Shawnee Water Consumers Association is a non-profit tax-exempt 501 (c) 12 Colorado Corporation that supplies water to qualified homeowners of the Shawnee, Colorado community.

Contact Information: Email: ShawneeWater@gmail.com

Phone: 303-838-6106

Write to: Shawnee Water Consumer's Association, PO Box 163, Shawnee, CO 80475

Shawnee Water Consumer's is an all volunteer organization which is composed of 28 households. SWCA has a board of directors consisting of 7 volunteer members.

Pat Parker is our State Certified contract Water Operator and is paid a monthly contract fee which varies according to need. Floyd Jones is our contract Assistant Water Operator and facilities manager.

SWCA reports periodically to the State Division of Water Quality test results which insures SWCA water meets all state criteria for safe drinking water.

SWCA tries to maintain high-quality service with a budget of $30,000. To help maintain the system, through the years since 1929, grants have been received from federal, state and local funding sources.

SWCA has been joined lately by two other non-profit organizations serving Shawnee. Shawnee History exists to facilitate Shawnee's National Historic District status and to share a very rich Shawnee History. Shawnee Civic Association was formed to help perserve and maintain Shawnee roads, watershed, community needs, and much more.

Shawnee Water Consumers Water System Maps :