Japanese occupation of Rabaul 1942-1944


The Japanese captured Rabaul on 23 January 1942. They were preparing to convert the town into a large Naval and Air base for supplies and forces needed for the expansion of the Japanese Empire perimeter in the South West Pacific. This included the planned conquest of Port Moresby and subsequent occupation of New Caledonia, New Hebrides (Vanuatu), Fiji, Samoa and other nearby islands. The Japanese air raid on Rabaul started on the 4 January 1942 and continued daily, the air raids were relentless until the 5000-strong Japanese invasion force invaded Rabaul after 0000 hours on 23 January 1942. Japanese ships entered the harbour and troops landed at Blanche Bay. The only résistance at the time was Lark Force and they had only a few anti-tank guns, mortars and Vickers machine-guns. The struggle was over in just a few hours and the Lark Force commander, Colonel Scanlon, ordered the men to disperse every man for himself' The Army had no such escape plans for its troops. Only the fittest, most determined and luckiest survived the long withdrawal across New Britain. The Japanese captured Rabaul with the loss of only 16 men.



Aichi D3A2 Val.


The Nakajima J1N1 Gekko is a twin-engine aircraft used by the Japanese Imperial Navy during World War II and was used for reconnaissance, night fighter, and kamikaze missions. The first flight took place in May 1941

One B5N2 Kate from the carrier Akagi over Rabaul on January 20 1942

The small town of Rabaul 1942 just prior to the Japanese invasion on January 23rd 1942

Japanese navy troops inside landing boats Rabaul 1942

special naval brigade landing

Japanese troops unloading arms and munitions from barges on to trucks

special naval brigade landing

Japanese Troops march through Rabaul 1942

After invading New Britain in January 1942, the Japanese developed a naval and logistic base at Rabaul. Small Japanese forces had also landed at points along the north and south coasts of New Britain and New Ireland. Rabaul was the only major base developed on the islands, though a garrison of over 10,000 troops was built up at Kavieng, New Ireland, and a forward airbase was established at Gasmata, on the south coast of New Britain. From early 1942, Rabaul was subjected to a prolonged bombing campaign by Allied bomber squadrons based in mainland New Guinea and later also on Bougainville. Japanese shipping was also attacked. The base was the most heavily defended target in the theatre, and losses were sometimes relatively heavy with three or four aircraft lost in a raid. Targets were often identified by Australian coastwatchers - civilian men who had volunteered to stay behind and observe enemy activities and were commissioned into the Royal Australian Naval Reserve after the invasion. The Japanese knew of the coastwatchers through the 'native grapevine' and tracked and captured some, often with the assistance of villagers, but other coastwatchers survived with the help of New Guineans who provided warning of Japanese movements and helped them move about the island. The Japanese maintained their own coastwatching stations along the south coast as far west as Awul, near Cape Dampier. Each post was manned by about 25 troops who gave warning of Allied air raids. They also mounted patrols to capture Allied airmen who had been forced down after their aircraft were damaged over Rabaul. In 1943 Allied Intelligence Bureau (AIB) patrols, consisting of Australian and New Guinean troops, went sent to New Britain to gather intelligence, re-establish an Australian presence on the island and to rescue downed airmen. Villagers often suffered reprisals after assisting these patrols. For example, late in 1943 the Japanese sought to reassert their grip on the Nakanai area, where AIB patrols had been helped, by torturing and executing several village officials, and in other instances villagers were killed, beaten or raped. The Australians trained friendly villagers as guerrillas and during February-March 1944 guerrillas killed some 286 Japanese, with just two guerrillas killed. Tribal warfare also erupted as the guerrillas sought retribution on villagers closer to Rabaul who had assisted the Japanese. In early to mid 1944 the American 1st Marine Division made amphibious landings at Cape Gloucester on the western tip of New Britain, at Arawe on the south-west coast, and at Talasea midway along the north coast towards Rabaul. The new bases were, in effect, American enclaves developed as forward airbases. The Japanese did not attempt to repel them, and the Americans were content to maintain a defensive perimeter around each base. The AIB strength on New Britain now totalled five Australian officers and ten NCOs along with about 140 New Guinean troops. Their patrols stepped up activities along both coasts. A few hundred Japanese died of hunger and disease when withdrawing from the Nakanai area, near Talasea, and on the south coast the AIB overran three coastwatching stations and pushed the Japanese back to Wide Bay. The Japanese maintained a forward base there with about 800 troops. On the north coast, AIB patrols infiltrated Gazelle Peninsula, on which Rabaul was located, but were pushed back by the Japanese. About 400 villagers who had assisted the Australians came out with the AIB patrols.Tribal conflicts erupted in the Wide Bay area, as villagers had taken sides during the Japanese occupation. Those closest to Rabaul were more likely to be aligned to the Japanese. In May 1944, a force of 80 Australian-trained guerrillas killed 14 Japanese and 14 of their New Guinean allies - guerrilla warfare continued for several months. The Japanese stepped up patrols in the Wide Bay hinterland and punished villagers suspected of assisting the Allies. Fearing more reprisals, the AIB persuaded many villagers to move to more remote locations, an action which also denied the Japanese potential workers.

