Professor Seng W. Loke
BIT,BSc(Hons) (ANU), PhD (1998) (Melb)
Director of the Center for Software, Systems & Society (CS3)
Co-Director of the IoT Platforms and Applications Lab in the Centre for Internet of Things Ecosystem Research and Experimentation (CITECORE),
School of Information Technology,
Deakin University (Burwood Campus),
221 Burwood Highway,
Victoria 3125,
Melbourne, Australia.
Office Location: Building T, Level 2.
Deakin Web: or check out my new Deakin Web: ACM Web:
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Google Scholar Web:
ResearchGate Web:
Academia Web:
Orcid Web:
Publons Web:
Other current and previous affiliations:
Adjunct Professor at the School of Business and Tourism, Southern Cross University, Australia
Research Theme Leader: Intelligent Built Environments, Live+Smart Research Lab, Deakin University (and a member of the Transport Futures theme)
A member of the MInD Lab (a practice-based research group based in the School of Architecture and Built Environment at Deakin University, located in Geelong)
A researcher associated with the Cyber Security Research and Innovation Centre (CSRI) in Deakin University
I am also involved in the Quantum IT@Deakin special interest group.
Previous affiliation:
Department of Computer Science and Information Technology, La Trobe University, Bundoora, VIC 3086, Australia. (Melbourne)
Want to see my publications, browse below to Recent News to see recent work, or go straight to my "usually out of date" list of publications.
What do I work on?
Finally, a mind map suggestive of my current research activities ... (generated in April 2023) [Note: some of the boxes overlap from time to time!]
Recent news
2024 news:
Another recent paper at a workshop at SIGCOMM'24! Islam, Muhammad; Nagesh, Sanjay Segu; Fernando, Niroshinie; Loke, Seng; Neiat, Azadeh Ghari; Pathirana, Pubudu (2024). Blockchain Based Trust and Validation Mechanism for Mobile Collaborative Computing. Conference contribution.
I continue to be on the editorial board of the Journal of Location-Based Services!
Recent paper! "Enhancing UAV Communications in Disasters: Integrating ESFM and MAPPO for Superior Performance", 4 Oct 2024, Journal of Circuits, Systems and Computers, World Scientific Pub Co Pte Ltd. Co-authors: Qiu W, Shao X, Loke SW, He Z, Alqahtani F, Masui H
I gave an invited webinar on cooperative IoT at PSIT as an IEEE Distinguished Lecturer :-):
I gave an invited talk on "Opportunities and Challenges of Urban Agetech: from an Automated City to an Ageing-Friendly City" at the 2024 IEEE Annual Congress on Artificial Intelligence of Things (AIoT), Melbourne, Australia (24-26 July).
Our (Benjamin (Binjie He), Seng W. Loke and Dong Zhang) paper on "Parallel Segment Entanglement Swapping" has been accepted at the International Conference on Quantum Communications, Networking, and Computing (QCNC 2024) (!
Our (Sara Sardari, Sara Sharifzadeh, Alireza Daneshkhah, Seng W. Loke, Vasile Palade, Michael J. Duncan, and Bahareh Nakisa) paper on "LightPRA: A Lightweight Temporal Convolutional Network for Automatic Physical Rehabilitation Exercise Assessment" has been accepted for the journal Computers in Biology and Medicine! Read it now!
We are looking for domestic (Australian PR/citizen / NZ citizens) candidates for two PhD scholarships to work on Distributed Quantum Computing as part of the Data61 Next Generation Quantum Graduates Program! The project will work with Cisco researchers and will involve a funded internship in Cisco Quantum Lab (for up to 6 months)! Please email me if interested! More information on it here and here. [Applications closed for now; we are processing applicants received so far.]
I also visited and gave a talk on "Distributed Quantum Computing and Quantum Internet Computing: a Rather Short Overview" at Osaka Metropolitan University, hosted by Professor Hai Lin, and at National Institute of Informatics, Tokyo, Japan, hosted by Professor Yusheng Ji.
I was a Visiting Professor at Toyohashi University of Technology, Japan! Thanks to the invitation of A/Prof. Xun Shao on a JSPS Fellowship!
