
Conference and workshop presentations 






Title 1: Introduction to Hessenberg varieties

Title 2: From topology and geometry of Hessenberg varieties to combinatorics


Title: Generic torus orbit closures in Richardson varieties

Title: Richardson varieties with complexity ≤ 1

Title: Torus orbit closures in the flag variety and Bott manifolds

Title: Torus orbit closures in Richardson varieties

Title: Richardson varieties and Bott manifolds

Title:  Smooth toric Richardson varieties 

Title: Torus orbit closures in the flag variety

Title: Toric Richardson varieties and Bruhat interval polytopes


Title: Real toric varieties defined by graphs

Title: Toric Richardson varieties

Title: Regular semi-simple Hessenberg varieties and faces of the Gelfand-Zetlin polytope

Title: Real toric varieties arising from a simple graph

Title: Betti numbers of real toric manifolds arising from a graph

Title: Toric manifolds over a cube with one vertex cut

Title: Cohomology of real toric manifolds defined by graphs


Title: Real toric manifolds arising from a graph

Title: Cohomology of real toric manifolds arising from a graph

Title: Smooth toric varieties over a cube with one vertex cut

Title: Real toric manifolds and shellable posets arising from graphs

Title: Shellable posets and real toric manifolds arisen from multigraphs

Title: Cohomological rigidity of manifolds arisen from right-angled 3-dimensional polytopes


Title: Cohomological rigidity of manifolds arisen from Pogorelov class

Title: Cohomological rigidity of 6-dimensional quasitoric manifolds

Title: Toric manifolds over cyclohedra

Title: Shellable posets arisen from pseudographs


Title: A polynomial invariant of a pseudograph

Title: Small covers associated with pseudographs

Title: Real toric varieties corresponding to pseudographs

Title: Toric origami and b-symplectic structures on quasitoric manifolds


Title: Origami structures on quasitoric manifolds

Title: Origami templates for simple polytopes

Title: Cohomology ring of toric origami manifolds

Title: Betti numbers of toric origami manifolds

Title: Betti numbers of torus manifolds with acyclic faces

Title: Betti numbers of toric origami manifolds

Title: Projective bundles over toric origami manifolds

Title: Quasitoric manifolds and toric origami manifolds


Title: Toric origami manifolds and multi-fans

Title: Strong cohomological rigidity of toric varieties

Title: Strong cohomological rigidity of toric varieties

Title: Strong cohomological rigidity of toric varieties

Title: Strong cohomological rigidity of quasitoric manifolds


Title: Strong cohomological rigidity problems for projective bundles over a toric manifold

Title: Projective bundles over smooth compact toric surfaces


Title: Projective bundles over $4$-dimensional toric manifolds

Title: $\mathbb{Q}$-trivial generalized Bott manifolds


Title: Classification of quasitoric manifolds with $\beta_2=2$


Title: Classification of quasitoric manifolds over a product of simplices

Title: Classification of quasitoric manifolds of $\beta_2=2$

Title: Cohomological rigidity for quasitoric manifolds of $\beta_2=2$

Invited Seminar Talks (selected)

TDA Seminar presentations

Presentation (not belonging to the above category)

Title: A very short introduction to Mathematical Education in Korea

Title: 数学について(About Mathematics)

Member of organizing and program committees

Participation in international conferences (selected)