For detailed CV (link)

Current Position:

Assistant Professor,Department of Economics, Shiv Nadar University.

Relevant Work Experience:

Assistant Professor,(2014-2021) Center of Public Policy, Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore.

Young Faculty Research Chair, (2015-2018), Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore

Senior Researcher, Peace Research Institute, Oslo (PRIO) [May-August 2014]

Post Doctoral Fellow, Center for Environment and Development (SUM), University of Oslo [Feb.-July 2014]

Consultant, World Bank (PRMPR, LCSPP) [Jan. 2011-Dec. 2013]


2011: PhD in Economics, Vanderbilt University, USA.

2008: M.A. in Economics, Vanderbilt University, USA.

2005: M.A. in Economics, Jawaharlal Nehru University, India.

2003: B.A.(Hons) in Economics, University of Delhi, India.