

Professional Experience 

2023 – 2024            Assistant Professor, University of Montevallo


2021-2023               Visiting Assistant Professor, Miami University of Ohio


2018-2021               Subline Assistant Professor, Baruch College, CUNY


2016 – 2020            Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA)


2015 - 2018             Post Doc, Mangels Dynamic Learning Lab, Baruch College


2015 – 2018            Army Research Lab, Network Science Collaborative Technology Alliance


2009-2015               Graduate Student, Department of Psychology, Ohio University

                                                      (Adviser: Keith Markman)


2007-2009               Graduate Student, Department of Psychology, Ohio University

                                                      (Adviser: Dan Lassiter)


2004-2005               Undergraduate Researcher, Department of Psychology, Purdue University

                                                      (Adviser: Michael Schmitt)


2003-2004               R.A., Carlson Social Cognitive Lab, Purdue University

                                                      (Adviser: Don Carlson)


2003-2004               R.A., Personality & Social Psychology Lab, Purdue University

                                                         (Adviser: Bill Graziano)


Journal Publications


Rager, S., Leung, A., Pinegar, S.K., Mangels, J., Poole, M.S., & Contracter, N. (2021) Groups, Governance, and Greed: The ACCESS World Model. Computational and mathematical organization theory, 1.

Manzi, A., Durmysheva, Y., Pinegar, S.K., Roger, A., & Ramos, J. (2018) Workspace disorder does not influence creative divergent thinking and executive functions. Frontiers in psychology, 9, 2662.


Vigo, R., Doan, K. M. C., Doan, C. A., & Pinegar, S.K. (2018). On the learning difficulty of visual and auditory modal concepts: Evidence for a single processing system. Cognitive processing, 19(1), 1-16.


Snyder, C. J., Lassiter, G. D., Lindberg, M. J., & Pinegar S. K. (2009). Videotaped interrogations and confessions: Does a dual camera approach yield unbiased and accurate evaluations?  Behavioral Sciences and Law, 27, 1-16.


Wahl, S., Pinegar, S.K., Rowe, R., Oaks, H. Dodge, M., Dickman, E., & Anderson, K.B. (2003). Neither George Bush nor Saddam Hussein: for a humanist world. American Sociological Association, 24, 2, 2.


Book Chapters and Encyclopedia Entries


Lassiter, G. D., & Pinegar, S. K.  (2014). False confessions. In R. Cautin and S. Lilienfeld (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Clinical Psychology. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley-Blackwell.


Lassiter, G. D., & Pinegar, S.K. “Interrogation.” In Oxford Bibliographies in Criminology. Ed. Richard Wright. New York: Oxford University Press, 2013.


Lassiter, G. D., Lindberg, M., Pinegar, S.K., & Ware, L. (2009). Understanding the False Confession Phenomenon. In S. Diamond (Ed.), Compelling Confessions: The Politics of Personal Disclosure. Fairleigh Dickinson University Press.


                                         Manuscripts in Preparation or Submitted

Pinegar, S.K. The role of theory of mind and prejudice on the endorsement of curriculum violence.


Mangels, J & Pinegar, S.K. B-KNorm database: Measuring information credibility and metacognitive information in free recall.


Pinegar, S.K., Imperio, C.M.*, Beauchamp, A., & Smith, S.M. Trekkies have it Better: Experience-retrieval of narrative characters improves performance and changes personality.


Pinegar, S.K., Markman, K. D, & Preniqi*, R. Rewarding implicit knowledge.



Non-Peer Reviewed Publications


Pinegar, S.K. & Purl, J. (2013). Fostering a sense of community in the workplace: The impact of vicarious incivility. The Rookie: Society for Psychological Studies of Social Issues.


Honors / Academic Awards

Psi Chi Psychology Professor of the Year (2023) – Miami University

Nominated for Richard Nault On-Campus Advisor of the Year (2022; 2023) – Center for Student Engagement, Activities & Leadership at Miami University


Teaching Recognition Grant for Outstanding Teachers. (2022) – Miami University


Society of Personality and Social Psychology Graduate Student Poster Award Finalist (2011) – Judgment and Decision Making


Midwestern Psychological Association Graduate Student Paper Award (2010) – Memory, Cognitive, & Cognitive Development


Conference Presentations


Conference Paper Presentations – Symposium Talks


Pinegar, S.K. (April. 2024). The effects of Theory of Mind and Motivations to Avoid Prejudice on Curriculum Violence. Hampton Roads Social Justice Conference, Newport News, VA.


Pinegar, S.K. & Gordon, E. (Nov. 2022). Using Technological Tools to Increase Efficient Communication With Students. Original Lilly Conference on College Teaching, Oxford, OH.