In October 1944, the Australian 5th Division, led by Major General Alan Ramsay, took over the American bases and a new offensive against Rabaul began. In November, the 6th Brigade (less one battalion) landed at Jacquinot Bay on the south coast and began advancing along the south coast in conjunction with another advance on the north coast. Opposition was relatively light and by February 1945, after several small amphibious landings along the coasts, the Japanese had been pushed onto the Gazelle Peninsula.About 93,000 Japanese were contained within the Gazelle Peninsula. The defensive force consisted of the 17th and 38th Divisions, the 65th Infantry Brigade, and detachments from other divisions. In addition, about 22,000 base and line of communication troops and 2,500 naval personnel occupied the base. No ships remained afloat in the harbour and less than thirty aircraft remained, but Allied air raids continued against base facilities and caves used to accommodate Japanese troops.

Chinese, Indian and British prisoners of war had been transported to Rabaul to work as labourers. Most of the 500 British prisoners had been moved to the Solomon Islands, where they perished, but many Chinese and Indians remained. Dozens were killed in air raids or died as a result of mistreatment and poor diet. American and Australian airmen who had been shot down were also held captive, but most of these prisoners were either executed or died and at war's end only six remained alive. Over 100 European civilian internees - mostly missionaries and nuns - and over 300 local Chinese civilians were interned outside Rabaul. In previous campaigns, the Australians had enjoyed ready access to close air support - but not so on New Britain. In December 1944 a wing of Mitchell bombers (including two Dutch squadrons) was ordered to Jacquinot Bay but it was redeployed after the Dutch requested that the wing be used in the Netherlands East Indies. This left the Australians without dedicated air support apart from a flight of Boomerang tactical reconnaissance aircraft based at Cape Hoskins, some Auster light liaison aircraft and occasional bombing strikes by Beauforts based on mainland New Guinea. General Hitoshi IMAMURA was content merely to defend the Rabaul perimeter established on the Gazelle Peninsula, knowing that his garrison was too large for the Australian division to overcome. Both sides patrolled the jungle areas in a largely static campaign and battle casualties were relatively low. In fact, the majority of the Japanese army and navy personnel were engaged on food production, with large gardens established in and around Rabaul. The garrison held out until the war's end when over 97,000 Japanese personnel surrendered at Rabaul along with another 12,000 on nearby New Ireland.

(contributed by Dr John Moremon Australian War Memorial)


