applied Physics, EPFL, Lausanne (Switzerland)

1997-1998: Assistant position for teaching and research, University of Franche-Comté, Montbéliard (France)

Sabbatical leaves

2012 (12 months): The Angström Laboratory, University of Uppsala (Sweden), Visiting Professor (Délégation CNRS) for working on reactive sputtering process and resulting properties of ceramic thin films based on metallic oxides

2017 (2 months): Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Edmonton (Canada), Visiting Professor for developing GLAD (Glancing Angle Deposition) films for bio-functionalization

Research activities

They concern the physics and technologies of ceramic and metallic thin films prepared by reactive sputtering. The motivation is to understand correlations between structures, electronic transport properties and other physical characteristics of deposited thin films with process parameters. They are focused on two main axes.

- Films with oriented structures: The purpose of this axis is to modify and improve the mechanical, optical and electrical properties of metallic and ceramic coatings, by changing their architecture and microstructure. Adjusting the angle of incidence of the particles flux impinging on the growing film, the orientation of the columnar microstructure of the films is changed. This leads to coatings exhibiting an oriented columnar structure, zigzag or spiral shapes with anisotropic behaviors.

- Metallic oxynitride films by reactive gas pulsing process: While many investigations have been and are still devoted to metallic oxides and nitrides, very few studies have been devoted to oxynitrides. Very recently, such compounds are of particular interest because they exhibit characteristics included between those of oxides (dielectric) and nitrides (metal).

Administrative activities & Management

- Coordinator of the STREP “HARDECOAT” European project in FP6

- Member of the committee on Health and Safety in ENSMM (2003-2012), Scientific Committee in ENSMM (2003-2007, then since 2017)

- Member of Academic Committee of University Bourgogne – Franche-Comté (2016-2020)

- Member of the organizing committee of the international conferences (STIF2C, SURFOCAP, ...)

- Member of several committees for the employment of researchers in the University of Franche-Comté and ENSMM since 2004

- Member of the Scientific committee of the Workshops and International Conferences since 2004 (ASEVA, RIVA, EMRS, STIF2C, SURFOCAP …)

- Head of the Research Team « MINAMAS - MIcro NAno MAtériaux et Surfaces » in FEMTO-ST Institute for 2008 and 2009

- 2010-2014, Deputy Director of the Micro Nano Science Department - MN2S in FEMTO-ST Institute

- 2019-2020, Deputy Director at ENSMM (Besançon) for Research and Transfer

Scientific production & Impacts

- On the 1st of January 2023, « H » index = 34 with more than 4500 citations (from Google Scholar)

- Since 1999, referee for more than 30 peer journals

- Since 2002, project reviewer for national and international organizations (Israeli Academy of Sciences, Ministry of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Swiss National Research, Agence Nationale de la Recherche en France, Région of Picardie, AERES, …)

- Participation in more than 70 PhD thesis and docent defence committees