Stocker*, V. R., Pinegar, S.K., & Mangels, J. (May, 2018). Assignment of Gender on Experience-Taking. International Conference of Undergraduate Research, New York City, NY.


Pinegar, S.K. & Lassiter, D. G. (2013). Construal-level theory and evaluations of video-recorded interrogations. Paper presented at the American Psychology – Law Society, Portland, OR


Lassiter, D.W., Ware, L., & Pinegar S.K. (2010). Evaluations of video-recorded interrogations: Evidence of judgment perseverance and how to prevent it. Paper presented at the American Psychology – Law Society, Miami, FL


Pinegar, S.K. & Markman, K. D. (2010). Does Analytical Thinking Worsen Intuition-Based Performance? Paper presented at the Midwestern Psychological Association Annual Conference, Chicago, IL. – 1st Place Award


Purl, J., Ritter, C. Pinegar, S. K., Griffeth, R., van Driel, M., & McDonald, D. (2012). Double Jeopardy: The Influence of Age on a Model of Gender, Ageism, Sexism, and Organizational Trust. Paper presented at the Academy of Management, Boston, MA


Conference Paper Presentations – Posters

Ahmed*, Z., & Legg*, M., & Pinegar, S.K., (April, 2023). The relationship between prejudice, experience-taking, and curriculum violence acceptance. Poster presented at the Midwestern Psychological Association Annual Conference, Chicago, IL.


Manzi, A., Tzanis, D. Monsalve, N. Loeffler, K., Pinegar, S.K. (2022). Personality and emotion: Application of a guided emotional scenario task to examine the link between pathological traits, reflective functioning, and affective response. The International Neuropsychoanalysis Society (NPSA), San Juan, Puerto Rico. 

Stocker*, V.R., Cruz*, N, Konamah*, J., & Pinegar, S.K. (May, 2019) What Kind of Superhero are You? The Effect of Gender on Experience-taking. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Association of Psychological Science, Washington, DC.


Stocker*, V. R., Pinegar, S.K., & Mangels, J. (May, 2018). Assignment of Gender on Experience-Taking. Poster presented a Creative Inquiry Day, Baruch College. --1st Place Poster Award


Cruz*, N., Gilliani*, W., Pinegar, S.K., & Mangels, J. (May, 2018). Gender Differences in Retrospective Estimates of Decision Making Choices. Poster presented a Creative Inquiry Day, Baruch College.


Pinegar, S.K., Martineck*, D., Adali, S. & Mangels, J.  (2018, Feb). Using General Knowledge Questions to Gauge Fluency and Metacognitive Information: The B-Knorms. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Society of Personality and Social Personality, Atlanta, GA.


Smith, S., Pinegar, S.K., & Beauchamp, A.  (2018, Feb). Trekkies Have It Better: The Effect of Accumulated Experience-Taking on the Performance of Logic Tasks. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Society of Personality and Social Personality, Atlanta, GA.


Pinegar, S.K., Martineck, D., Mangels, J. & Adali, S. (2017, Jan). Do Hedgehogs Live in Lodges?: The Effects of Motivational and Cognitive Factors on Informational Trust. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Society of Personality and Social Personality, Atlanta, GA.


Pinegar, S. K. & Markman, K. D. (2015, Feb). Rewarding Intuition: The Deleterious Effect of Accuracy Motivation on Intuition. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Society of Personality and Social Personality, Long Beach, CA.


Pinegar, S. K., Chimeli, J., & Bellezza, F. (2013, Nov.). Hindsight Bias: A Correct Judgment Bias or Simply a Memory Bias. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Society for Judgment and Decision Making, Toronto, ON.


Pinegar, S. K. & Markman, K. D. (2012, Jan). Puppies, Spiders, and Hunches: Biases in Stimuli Matter. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Society of Personality and Social Personality, San Diego, CA.


Lassiter, D. W., Pinegar, S. K., & Ware, L. J. (2012, Jan.) Beyond Camera Perspective: Judgment Perseverance in Evaluations of Video-Recorded Confessions. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Society of Personality and Social Personality, San Diego, CA.


Ritter, C., Pinegar, S. K., Purl, J., & Griffeth, R. (2011, Dec). Double Jeopardy: The Influence of Age on a Model of Perceived Ageism and Sexism, Gender, and Organizational Trust. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Defense Equal Opportunity Conference, Patrick Air Force Base, FL.


Pinegar, S.K. & Markman, K.D. (2011, Jan.) How Confidence and Analytical Mindsets Influence Intuition. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Society of Personality and Social Personality, San Antonio, TX. -- Poster Award Finalist


Lassiter, D.W., Snyder, C.J., Lindberg, M.J. & Pinegar, S.K. (2008, March). Does a Dual-Camera Approach Produce Unbiased and Accurate Evaluations of Videotaped Interrogations/ Confessions? Poster presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychology-Law Society, Jacksonville, FL.