Japanese Troops march through Rabaul 1942

南国のラバウル 五月六日、ようやく我が船団はニューブリテン島を遠望する位置までたどり着き、艦橋では安堵する声も聞かれたが「諸君!ラバウルに入港するまでは気を緩めるではないぞ!」と艦長から叱責され、皆気を引き締めたのだった。「艦橋!こちら戦闘指揮所。右四十度より大型機一、接近、距離九○○!」「大型機だと!摩周に打電、我の電探に大型機の感あり、至急確認されたし。」艦長は通信員に命じた。「多分、味方の哨戒機でしょう。」佐竹大尉が何の気なしにぽつりと言ってから周りを見渡し、皆の表情が凍り付くのを見て慌てて付け加えた。「もし敵機であれば摩周の零戦が、一撃で叩き落としてくれましょうぞ!」そんな彼を何故か艦長は叱る事なく、笑みまで浮かべ眺めていたのだ。確かに今は戦時であり、一時でも気を赦せばその後には死が待っており、その緊張感がいつの間にか神経を蝕んでいった。そういう時に佐竹大尉の様な楽観論者というか、その場の空気を和ます者は無くてはならない存在なのである。我が艦の戸高艦長は、その辺の事をわきまえている懐の深さがあり、俺はこの艦が今までにない雰囲気を持つ艦である事に親近感を感じ始めていた。その日の夕方に、輸送船団はラバウルに入港した。 すると直ちに、第五十一護衛艦隊の司令部と各艦長らが第四艦隊司令部へ招集され、再度出港の準備をするよう命令されたのである。戸高艦長は慌ただしく内火艇に乗り、松を後にしてラバウルに進出して来た司令部へと向かった。その間に我々は、急いで燃料や食糧の補給をして出航の用意を整え、艦長の帰りを待っていると内火艇が戻って来て、浮かぬ顔をした艦長が舷門を上がって来るではないか。お疲れ様でした、どうかされましたか?」俺は思案顔の艦長に恐る恐る声をかけた。「香月大尉、エライ事になったよ!艦橋に将校集合をかけてくれ。」俺はすぐに舷門に居た当直下士官に機関部の安藤特務少尉を呼んで来るよう命じ、只ならぬ艦長の後を追った。艦長が俺を名前と階級で呼ぶのは乗艦以来の事であり、嫌な予感を感じずにはいられなかった。「藤少尉以外は皆、艦橋で艦長をお待ちしております。」そうか、手回しがいいな。」速足で艦橋へ上がると艦長は海図台に駆け寄り、ソロモン海から珊瑚海一帯の海図を広げ、険しい顔付きで睨みはじめたのだ。間もなくして安藤少尉が艦橋に駆け込んで来た。「諸君!心して聞いてもらいたい。我が護衛艦隊はこれより、MO機動部隊へ燃料補給に向かう油槽船の護衛任務を仰せつかった。今朝方より、珊瑚海には有力な敵機動部隊が行動しており、発見されれば大規模な空襲は免れんが、第四艦隊司令部は我が艦隊の高い防空能力を買って、あえて危険な任務を我々に託したのである。諸君らは、その能力を遺憾なく発揮してもらいたい!以上!直ちに出航準備にかかれッ!」「はッ!」俺達は素早く敬礼をして、それぞれの持場へと駆け出した。いやはや大変な事になってきた。今の今までたかが戦線後方の護衛任務などと、南国気分で居たのがいきなりおお戦さの、ど真ん中に放り込まれるのである。しかし、帝国軍人であるからには表舞台で敵の主力部隊と渡り合ってこそ本望なのであり、武人の誉なのだ!たとえ我が機動部隊への補給任務でも、今次海戦において帝国海軍主力の一翼を担うのには変わりなく、俺は生まれて初めて武者震いというものをしていた。なんせ大東亜戦争開戦以来、俺は数々の大勝利をもたらした海戦に何ひとつ参加していなかったのだから。「総員に告ぐ、こちらは艦長である。これより本艦は珊瑚海へと出撃する!」「各員は己の職責を全うし、奮励努力せよ!以上。」「分隊長!ようやく我が艦にも、桧舞台で活躍する場が用意されましたね!」おぅさ!こんなお役は滅多に廻って来んからなぁ、ここはひとつ気を引き締めて掛らねばならんぞ!」俺と國本先任は、トップに上がりお互いに震い立つ気持をぶつけ合った。間もなくして駆逐艦松を先頭に、第五十一護衛艦隊全九隻と重油を満載した高速油槽船二隻は、錨を揚げて次々とラバウル港を出航し、我が機動部隊の待つ珊瑚海へと進撃を開始したのである。俺は射撃訓練を終えて艦橋へ降り、艦長から今現在の戦況について聞いてみた。すると帝国海軍は、ニューギニア島の南東岸にあるポートモレスビーを攻略する為、MO機動部隊に高木武雄少将を司令として、第五航空戦隊の正規空母翔鶴、瑞鶴をはじめ重巡二、駆逐艦六を宛て、MO攻略部隊としては軽空母祥鳳の他重巡四、軽巡一、駆逐艦六、輸送船六をもって作戦を発動したとの事であった。この我が軍の動きに対し、米軍は正規空母二隻から成る有力な部隊を派遣して来たらしいのだ。この事は帝国軍も予め予想しており、その為に第五航空戦隊をわざわざこの作戦に、宛てていたのである。 投稿日 2009/04/28 駆逐艦松一代奮戦記【暁の新生帝国】外伝シリーズ第3弾 | リンク用URL | コメント (0) | トラックバック (0)波上丸

