Charlie-fritzing for great success!

Post date: 18-Jun-2014 12:02:42

So the first thing I noticed after making my previous post was that I didn't have any of the necessary resistors in place, which was disappointing. But then I realised that Fritzing have a very enlightened approach to order modifications (I imagine lots of designers have last minute ideas after they've submitted their boards) so I was able to fix the design they'd already accepted.

Then, waiting - always the most frustrating part of using any of these awesome services. (As I write this I just took delivery of a load of laser-cut stuff from Ponoko - that wait was also agonising, but more about that later.)

But finally it arrived! As a quick check I used the header block to stake the board to my Arduino - looked like I hadn't messed up too badly, so time to take the big step - soldering. (Anyone who follows me on Google+ will recognise the image to the right from there.)

Working one LED at a time, I tweaked my Arduino code to verify each component as I soldered it into place and, miraculously, everything worked!

And here's the proof - click the animated gif for a video of the finished product in full swing.