Outten, H.R., Pinegar, S.K. & Schmitt M.T. (2007, May). History shaping present beliefs? Perceptions of U.S. history and social dominance orientation as predictors of hierarchy-legitimizing beliefs. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Northwest Cognition and Memory, Burnaby, BC.

*Undergraduate Student

Video Publications



Pinegar, S. K. Interview. “How to cope when your identity is political”. Savvy Psychologist. Monica Johnson. June 2023. 



Courses Taught

University of Montevallo

Foundations in Psychology (Fall 2023, Spring 2024, Spring 2024*)

History of Psychology (Fall 2023, Spring 2024)

Psychology of Fandom (Spring 2024)

Psychology of Prejudice and Minority Experience (Fall 2023)  

Miami University

Graduate Statistics and Methods II (Spring 2022; Spring 2023)

Foundational Experiences in Psychology (Fall 2022*; Spring 2023*)

Social Psychology (Fall 2021, Winter 2021*, Spring 2022, Fall 2022)

Statistics for the Social Sciences (Fall 2021, Spring 2022)

Psychology of Fandom (Fall 2021, Spring 2022, Fall 2022)

Psychology of Prejudice and Minority Experience (Fall 2022; Spring 2023)                                                     

Manhattan College

Social Psychology in the Workplace for ESL students (Fall 2019 – two sections)


York College, CUNY

Cognitive Psychology (Fall 2019*)


   Baruch College, CUNY

General Psychology (Fall 2018, Fall 2018*)

Research Methods (Fall 2018*, Spring 2019*)     

Statistics for the Behavioral Scientist (Fall 2017; Spring 2019; Spring 2020*; Fall 2020*; Spring 2021*)

Social Psychology (Summer 2020*; Spring 2021*)


John Jay College, CUNY

Introduction to Psychology (Fall 2017, Spring 2018, Fall 2018)

Research Methods (Winter 2017; Spring 2021*)  


Guttman Community College, CUNY

 Introduction to Psychology (Summer 2017)


Ohio University

Research Methods (Winter 2011)      

Social Psychology (Fall 2011, Spring 2013)

Statistics for the Behavioral Scientist (Spring 2010, Winter 2012, Fall 2013)


Instructor of Record - Online Courses at Ohio

Introduction to Statistics (Fall 2010 – 2014*)

Introduction to Psychology (Summer 2011, Spring 2011*)

Social Psychology of Justice (Fall 2013*)


High School-Level Courses - Qinhuangdao Foreign Language High School

    English as a Foreign Language – Sophomore/Junior Class (2005-2006)






Invited Speaker for “Incarceration of Minority Men”

         MORE workshop, University of Montevallo, (Oct. 12th, 2023)


Invited Speaker for “Eye-Witness Misidentification and the Innocence Project”

         Montgomery College (May 2nd, 2023)


Faculty Representative on Committee for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

         Miami University (2022-2023)


Faculty Adviser for Ohio Innocence Project at Miami University

         Miami University (2021-2022; 2022-2023)


Psi Chi Honor Society Faculty Adviser

         Miami University (2022-2023)

         Baruch College, CUNY (2018-2019)

Invited Panelist for “The Innocence Panel: A Conversation about Wrongful Convictions”

         Miami University (Feb. 16th, 2022)

Graduate Student Thesis Supervisor

         Chelsea Frank (2017 – 2019)


SPSP Reviewer

         “Outstanding Research Award” Reviewer, 2020 – New Orleans, LA.


“How to Get into Graduate School” Workshop

         Ohio University (2010-2014)

         Baruch College, CUNY (2015-2019)




2015               Ph.D., Experimental Psychology, Ohio University, Athens Ohio

                        Dissertation Adviser: Keith Markman

Concentration: Quantitative Methods

Dissertation: Motivation and Intuition: How Intuitive Performance Decreases as a Function of Motivation


2011               M.S., Experimental Psychology, Ohio University, Athens, Ohio

                           Thesis Adviser: Keith Markman

                           Thesis: Analytical Thinking Mindsets Undermine Intuitive Processes


2005               B. A., Psychology, Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana

                        Minors: Philosophy/Spanish/Peace Studies

                        Research Adviser: Michael Schmitt

Research Focus: The Relationship between Prejudice, American History, and Patriotism




Professional Affiliation


Membership in Professional Organizations

Society of Psychological Study of Social Issues (SPSSI)

Society for Personality and Social Psychology (SPSP)

New York Academy of Science (NYAS)

American Psychological Association (APA)