Our paper (Shakthi Weerasinghe, ARKADY ZASLAVSKY, SENG W. LOKE , ALEXEY MEDVEDEV, AMIN ABKEN ALIREZA HASSANI and GUANG-LI HUANG) "Reinforcement Learning Based Approaches to Adaptive Context Caching in Distributed Context Management Systems" has been accepted for the ACM Transactions on Internet of Things (TIoT)!
I will be giving a Brown Bag Lunch time talk on Urban Agetech at SUTD!
Our paper (with (Benjamin) Binjie He) "Building a Hierarchical Architecture and Communication Model for the Quantum Internet" has been accepted for the IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications (JSAC)!
My book "From Distributed Quantum Computing to Quantum Internet Computing: An Introduction" has finally been released! You can get it from Amazon, Wiley (the publisher), or other bookshops (preview from Google).
2023 news:
I am now visiting the Lee Kuan Yew Centre for Innovative Cities (LKYCIC), as Visiting Professor.
I continue to be on the Percom 2024 Technical Program Committee!
I have just been appointed to the Australian Research Council (ARC) College of Experts
Our (Alexey Medvedev, Arkady Zaslavsky, Alireza Hassani, Gleb Belov, Shakthi Weerasinghe, Guang-Li Huang, Seng W. Loke, and Prem Prakash Jayaraman) paper "Refresh Rate-Based Caching and Prefetching Strategies for Internet of Things Middleware" has been accepted in Sensors and published!
I have taken up the role of Editor-in-Chief of Emerald's International Journal of Pervasive Computing and Communications (IJPCC)!
Our (Shiva Raj Pokhrel; Jonathan Kua; Deol Satish; Phil Williams; Arkady Zaslavsky; Seng W. Loke; Jinho Choi) paper "Deakin RF-Sensing: Experiments on Correlated Knowledge Distillation for Monitoring Human Postures with Radios" has been accepted and published!
My PhD student (now ex!) Dr. Amna Batool has just completed her PhD! (Now at CSIRO's Data61)
I have just been awarded a Japan Society for Promotion of Science (JSPS) Invitational Fellowship (short term) (see page 7) to do work on "Towards an Intelligent Policy-based Development Methodology for Human-Centric Ethical Smart Devices"!
Our (Sivaram Krishnan, Mahyar Nematii, Seng W. Loke, Jihong Park and Jinho Choi) paper on "Energy-Efficient UAV-Assisted IoT Data Collection via TSP-Based Solution Space Reduction" has been accepted for Globecom 2023, the 2023 IEEE Global Communications Conference: IoT and Sensor Networks!
Our (Seng W. Loke, Jinho Choi, Bassel Al Homssi, and Sooyoung Kim) paper on "Computing with the Internet of Flying-Things from Sky to Space" has been accepted for ISCIT 2023!
Our (Wenhua Yu, Bahareh Nakisa, Emran Ali, Seng W. Loke, Svetlana Stevanovic, and Yuming Guo) paper on "Sensor-based indoor air temperature prediction using deep ensemble machine learning: an Australian urban environment case study " has been accepted for the Urban Climate journal!
Our (co-organized with Xun Shao and Niroshinie) workshop on Agetech from a Pervasive Computing Perspective at Percom 2024 (Pervasive-Agetech 2024) has been accepted to run - now we just need enough submissions!
I spoke about r2r cooperation (analogous to v2v cooperation) at the Webinar hosted by the Urban Robotics Foundation on 14 June (AEST)
I spoke at the IEEE CS DVP EXA Event on Cooperative Internet of Things: From Edge Computing to Cooperative Vehicles (slides)!
Our (Ravindi Iroshinee De Silva, Arkady Zaslavsky, Seng W. Loke, Prem Prakash Jayaraman) paper on "Context Query Generation using Scene Graph Approach" has been accepted for publication in the International Workshop on Mobile Ubiquitous Systems and Technologies (MUST2023) @MDM 2023!
Our (Shakthi Weerasinghe, Arkday Zaslavsky, Seng W. Loke, Valeh Moghaddam and Christian Becker) paper on "Towards World Wide Context Management: Architecting Distributed Contextual Intelligence Systems for Real-Time IoT Applications" has been accepted for publication in the IoTSenCity 2023 workshop @MDM 2023!
Our (Mohamed Ahzam Amanullah, Seng W. Loke, Mohan Baruwal Chhetri, Robin Doss) paper on "A Taxonomy and Analysis of Misbehaviour Detection in Cooperative Intelligent Transport Systems: A Systematic Review" has been accepted at ACM Computing Surveys!