Rabaul tropical

May 6 , my fleet arrived to a position at which the distant view the New Britain Island at last , voice to relief in the bridge were also asked “While not loosen the mind until you calling at gentlemen! Rabaul! "Rebuked from the captain, had was tightening everyone care." One large machine, closer than forty degrees combat command post. Right bridge! Here, nine distance ○ ○! “That’s large machine! The telegram to Mashu, the Kang of large machines to probe our power, has been confirmed as soon as possible to. "Captain ordered the correspondent." Maybe it would be a friendly patrol aircraft. "Overlooking around Satake Captain from saying Mashiro inadvertently, he added in a hurry to see the expression of everyone from freeze.“Zero Fighter of Mashu is, let me knocking with a single blow, if enemy aircraft if! "Without the captain why such a scold him, and he was looking up smiling smile. Now is a war, death is waiting for then if context allows care even temporary indeed, the tension went undermining the nerve unawares. Or rather optimist like Satake captain when such, who to soften the air of the place is of an indispensable presence. The Todaka captain of my ship , there is a depth of the breast that know better that of the neighbourhood , I was beginning to feel a sense of closeness to being a ship with a free atmosphere so far this ship .In the evening of that day, transport fleet entered the port to Rabaul. Is was ordered to immediately , the captain from the headquarters of the fifty-first escort fleet is convened to fourth Fleet headquarters 1_2 Then , get ready for departure again .Todaka captain went to the headquarters to take the Naikatei hurriedly, and came to advance to Rabaul in the pine after. We captain that Naikatei is to come back to fix the preparation for departure by the supply of food and fuel in a hurry , and waiting for the return of captain , made ​​a rueful face is not to come up the gangway in the meantime or .The "It was cheers for good work, or has been wrong?"I called out to gingerly captain of brooding countenance." Let me put the officer set to bridge! Katsuki I became captain, to Elias events. "And ordered to come calling Ando secret military lieutenant of the engine department in charge of quarters it was in gangway immediately, I followed the captain after the untimely only .Captain to call in the class name and me is that of aboard since, I could not help but feel a bad feeling." We all are looking forward to captain in the bridge Ando except Ensign. I see, hand-cranked a good thing. "Captain rushed to the chart table and goes up to the bridge with swiftly , expand the chart of the Coral Sea zone from the Solomon Sea , I began to glare with a grim look .Ando Ensign came in ran into the bridge shortly .I want you to hear Kokoroshite " gentlemen! . Than this, my escort fleet Osetsuka~tsu the escort of tanker toward the fuel supply to the MO task force. Than morning , now that the most important enemy task force is to act in the Coral Sea is , it does escape raid large if it is found , but to buy air defence capability high our fleet , fourth fleet headquarters is was entrusted to us a dangerous mission dare . Gentlemen and colleagues, the ability or more! Want to demonstrate without regret! The Kakare~tsu preparation to sail immediately! “The head! With a quick salute, ours is bolted to each post .Well you have come to that very fast.Etc.. escort front of mere backward to this very day, and stayed in the tropical feeling is of being thrown in the game Oh suddenly, in the middle .However, it is there because it is long-cherished ambition to be what Wataria~tsu the main force of the enemy on centre stage and since I is a military empire, It's a honour of the warrior! Do not change in supply mission to our task force, in order to play a part of the Imperial Navy flagship in the Battle Imatsugi example; I had a thing called shaking with excitement for the first time in my life. Greater East Asia War, war since prepared to deal, because I did not participate in what one naval battle that resulted in the great victory of many. I tell all hands, here is a captain. Sortie to the ship and to the Coral Sea than this! "“The all cattle , and more ! Case Funrei effort responsibilities to each member of his own "" Even my ship , opportunities to play an active part in Hinokibutai is I was finally prepared minute captain ! "“Your role in this Au Chant! Naa from Kitan rarely come around , here Naranzo I must Fragments by braced one ! "Kunihon senior and I was feeling each other hit the standing sieve to each other up to the top. Departing the Rabaul harbor after another to raise the anchor, two ships fast tanker that at the beginning the destroyer pine, full of heavy oil and all nine vessels fifty first escort fleet with soon, coral wait for our task force and so on, and it started the march to the sea. I descended to the bridge you have finished shooting training, I asked about the tactical situation right now from Captain. Then order to capture Port Moresby on the southeast coast of New Guinea Island , as commander Takagi Takeo major general in the MO task force , the Imperial Navy , two , destroyer six and Meg heavy start regular aircraft carrier Shokaku the fifth aviation squadron , the Zuikaku it was that it addressed , and the trigger was the strategy four , one , six destroyers , six Omotte transport ship cruiser light cruiser weight other light aircraft carrier Sachiotori as MO capture troops .For the movement of this our forces , the U.S. military 's seems to have come to send a powerful force composed of two ships regular aircraft carrier .Imperial is also expected in advance that this , in this strategy , is had addressed all the way to fifth aviation squadron for that .

Wave Kami Maru

The ship built in 1936 in the passenger-cargo ship of Osaka merchant ships Ryukyu route. Became a hospital ship after being drafted in the Army in August 1937. Response to the sinking of the U.S. submarine torpedo in Rabaul southern waters to October 7, 1942. 4000 horsepower in one group wastewater 4731t, main engine diesel

(Army hospital ship)





Japanese soldiers wearinggood lucky charm shirts under their uniforms

Imperial Japanese Navy Combined Fleet commander Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto (left)

with Admiral Jinichi Kusaka (center) at Rabaul in April 1943, shortly before Yamamoto's death

Rabaul, New Britain. c. 1946. Informal portrait of Lieutenant General Sakamoto Sueo, Rabaul who was tried for war crimes. Lt Gen Sakamoto came to Rabaul in December 1942 and was in charge of shipping while with the No. 4 Shipping Headquarters unit. From July 1944 he commanded the 39 Brigade Independent Mixed Unit, which appointment he held until the end of the war

Yasuna Kozono is considered the father of Japanese night fighters with oblique weapons. From his service with the Tainan and 251st Kokutais at Rabaul, and finally commanding the 302nd Kokutai with its dedicated interception duties near Tokyo, Kozono saw to it that many IJN types were fitted with oblique weapons. These included the A6M Reisen, J2M Raiden, J1N Gekko, D4Y Suisei, C6N Saiun, and P1Y Ginga. In addition to the larger calibre weapons mounted in the spine of aircraft like the Gekko and Ginga, Kozono also believed that a single 20mm cannon mounted in the left wing root of an aircraft like a Raiden could prove useful in dogfights. Ironically, Kozono independently devised these oblique installations while similar trials were going on in Germany

In early 1943, Commander Yasuna Kozono(小園 安名 of the 251st Kōkūtai in Rabaul came up with the idea of installing 20 mm cannons, firing upwards at a 30 degree angle in the fuselage. Against orders of central command which was skeptical of his idea, he tested his idea on a J1N1-C as a night fighter. The field-modified J1N1-C KAI shot down two B-17s of 43rd Bomb Group attacking air bases around Rabaul on 21 May 1943.

