
Philippe Chazerand Physical Therapy Office

Chazerand Kinésithérapie

Shorinji Kempo Brussels participates in the activities of Serve the City Brussels, an NGO coordinating volunteers from different horizons and backgrounds to help those in need.

Serve the City Brussels

Bea Uhart Photography, website of a talented Brussels-based photographer

Bea Uhart Photography

"Goju-ryu Karate-do Bruxelles", representing Okinawa Goju-ryu Karate in the francophone region of Belgium:

Goju-ryu Karate-do Bruxelles

Commune d'Auderghem's sports website:

Commune d'Auderghem

RPS Boxe et RPS Boxe Création, quality martial arts equipment:

RPS Boxe

RPS Boxe Création

Kuristo jogging club, located in Woluwe-Saint-Lambert :
