
Acupuncture works on the principle that energy, called Qi, courses throughout the body, determining our mental and physical well-being. Qi travels to the internal organs by means of meridians or channels. When there is a block in a channel, pain and/or disharmony of internal organs can occur. Acupuncture will unblock the channels and help the qi to flow, thus energizing and nourishing the internal organs.

An acupuncture consultation will be required before treatment.

You will have the opportunity to discuss at length the symptoms you are experiencing. A detailed medical history is an important aspect of the diagnostic process. Some personal questions may be asked. These are not meant to embarrass you, but rather to gain a further understanding of your overall health condition. They may include, but are not limited to:

Bowel movement patterns and color.

Urination frequency and color.

Menstruation frequency, color and thickness.

Phlegm color.

Sexual frequency and desire.

Childhood Traumas.

Spiritual and Emotional state.

Next, Steve will get further diagnostic information by taking your pulse, by looking at your tongue and by palpation (touching the areas or channels that may be in disharmony).

Once Steve has obtained a diagnosis, he will form, and then discuss with you, a treatment plan.

For your acupuncture treatment, Steve may ask you to put on a gown while he washes his hands and prepares for the treatment. He will ask you to either lay face-up or face-down on the comfortable cushion padded treatment table or have you sit upright.

Steve will insert very fine needles, sometimes in conjunction with electrical stimulus, into the body's surface to influence the body's physiological functioning. Most people don't even realize that the needle has been inserted. Steve uses needles that are designed to prevent pain. Unlike the needles used during a blood test, acupuncture needles are thin and solid, which significantly reduces any pain. What you may feel is a warm or electric sensation.

The length of time for the retention of the needles depends on the condition being treated, but on average is 20 minutes.

After treatment you may feel an euphoric spacey feeling, as if you just had a good massage.

If you have questions, you are encouraged to ask during your consultation/examination.

Acupuncture treatments can help many types of disorders.

Below are some examples, but not a comprehensive list.