Lieutenant Commander Yasuna Kozono of the Imperial Japanese Navy

Yasuna Kozono at Rabaul

The Navy took immediate notice and placed orders with Nakajima for the newly designated J1N1-S nightfighter design. This model was christened the Model 11 Gekko (月光, "Moonlight"). It required only two crew and like the KAI, had a twin 20 mm pair of Type 99 Model 1 cannon firing upward in a 30° upward angle and a second pair firing downward at a forward 30° angle, placed in the fuselage behind the cabin, similar to the German Schräge Musik configuration, but also in a ventral mode—the original German Schräge Musik mount was strictly upward-firing only. Development of both Japanese and German night fighters were independent of each other. This arrangement was effective against B-17 Flying Fortress bombers and B-24 Liberators, and its existence was not quickly understood by the allies who assumed the Japanese did not have the technology for night fighter designs. Early versions had nose searchlights in place of radar. Later models omitted the two lower-firing guns and added one 20 mm cannon to face upward as with the other two (J1N1-Sa Model 11a). Other variants without nose antennae or searchlight added a 20 mm cannon to the nose.

The J1N1-S was used against B-29 Super fortresses in Japan, though the lack of good radar and insufficient high-altitude performance handicapped it, since usually only one pass could be made against the higher-speed B-29s. However, some skillful pilots had spectacular successes, such as Lieutenant Sachio Endo, who was credited with destroying eight B-29s and damaging another eight before he was shot down by a B-29 crew, Shigetoshi Kudo (nine victories), Shiro Kuratori (six victories), and Juzo Kuramoto (eight victories); the last two claimed five B-29s during the night of 25–26 May 1945. Another Gekko crew shot down five B-29's in one night, but these successes were rare. Many Gekkos were also shot down or destroyed on the ground. A number of Gekkos were relegated to "Tokko" missions, the Japanese term for kamikaze attacks, using 250 kg (550 lb) bombs attached to the wings(.Nakajima J1N From Wikipedia, the free encyclopaedia)

Japanese occupied Rabaul 1943

The Japanese fourth surveying Corps Base at Rabaul the olds Rabaul Club


Rabaul naval base Japanese occupation 1942-1944

Japanese operation Map for Rabaul and surrounding area of East New Britain

Rabaul naval base Japanese occupation 1942-1944

Japanese Betty G901 at Lakunai Rabaul 1943

G4M1 705-Kokutai flying over Rabaul 1943-

A Japanese B5N2 Kate at Lakunai Rabaul 1943

Mitsubishi A6M Zero at Rabaul base of the Imperial Japanese Navy: photo (above) Taken: 1942-43. Aircraft maintenance was continues due to the air raids and a very active volcanic ash,

Rabaul Air Corps for the purpose of securing the South Pacific Islands, the support of the task force

It was from Rabaul that Japanese warships and aircraft were staged before being hurled south against the advancing Allies. Rabaul in turn was frequently the target of air raids by the U.S. Army’s Fifth and Thirteenth air forces, the U.S. Marines, and the Royal Australian and Royal New Zealand air forces. Regardless of the outcome of such attacks, the Allies could almost invariably count on a hot reception from air groups, or Kōkūtai, of Mitsubishi A6M Zeros, flown by the best pilots in the Japanese navy, and from scores of anti-aircraft (AA) positions. By November 1943, however, the constant attrition of fighting over the Solomons was taking its toll on Rabaul’s capabilities.

reconnaissance photos taken over Rabaul--2 November 1943

Operation Cartwheel

At the end of April 1943, the Allies developed their plan for encircling Rabaul, codenamed “Operation Cartwheel.” It called for MacArthur to approach Rabaul from the southwest, through New Guinea and the southern Bismarcks, while Halsey would advance through the Solomons, forming two pincers that would close in on the Japanese base. Meanwhile, the Japanese were busy reinforcing and reorganizing their forces in the South Pacific in anticipation of an Allied offensive. General Hitoshi Imamura, headquartered at Rabaul, commanded Japan’s 17th Army in the Solomons; they were reinforced by the 18th Army, tasked with defending northern New Guinea.

In late June, the two-pronged Allied drive toward Rabaul began, both in New Guinea and the Solomons. Lae, on the northern New Guinea coast, fell in mid-September; U.S. forces then seized Saidor, opposite Cape Gloucester, on the westernmost tip of New Britain. By October 1943, Halsey’s forces were ready to attack Bougainville, the largest and westernmost island in the Solomon chain, located just 200 miles from Rabaul at the narrowest sea crossing. Reinforcements (some 37,500 men) from the Japanese 17th Army were sent to Bougainville, concentrated at Buin, near the island’s southern end, and on small islets off the shore of the main island. This left Empress Augusta Bay, to the north, open to a landing by U.S. Marines on November 1, 1943, four days after New Zealand forces captured the tiny Treasury Islands, south of Bougainville. In the ensuing battle, American ships engaged thinly dispersed Japanese defenders, sinking Japanese cruisers and a destroyer while the 5th Army Air Force bombed Japanese airstrips and supported the Marine landing.

