Wheels of Power: Can free bicycles for schoolgirls free their mothers? (with Anders Kjelsrud and Kalle Moene). Economic Development and Cultural Change,2024, Vol. 72. N0.2, 423-457.

Does Effective Democracy Explain MNE Location Choice? Attractiveness to FDI and Cross-Border M&As (with Debarati Basu and Archana Purohit). Journal of Business Research,2023, Vol.167 , 114-188. 

Dictatorship and the Provision of Public Goods (with T M Tonmoy Islam). Oxford Development Studies, 2023, Vol. 51 (3).

Measuring Partial Democracies: Rules and their Implementation (with Debarati Basu and Archana Purohit). Social Indicators Research , 166, pages133–155 (2023).

Mitigating credit risk: modelling and optimizing co-insurance in loan pricing? (with Debarati Basu and Nishant Kumar Verma), Applied Economics, 2023, 55(29), pp. 3422-3441.

Crime, Elections and Political Competition (with Althaf Shajahan). Review of Development Economics,2022, 26( 4), 2394– 2413. 

Customer reciprocity in greening: the role of service quality. (with Debarati Basu, Kamalika Chakraborty, and Nishant Kumar Verma).  International Journal of Quality and Service Sciences, 2022, Vol. 14 No. 2, pp. 238-257

Economic consequences and redistribution of resources due to the Maoist conflict in Nepal (with Anirban Mitra), Journal of Comparative Economics, Volume 48, Issue 3, 2020, Pages 578-604. 

Electoral Uncertainty, Income Inequality and the Middle Class (with Anirban Mitra), Economic Journal, Volume 127, Issue 602, Pages 873–1216.

Re-assessing “trickle-down” using a multidimensional criterion: The case of India , Social Indicators Research, 2018, Volume 136(2), 497–515. (Working paper with online appendix)

Multidimensional human opportunity index (with T M Tonmoy Islam), Social Indicators Research, 2017, 130(2), 523–535.

Synergies Among Monetary, Multidimensional and Subjective Poverty: Evidence from Nepal, Social Indicators Research, 2016, 125(1), 103-125

Towards a Multidimensional Measure of GovernanceSocial Indicators Research, 2013, 112(2):477-496.

Multidimensional Poverty:Measurement, Estimation, and Inference (with Chris Bennett), Econometric Reviews,2013, 32(1): 57-83.

Book Reviews:

Mehrotra,S. "Realising the Demographic Dividend: Policies to Achieve Inclusive Growth in India", Cambridge University Press. Reviewed for Journal of Development Studies. (link)

Working Papers:

Cash for Votes: Evidence from India (with Anirban Mitra).

Luminosity or Income? A New Perspective on Inequality-Poverty in India (with Shahana U. Abdullah, Archana Purohit and Althaf Shajahan).

Equal Opportunities throughout the lifecycle: Empirical analysis from Chile (with Jose R. Molinas).

Patriarchal Norms and Women’s Work (with Radhika Bansal).

A Suitable Girl: The Effect of Girl’s Education on Dowry Payments (with Manika Bora).

The Impact of Non-Trade Agreements on Foreign Direct Investment (with Debarati Basu and Sheetal Gupta).

Work in Progress:

Vote Buying: Evidence from a Voter Survey in India (with Farzana Afridi, Dilip Mookherjee and Sujata Visaria).

Political Competition and Urban Public Goods:Delimitation as a Natural Experiment (with Althaf Shajahan).

Global Poverty Estimation: Theoretical validity of parametric Lorenz and revisiting nonparametric techniques (with Joao Pedro Azevedo).