
London S&P Music

London Sephardi Music A site created by Rabbi Jonathan Cohen (former Visiting Rabbi of Bevis Marks Synagogue and creator of this site), devoted to various aspects of London S&P liturgical music, including both melodies and recitatives, and commentary on custom and usage.

Video clips of the Choir of Shaar Hashamayim singing in Lauderdale Road Synagogue at a celebration concert in honour of their retiring choirmaster, Maurice Martin. The choirs of Bevis Marks and Lauderdale Road combined for this performance, and instead of singing from the Tebah, as they do for services, they stood in front of the Ark. This occasion provided a rare opportunity to record the pieces in their synagogue setting.

"A Sephardi Celebration" CD by the Choir of Shaar Hashamayim, available for sale.

London S&P Community

Spanish and Portuguese Jews' Congregation, London

London Sephardi Minhag A site created by Rabbi Jonathan Cohen (former Visiting Rabbi of Bevis Marks Synagogue and creator of this site), discussing the customs of the London S&P Community.

Contact info

Contact for questions, comments and suggestions about the site: jonathan.e.cohen [at]