Unit 2 A story of Survival

In this lesson we will create our own stories .

First let's make sure that we know the vocabulary we have to use in our story !!!

The sentences that follow have been taken from the Cambridge Dictionary

The following video was created by Save the Children and Don’t Panic London. It presents a girl whose world is falling apart in just a year!!!

Go to the e-class( B senior & C Cenior) and create your stories.

Use the following key words: danger, life, jacket, trafficking, smuggling, dinghy, pain, army, asylum, borders, contract, detention, centre, education, deportation, fear, family, centre, family, reunion, chance, parents, passports,persecution, poverty, protection, exploitation, returned, suffers, smugglers, labour, visa and make up a story related to that photos. Imagine and write their names, their family names, their background, their country and what happened. You may also decide to use some small items you think are necessary to make your story more vivid and realistic (e.g. a photo, a piece of clothing...)

Source: ΦΑΚΕΛΟΣ ΥΛΙΚΟΥ: ΑΓΓΛΙΚΑ ΓΕΝΙΚΟΥ ΛΥΚΕΙΟΥ 2: Ενότητες 1-9 (page:30)

A Refugee Story written by a student can be found HERE


you can read it below.

It's a great story. Enjoy!!!

Have Each Other by Christine Argyri.pdf