
Volunteer with the PTC!!

The PTC is made up of Sherman Oaks parents and teachers who volunteer their time and ideas to organize and put on cultural, academic and fundraising events for the students and community of Sherman Oaks. We couldn't put on any of these events without the help of parent volunteers.

  • Come to any of our General PTC Meetings held once monthly to find out what we are up to and to see how you can help out. Check the calendar for upcoming meeting dates.

  • If you would like to take a more active role in the PTC you are welcome to join our weekly Planning Meetings on Mondays at 8 am, after school dropoff, in the teacher lounge.

  • If these times are not convenient for you, please contact one of our board members to see how you can be a bigger part of our orgazniation. We could always use an extra hand and we hope to see you at one of these meetings!

Other Volunteer Opportunities:

There are many programs and events at Sherman Oaks that depend on parent volunteers to run. And without volunteers, these programs would cease to exist. Each program is important and beneficial to the success of our students. Please consider contributing your time and volunteer to help!

Library Volunteers - Volunteers are needed to help our librarian, Ms. Festa, in the SOaks library. You can volunteer to help out at school or doing projects from home, monthly, weekly or on your own timeframe. Opportunities available include reading to TK, Kinder or 1st graders during their library visits, reshelfing books, covering and repairing books and helping with library projects. Several volunteers are also needed to setup, monitor and help sell at the book fairs. For more information, please contact Ms. Festa in the library from 8am - 2:30pm or at kfesta@campbellusd.org.

Los Dichos - Parent volunteers are needed. Each month, Los Dichos volunteers read specially selected bilingual books in the classroom and lead activities and discussions about topics including tolerance, family pride, peaceful conflict resolution and other important values. For more information about this project go to https://www.ymcasv.org/ymca-project-cornerstone/schools/school-programs/parent-engagement/los-dichos . To volunteer, contact Susi Ferreyra at susanaferreyra17@hotmail.com.

Girls on the Run - Coaches needed. No experience necessary. This is a great program that helps young girls build confidence and learn healthy lifestyles with a curriculum based on running. Contact Susi Ferreyra at susanaferreyra17@hotmail.com.