Closing in on Rabaul

In conjunction with MacArthur’s advance in New Guinea, Halsey’s forces were closing in on the Japanese at Rabaul. By November 21, U.S. troops from the 3rd Marine and 37th Army Divisions had firmly established themselves on Bougainville. In addition, Halsey ordered an attack against the powerful Japanese fleet just as it set forth from Rabaul–a risky gamble, as it put a two-carrier American task force in range of Japan’s huge air power. Through skillful deployment of land-based aircraft, the Allied force kept Japan’s planes at bay, leaving the U.S. carriers unscathed and allowing them to launch waves of torpedo- and dive-bombers against the fleet, which was forced to withdraw to distant Truk Island. Meanwhile, the Marines at Bougainville launched a series of intensive air raids against Rabaul.

On December 15, Allied troops landed at Arawe, on the southwestern coast of New Britain, diverting Japanese focus from Cape Gloucester, on the northwestern coast, in time for a major Allied landing there on December 26. After repulsing a Japanese counterattack, the Allies captured Cape Gloucester and its major airstrip by January 16, 1944, and set up a solid defensive line. New Zealand took the Green Islands, southeast of New Guinea, in mid-February, while U.S. forces invaded the Admiralty Islands later that month and captured the Emirau Islands by March 20. On each island they captured, the Allies constructed air bases, allowing them to block any westward movement by the Japanese. In this way, the Allies tightened their stranglehold on Rabaul, effectively neutralizing the 100,000 Japanese troops stationed there by the end of March 1944.(History.com) Operation Cartwheel


Douglas MacArthur

Pacific Theater

World War II


Photograph of Imperial Japanese Army soldiers serving in Rabaul New Guinea, presumably taken in Japan before their deployment to the South Pacific.

Photo was found on captured Japanese solider 1945.

Photograph of Lieutenant Saburo Sakai.

A dive bomber's final plunge

Imperial Japanese Navy fighter Corps military service in Rabaul 1943

Rabaul, New Britain. Japanese naval flight personnel ...1943

The Japanese Fleet air arm in Rabaul

A dive bomber's final plunge

Strategy guidelines

• the 23rd seventeen years two month Showa, Rabaul east airfieldmorning

• weather Gainehare cloud cover small, Kumo-daka 1500, breeze, visibility moderate

• large machine enemy formation attacked feudal air defenseinformation Ali

作戦要領•昭和十七年ニ月二十三日、朝 ラバウル東飛行場•天候概ネ晴 雲量小,雲高1500、微風、視程中程度•敵大型機編隊来襲トノ防空情報アリ

Fleet headquarters staff. at Headquarters at Yamamoto fifth from the left, on of the very rare occasions Yamamoto is not wearing his white Navel uniform Fleet admiral in Rabaul


Person of white military uniform in the middle Yamamoto fifty-six fleet admiral who visited the Rabaul Island, salute to Naval Air crew from [Jiji Press]

Yamamoto swing hat for the naval fighter sortie taking off at Rabaul

A Young Isoroku Yamamoto in America pre war

Admiral Yamamoto encourages crew of the Navy Air Corps base at Rabaul: photo (above). Officials of the Combined Fleet headquarters and Yamamoto,

RikuOsamu G4M the aircraft built for Admiral Yamamoto for long-distance flight, it was referred to as a "writer". The maximum speed of 450km 200km slower than P-38 fighter.

Rex T. Barber borrowed Robert L. Pettit’s P-38 Lightning, nicknamed "Miss Virginia" for Operation Vengeance and returned it with over 100 bullet holes

When America decrypted a Japanese message and discovered that Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto would be travelling to the Solomon Islands on 18 April 1943, President Franklin D. Roosevelt had one order: “get Yamamoto.” The attack on Pearl Harbor, the Battle of Midway, and the super weapon I-400 were all brainchildren of Yamamoto, and America wanted to ruin him before he could bring any more damage to the United States. Admiral William F. Halsey, Jr., was in charge of arranging Operation Vengeance. He chose eighteen pilots, four of which would be the actual killers while the others provided cover. The pilots were only told that they were intercepting an important officer of Japan but not who. On that Sunday in Rabaul, officers were afraid of their leader being ambushed and encouraged Yamamoto not to go through with the tour. He ignored the warnings and boarded the Betty bomber. Rex T. Barber, assigned to the kill team, took off with his fellow pilots on the same morning that Yamamoto did. When the Japanese planes came into view, Barber quickly maneuvered himself behind a Betty bomber and attacked. He shot into the right engine and then the left. Black smoke released into the air and the plane whizzed to the left, barely missing Barber. He watched as the bomber spiraled into the jungle below. Barber didn’t know it at the time, but he had just taken down the “important officer.” Yamamoto was found in the jungle the next day by a Japanese search party. The news of his death was not revealed for another month in fear of the effect it would have on Japanese morale.




