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Therapeutic Massage Therapy

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Therapeutic Exercise

With the proper diet, herbal remedy and an exercise program, Steve will help you to become more physically fit. If you have exercise equipment your home, that is great! Otherwise Steve will incorporate Therabands and/or household items into your exercise routines.

Steve may also meet you at the gym, park, beach, ice skating rink and/or other locations for physical activities.

Bike riding, hiking and swimming are other forms of exercise that Steve commonly utilizes in his exercise programs.

It is Steve's philosophy that using a wide variety of different exercises is what will achieve the greatest results.

No matter what kind of physical shape you are in now, he will guide you so that you will reach a higher level of fitness.


If you have a compressed joint, Steve will employ decompression by way of some form of manual traction.

This results in a joint that less painful and reestablishes a normal range of motion.

For example, this is commonly used for herniated discs of the spine.

Herbal Medicine

Herbs can be used in many ways.

They can help with the simplest issues to very serious conditions.

Chinese herbs are combined to create specific Chinese herbal formulas that safely and effectively treat conditions by reestablishing balance and harmony within the body. Chinese herbal formulas include hundreds of popular organic ingredients that work in harmony to produce the desired effects in a person's body. These ingredients are primarily of plant origin, and may include roots, bark, seeds, flowers and leaves. Some traditional formulas contain animal products. Each organic ingredient typically has unique characteristics that are

reinforced and harmonized in comprehensive ancient Chinese herbal formulas.

Steve prescribes exceptionally high quality traditional Chinese herbs and herbal products.

These formulas are unsulfured and preservative-free.

He usually prescribes tea pills, but sometimes prescribes raw herbal formulas that can be cooked and drank as a tea.


Moxibustion is a technique that involves burning mugwort over an area of the body with pain or disharmony in order to aid in healing.

The purpose of moxibustion treatment is to tonify and stimulate the flow of qi and blood.


In a typical cupping session, glass cups are warmed with a flame inside the cup which removes all the oxygen and creates a vacuum.

The cup is then placed on the patients skin. The vacuum created sucks up the skin.

Cupping is used to open up the skin’s pores, which helps to stimulate the flow of blood, balances and realigns the flow of qi, breaks up obstructions, and creates an avenue for toxins to be drawn out of the body.

Massage oil or medicated oil may be applied prior to placing the cup(s) to the skin so the Steve can apply

the suction up and down the meridians of the body.

Touch For Health and Muscle Testing

Muscle testing is a method to evaluate the function and effectiveness of the muscles and is a method of diagnosing underlying disharmony.

Some balancing and strengthening techniques are:

Spinal vertebrae reflex technique

Neruro-lymphatic massage

Holding of the neuro-vascual points


Meridian tracing

Origin and insertion technique

Guided Meditation, Hypnotherapy and Neuro Linguistic Programming

The mind and the neurological system are important in regulating health.

Physical pain, mental distress and negative behaviors can be treated with the use of reimaging.

Steve will guide you to manifest the outcomes you desire.

Sexuality Education and Cultivation

Steve will provide education and/or therapy to improve sexual function, increase heights of sexual sensations

and aide in the process of fertility.

Tantric, Taoist and Western methods and concepts are utilized.