
July 1–3, 2013, Ischia, Italy

SIROCCO is devoted to the study of the interplay and trade-offs between the efficiency of algorithms and systems and the availability of information. This basic issue is common to many fields of multi-party systems. SIROCCO has a tradition of interesting and productive scientific meetings in a relaxed and pleasant atmosphere, attracting leading researchers in a variety of fields which exhibit such interplay.


The proceedings are available now, published as part of the Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS). The online version can be accessed here.


Original papers are solicited from all those areas where the interplay between complexity and communication takes place. In particular from: distributed computing, high-speed networks, interconnection networks, mobile computing, optical computing, parallel computing, sensor networks, wireless networks, and related areas.

Topic of interest include (but are not limited to)

Important dates

Former Editions

Future Edition