Yamamoto fifty-six , killed

April 18, 1943, Yamamoto fifty-six fleet admiral that took off the base of Rabaul, New Britain Island for a visit to the front lines, the U.S. military shot down a fighter in the aircraft over the Solomon Islands Bougainville is, I was killed. Yamamoto Secretary, was the only iconic that supported the march forward of the Pearl Harbor attack since the shock death gave to people was great.

After that, the Japanese army so that fall down the hill to the defeat left not even local victory. In fact, perfectly decodes the encryption of the Japanese military, the U.S. military was directly transmitting also visit dates Yamamoto Secretary by the time this In P38 fighter aircraft of 16, after flying about 700 km from airport of Guadalcanal, was shot down by accurately capture the Secretary machine sortie. However, it does not admit that the encryption has been decrypted Afterward, be low awareness of these information warfare went led to a further disadvantage direction is the state of the war the Japanese army




Rabaul was occupation by Nankai Detachment. A seaplane base was operating in Matupi harbour west of Rabaul harbor is was the beginning of Rabaul Air Corps.

The aviation forces, total of 11 aircraft of eight aircraft ninety-five expression water reconnaissance aircraft and three aircraft Type-0 water reconnaissance aircraft.


The runway in Rabaul has been improved, there was nine Type 36 carrier-based fighter of Chitose Air Corps (not belonging seaplane carrier of "Chitose") was waiting in the truck anchorage in January during "Shokaku" , to advance to Rabaul and placed on the "Zuikaku". A total of nine aircraft, advance to Rabaul Mitsubishi A6M Zero long-awaited could use such as "Sachiotori" in February. It is though gradually, aviation forces of Rabaul went been enhanced. In addition, aviation forces that had been deployed to Rabaul is included in the fourth fleet of new organized dated 10 February 1942. And April 1, the Navy started the re-deployment of the air forces, base air units all went under the command of the first eleven aviation fleet, the first twenty-six aviation 戰隊 become homeland security in charge, the first twenty-five aviation 戰隊 I willadvance to Rabaul as implementation forces.


The runway in Rabaul has been improved, there was nine Type 36 carrier-based fighter of Chitose Air Corps (not belonging seaplane carrier of "Chitose") was waiting in the truck anchorage in January during "Shokaku" , to advance to Rabaul and placed on the "Zuikaku". A total of nine aircraft, advance to Rabaul Mitsubishi A6M Zero long-awaited could use such as "Sachiotori" in February. It is though gradually, aviation forces of Rabaul went been enhanced. In addition, aviation forces that had been deployed to Rabaul is included in the fourth fleet of new organized dated 10 February 1942. And April 1, the Navy started the re-deployment of the air forces, base air units all went under the command of the first eleven aviation fleet, the first twenty-six aviation 戰隊 become homeland security in charge, the first twenty-five aviation 戰隊 I willadvance to Rabaul as implementation forces.

During World War II, the Imperial Japanese utilised the harbour as a major naval base. Approximately 65 Japanese ships were sunk in the harbour by allied air attack

Takao, heavy cruiser of the Imperial Japanese Navy, On 5 November 1943, she was refuelling at Rabaul when she came under attack by SBD Dauntless dive bombers from USS Saratoga. Takao was hit by two bombs, killing 23 crewmen and damaging her steering; she was forced to return to Yokosuka for dry dock repairs. During the repair work, additional anti-aircraft guns were fitted, as was a Type 21 radar. Repairs were not complete until 18 January 1944. (Surrendered to British forces on 5 September 1945: Sunk as target ship on 19 October 1946)

Japanese heavy cruiser Chikuma

From July to November, Chikuma was engaged in making troop transport runs to Rabaul, and to patrols of the Marshall Islands in unsuccessful pursuit of the American fleet. While refuelling at Rabaul on 5 November 1943, Chikuma and its task force attacked by 97 planes from the carriers Saratoga, and Princeton. Cruisers Atago, Takao, Maya, Mogami, Agano and Noshiro obtained damaged. Chikuma, attacked by a single SBD, suffered minor damag

During World War II, the Imperial Japanese utilized the harbour as a major naval base. Approximately 65 Japanese ships were sunk in the harbour by allied air attack

Low flying attack on a Japanese freighter

Direct hit on a Japanese freighter in Rabaul Simpson Harbour

Low level bombing in the Bismarck Archipelago

Ships trying to escape a hail of bullets

Anonymous Japanese diaries from WWII

15 May 1944 our ship finally reached its full complement of corpsman total of 96. Officers and crew invited to picnic at Manilla Park. I won a prize in the 100 Meter Run – just two rice cakes. In the afternoon played baseball with the officers – they won … the beer in Manilla is very tasty and had my fill.

20 May 1944 … My own opinion of this war right now is a possible attack by America or England on our home land… I’m sure Japan could not stand such an attack since so many of our troops and naval forces are now employed in the South China Sea. Even if we do conquer New Guinea and New Zealand our major forces will still be deployed and too far away to defend Japan and the war could be lost.

