
New Map as of February 4, 2025

36 B & A Railroad North Road, Shirley, Maine    


Like us on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/ShirleyBogTrailBusters

We are located in Shirley just south of the Moosehead/Greenville area. On December 30, 2010 we had our first meeting to organize. Just like Greenville we too have lots of snow, beautiful vistas and lots of logging trails. Our name, Shirley Bog Trail Busters was developed for the two bogs we have in our town.  Last year we had over 38 miles of groomed trails. We also found energy to hold socials. 

 Check out our club and join us for a social or two!

Charlie Baker-President


First trip out this season with the big groomer.  

Training session with Russell Meattey.  January 21, 2022

First Cook Out for the 2022 Season

                 January 16, 2022

                     Great Turn Out!

     Check out our new ATV and Snowmobile parking area on the Railroad Bed! 

Latitude 0045.3655104N/

Longitude 069.6194675W


Yet another Club ride led by Puggy on January 24, 2020 to Northern Outdoors. His 4th ride leading the club on a ride this week! 

First Cookout of the 2020 season on 

January  18, 2020. 

Thanks to our cleanup crew.

SBTB crew for the 

February 25, 2017 

Cook-out. Thanks to all!!!!

Denise and Steve at the new Kiosk at the Break Neck Ridge Intersection. Thanks for donation of the SBTB signs!

Tucker, Katie, and Mason 'drumming up business at the February 25, 2017


March 3, 2015 Club Ride to Birches

July 2, 2016 SBTB cook-out chef Danny

Matt Laverty #1 Groomer of the year for SBTB 2015

Greenville's 4th of July Parade 2015

"Best Theme Award: America the Beautiful"

Hutch and Armand getting ready for the January 24, 2015 Cook-out

Thanks to Armand, Joyce, Charlie, Debi, Denise, and Steve for all your work on the 2014 float

March 7, 2015 


February 27, 2014 Club Ride

February 25, 2015 Club Ride to Hawk's Nest

SBTB 2014 Greenville Parade Float

Club Ride on  February 11, 2015


Lake Parlin Lodge

February 27, 2013 Club Ride 


Our Shirley Trails 

February 29, 2013 Club Ride 

 Pittston Farm