2012 Cook-Out, Kite Fest and Young's Crossing Dedication

On Saturday January 26, 2012 The Shirley Bog Trail Busters Snowmobile Club had its 2nd Annual Cook-out and Kite Fest on Shirley Pond in Shirley. The bon fires were blazing all day and into the night. All present had a great day with plenty of hot dogs, chop suey, Armand’s great beans, beef stew, & Debi’s infamous hot chocolate. Thanks to all the cooks, and those that attended.

An added attraction this year was a parachute behind a snowmobile lifting a person into the air. Hutch, Chris and Zach flew into the air with the colorful parachute. The lack of wind prevented the rest of the participants to forget about flying the kites this year.

Many of the people of the town that had worked on our new bridge were present along with many club and community members and other interested new people.

At 3:00PM everyone traveled by snowmobile to the new bridge on the Shirley By-Pass Trail over the stream running into Shirley Pond, which is part of the east branch of the Piscataquis River. Our new bridge was dedicated and named “Young’s Crossing” for our good friend and avid community member, Greg Young. Greg also recently deeded our snowmobile club 17 acres of land. Hutch Gagne created the overhead reflective sign for the bridge announcing Young’s Crossing.

View the video at:



2513-Shirley Bog Trail Busters 2nd Annual Cook-Out and Kite fest with the bon fire and food in the foreground and the parachute rider in the back ground. January 28, 2012

2516-Greg and Lorna Young at the Dedication of Young's Bridge on January 28, 2012