25 Oct 44 Observed 18 enemy aircraft over Rabaul. All Army and Navy guns trying to rebel the attack. All enemy aircraft very smartly keeping outside our 19,000 meter range. High flying bombers did much damage to base and facilities, staying at least 20,000 meter altitude. Our guns were useless at this range. After sunset more bombing. Heavy damage to airfield and fuel storage. Many buildings no longer standing. Heavy black smoke covered the whole island…. I was sure I would be killed in this attack. The noise from our guns was deafening. The blast and wind from enemy bombs was terrible, could not stand or talk. Makes a man want to fight with all he has.

昭和17年4月上旬、米軍機の空襲で99人が戦死海軍軍属としてラバウルで軍需物資の運搬に従事していた浜田市出身のナガサワナカイチの墓標(右側)Early April 1942, 99 people killed in the air raid of U.S. aircraftEngaged in transport of munitions at Rabaul as a Navy civilian employees Tomb of Nagasawa Nakaichi Hamada was born (left)

General Sir Thomas A Blamey, Commander in Chief, Allied Land Forces, South West Pacific Area, accepted the surrender of 2 Japanese army from its Commander, Lieutenant General F Teshima in a special surrender ceremony held at 1st Australian Corps sports ground. The ceremony was attended by representatives of all Australian services, and token forces of us, Netherlands, East Indies and India. Shown, Lieutenant General Teshima signing the instrument of surrender watched by General Blamey and Major General W Bridgeford, General Officer commanding 3rd Division. 9 September 1945

General Imamura signing the official document of surrender for Japanese forces in New Britain, New Ireland, the Solomons and New Guinea, on the flight deck of HMS GLORY off Rabaul, 12 September 1945. General Imamura, Japanese South-Eastern Army Chief, signing the official document for the surrender of 139,000 Japanese in New Britain, New Ireland, the Solomons and New Guinea. The surrender ceremony took place on the flight deck of HMS GLORY off Rabaul. Lieutenant General Sturdee, GOC First Australian Army, who signed for the Allies, is closely watching the Japanese General from the other side of the table. Admiral Jin Icha Kusaka signed the treaty for the Japanese south eastern naval forces.
SURRENDER CEREMONYOFF RABAULJaps To SignAboard WarshipFrom ERIC THORNTON - LaeWhen Lieutenant-General Imamura, commander of the Japanese forces in New Britain, New Guinea, and the Solomons, surrenders to Lieut-General V. A. H. Sturdee. GOC 1st Australian Army, following the signing of surrender terms in Tokyo, the ceremony will take place aboard a warship off Rabaul. Before this meeting takes place the Australian commander's instructions will be handed to a Japanese envoy by Brigadier E. L. Sheehan, Brigadier General Staff, aboard an Australian warship.The subsequent occupation of Rabaul and the Gazelle Peninsula will be by an Australian division led by Major-General K. W. Eather. These troops are at present preparing to move from Jacquinot Bay, Australian HQ in New Britain.It is now clear that the surrender of Lieutenant-General Adachi's 18th Japanese Army in Northern New Guinea will follow automatically upon the surrender by Imamura, and concentration of the Japanese in the Wewak and Maprik areas will then be made by 6th Australian Division troops.The Japanese will be required to vacate the Rabaul area and the peninsula on which they were situated before the Australian landing, and their concentration will be in the area south of Rabaul. They will be expected to help to support themselves by continuing the cultivation of gardens until their ultimate repatriation.


Imperial rescript from Japanese Emporer Hirohito ordering Japan's capitulation and end to World War II. Written on 14 August and announced on 15 August, 1945.

Japanese prisoners of war in Rabaul. New Guinea. On 28th February 1946, the Japanese aircraft carrier Katsuragi arrived at Rabaul carrying 1,400 Koreans who refused to disembark to make way for 2,500 Japanese POW. After an armed escort persuaded the Koreans to leave the ship the Japanese troops embarked. These were the first POW to be repatriated to Japan from New Britain.

Mass repatriation can be divided into four phases. The first phase covered the initial period from 14 September 1945 to 28 February 1946. Throughout this period the only shipping available for repatriation was that which was recovered from the Japanese and such United States manned ships as could be utilized at this time. Evacuation from United States controlled areas in the Western Pacific was given priority.

During the second phase, 1 March to 15 July 1946, United States owned ships were made available to the Japanese to augment their own meager resources in shipping; repatriation from overseas areas was at its peak and reached a maximum rate of 193,000 persons per week. Throughout this period evacuation from Chinese and British controlled areas was emphasized. Approximately 1,600,000 Japanese were returned to Japan from these two areas alone.1

The third phase of mass repatriation covered the period from 16 July 1946 to 19 December 1946. It was marked by a decline in the numbers repatriated, owing to the diminishing numbers of repatriates delivered to embarkation ports from areas outside Japan.

Following 19 December 1946, the program was largely concerned with the repatriation of approximately 1,617,650 Japanese from Soviet controlled areas. Throughout the course of this fourth phase, however, approximately 100,000 Japanese were repatriated from British controlled Southeast Asia, a residual program substantially completed by October 1947.


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