Our (Yuechao Ren, Atul Sajjanhar, Shang Gao, Seng W. Loke) paper on "Client Selection Based on Diversity Scaling for Federated Learning on Non-IID Data" has been accepted at Broadnets 2022.
Our (Sara Sardari, Sara Sharifzadeh, Alireza Daneshkhah, Bahareh Nakisa, Seng W. Loke, Vasile Palade, and Michael J. Duncan) paper on "Artificial Intelligence for Skeleton-based Physical Rehabilitation Action Evaluation: A Systematic Review" has been accepted for the journal Computers in Biology and Medicine! Read it now!
Almost thirty years ago... good to still be remembered as a University Medalist in ANU's 50 years of computing history (pp. 293) - thanks to Professor David Hawking for writing the book - proud to be part of it...
I am now an IEEE Distinguished Visitor/Speaker!
Our paper (led by Shakthi Weerasinghe and with Arkady Zaslasky and others) on "Context Caching for IoT-based Applications: Opportunities and Challenges" has been accepted for the IEEE Internet of Things Magazine!
Our (J. Phuttharak and Seng W. Loke) paper on "An Event-Driven Architectural Model for Integrating Heterogeneous Data and Developing Smart City Applications" has appeared in the Journal of Sensors and Networks!
Our (Natgunanathan, I.; Fernando, N.; Loke, S.W.; Weerasuriya, C) paper on "Bluetooth Low Energy Mesh: Applications, Considerations and Current State-of-the-Art" has appeared in Sensors!
2022 news:
Our (Ravindi Iroshinee De Silva, Arkady Zaslavsky, Seng W. Loke, Prem Prakash Jayaraman, Amin Abken, Alexey Medvedev) paper "Scenario Based Approach for Context Query Generation" has been accepted as a short paper for presentation virtually in IEEE UIC-2022 and for publication in its proceedings.
Our (Jinho Choi, Seng W. Loke, Jihong Park) paper on "A Unified Approach to Semantic Information and Communication Based on Probabilistic Logic" has appeared in IEEE Access 10: 129806-129822 (2022)! See here!
Our (Niroshinie Fernando, Chetan Arora, Seng W. Loke, Lubna Alam, Stephen La Macchia, Helen Graesser) paper on "Towards Human-Centred Crowd Computing: Software for Better Use of Computational Resources" has been accepted for ICSE 2023 (New Ideas and Emerging Results track)!
Our (Amna Batool, Seng W. Loke, Niroshinie Fernando, Jonathan Kua) paper on "Software Engineering for Smart Things in Public Spaces: Initial Insights and Challenges" has been accepted for ICSE 2023 (Software Engineering in Society track)!
Our (led by Shakthi Weerasinghe and with Arkady and others) paper on "Adaptive Context Caching for Efficient Distributed Context Management Systems" has been accepted for SAC2023!
Machines should be designed to cooperate! My paper (previously just on Arxiv and Ethics for Robotics workshop in IROS2021) on "Designed to cooperate: a Kant-inspired ethic of machine-to-machine cooperation" is now published in AI & Ethics!
The SEIC is now renamed to be the Centre for Software, Systems & Society (CS3)!
Our (Mahyar Nemati, Bassel Al Homssi, Sivaram Krishnan, Jihong Park, Seng W. Loke, Jinho Choi) review paper on "Non-Terrestrial Networks with UAVs: A Projection on Flying Ad-Hoc Networks" has been accepted for Drones!
Our (Huang, Guang-Li; Zaslavsky, Arkady; Loke, Seng W.; Abkenar, Amin; Medvedev, Alexey; Hassani, Alireza) survey paper "Context-Aware Machine Learning for Intelligent Transportation Systems: A Survey" has been accepted for publication in the IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems! See the publisher site.
The Go-1 robot has joined our collection at Deakin University!
My paper in AI & Society has appeared, entitled "Rules for privately owned robots in public spaces"!
Our papers have appeared:
Jinho Choi, Seng W. Loke, Jihong Park: A Unified View on Semantic Information and Communication: A Probabilistic Logic Approach. ICC Workshops 2022: 705-710 - see it at the publisher site (journal version published in IEEE Access! See above!)
Guang-Li Huang, Adnan Anwar, Seng W. Loke, