Unit 2: Vocabulary Practice on the text about Muzon

UNHCR Stories of refugees and aid workers -

Muzon’s Story.

A Teenage Refugee Champions Girls’ Education

1st Paragraph

1. Heppner .............................one of the finest tenors in the operatic world today.

2. a .............................. speech

3. Thousands of ........................... fled across the border.

4. He's a strong ........................... of state ownership of the railways.

2nd Paragraph

1. She ........... (from) the room in tears.

2. Lawyers will .................. the parents to take further legal action.

3. He is currently ................................ (to be) the best British athlete

4. We chatted .................. about the weather.

3rd Paragraph

1. The train crosses the ..................... between France and Spain.

2. Jack didn't receive much formal ............................

3. No amount of money can ........................... the death of a child.

4. I have four .............................: three brothers and a sister.

4th Paragraph

5th Paragraph

1. This car has excellent safety .....................

2. to be ................................ important/common

3. The king went into .............because of the political situation in his country.

4. a deep/strong/lifelong ...................

5. .......................................... beliefs

6. It's a country which places great ..................... on education.

7. ......................... politicians

8. She has a very ............................ personality which will serve her well in politics.

6th Paragraph

7th paragraph

8th Paragraph

1.The two men died when they were ............. in a burning building.

2. One boat of refugees was caught in (the) naval .................... and sunk.

3. After they got married, they ............................. in Brooklyn.

4. ........................................, most people approved of the new plan.

5. We had to ............................ a nine-hour delay at the airport.

6.They became aware that the castle was ......................

9th Paragraph

10th Paragraph

1. Is it too late to ................. at the college?

2. The president has failed to................with the two most important social issues of our time.

3. I'd like to start the speech by ......................................... a few rumours that have been spreading recently.

4. the school ..................................

5. ..................................., nobody was hurt.

11th Paragraph

12th Paragraph

13rd Paragraph

14th Paragraph

1.Annette ................. admiringly at Warren as he spoke

2.The ..................... Mrs Furlong said she would continue to fight for justice.

3. It would be a...................solution to the problem.

4.He really knows how to ......................... people into doing what he wants.

15th Paragraph

1.There is a lot of ................. to the proposed changes

2. On their way home they ........................ a woman selling flowers.

3. The thought of how much work she had to do ....................... her.

4. You'd never know they're sisters - they're completely ............. to each other in every way.

16th Paragraph

1.The police are still trying to establish the .............. of the fire.

2. Would all those in favour please ................... their hands?

3. If I'm not there when you call, leave a .............................

4. This booklet ...................... useful information about local services.

5. The fire ............................. very rapidly because of the strong wind.

17th Paragraph

18th Paragraph

1.The government's training policy, he claimed, was ............ its objectives

2. I ............. him for his determination.

3. They were victims of ............................

4. He complained that his husband never paid him any ................. anymore.