Food Myth

Food related topics could easily become myths. Some myths are related to health (e.g., this article lists 13 busted nutrition and food related myths); other myths are related to culture (e.g., some people think thousand-year-old eggs are really years old). Discuss some of the food related myths you have encountered, and decide as a group which myth you are going to investigate. Your goal for this project is to use scientific evidence and reasoning to clarify the myth: either supporting it or busting it at the end.

First, work in a team and search for, collect, and filter through information related to the myth. You need to store and share information using iKOS, which should have been introduced at this point.

For the first week, you will need to create wiki knowledge entries that contain information related to the myth your group decided to work on. Attend to the following while doing this task:

  • Do NOT copy and paste information from the web; use your own words.
  • Cite references / web links / sources of information.
  • Make sure to add keywords to your entry.
  • When finish, submit to "open to class" (under "Collaborate" --> "Apply to Open").
  • You are expected to contribute at least two Wiki entries this week.
  • Do not generate very long entry (you can break a long one into smaller ones).
  • Read your teammates' posts and make sure they reach the quality your team sets up.

For the second week, besides continuing working on the food myth with your teammates (i.e., gathering more and filtering through information), you need to take pictures from things and places around you that may help explain or backup your food myth investigation! Think about if these pictures help you strengthen your arguments. Share your pictures using PicTag in iKOS. When add a PicTag entry, attend to the following:

  • Upload pictures taken by yourself.
  • Using the tag tools to tag the pictures to explain / illustrate what the pictures are meant to show.
  • Submit to "open to class" (under "Collaborate" --> "Apply to Open").

For the third week, producing a final summary entry that summarizes your work. You can hyperlink contents in your entry to other entries you have created. Pay attention to the following when generate the summary entry:

  • Be succinct.
  • Be explicit about what is your myth, what is your argument, and what is your evidence used to support your argument.
  • Hyperlink to evidence or entries your created before.