BIA and Carnival Help Needed

Knights of Pavia,

This weekend will present two opportunities for us to lend a hand. Br. Roger Walsh has submitted the following on the behalf of Brotherhood in action:

Worthy GK,

The Postal Workers' Food Drive, STAMP OUT HUNGER, which supplies a lot of food to Brotherhood in Action is this Saturday. If any Brothers are available, we could use extra help unloading the mail trucks as they arrive back at the Post office beginning around 2:30, and transporting the donated food back to Headquarters immediately after. We usually finish by 4:30 -5:00. Please make the Council members aware.



Additionally, The annual St. Mary School Carnival is quickly approaching and our help is needed to make it a success. Tomorrow at 3:00 p.m. as many men as possible are needed to move equipment from the St. Mary's storage facility on the property down to the Municipal Center for set up.

Please, help out in any way you can to support both these worthy causes.

John Licari

Grand Knight, Pavia Council 48