2016 Cook-out

Shirley Bog Trail Busters once again had a great Cook-out on February, 20, 2016 11 to 2PM at their Adirondack Shelter in Shirley. Finally the weather cooperated. Well, almost. It snowed the entire time, but after all isn't that what we need to SNOWMOBILE!

As is with every cookout we need volunteers to make it happen. Thanks to all that helped: Early morning set-up and snow decorations-Hutch. Site preparation; John, Charlie, Alan, Mason, Debi, Drew, and Armand. Cook; Armand. Fire; Danny and Charlie. Food; Pegeen, Carrie, Nick, Armand, Tom, Debi and Eddie. We had a nice showing of club members and lots of sledders stopping by.

And thanks to all that helped clean-up and serve our guests.