Scenes of Rabaul

Simpson Harbour Vulcan on the left and Matupi Island on the right and in the background, as though floating on a cloud lays Wonton Island

The area is the northern part of the township, the centre section is Old China town the photo is taken from the Namanula lookout

Looking over the tree tops Simpson Harbour CPL copra wharf in far distance background and the wharf area in the distance

From Namanula, below is Queen Elizabeth II Park

The heights overlooking Rabaul from the peak of Rabalanakaia,( Mother), Wonton Island Top right

Simpson Harbour Bee Hives, Rabalanakaia, Kombiu, Matupi Tavurvur and South Daughter Turanguna

The crane was British at the fall of Singapore 1942 the Japanese navy decided to move the crane from Singapore to Rabaul. The move was kept under observation, the decision to destroy the crane was delayed waiting for the flotilla to reach it's final destination The crane with escort travelled 5,404 km on entry into Blanch Bay the target was bombed, it was beached at Karavia Bay and that is where it had been for seven decades plus some slowing rusting away. Once it has gone another piece of Rabaul history is gone forever

One of the many caves at Karavia Bay and along Kokopo Road

Tunnel Hill Pass in the background you can see the harbour , Rabalanakaia and Tavurvur in the background

Rabaul Harbour from Taliligap from this site one can see Matupi Island, Rabalanakaia, Kombiu, Matupi Tavurvur and South Daughter Turanguna and Vulcan in the foreground

Scene from Matupi Island

Sulphur Creek this area was the flying boat base

From Matupi Island looking to Matupi Tavurvur and the South Daughter Turanguna

Battle of Karavia Bay

North Daughter Tovanumbatir

Mother Rabalanakaia


Matupi Tavurvur

South Daughter Turanguna


Vulcan Island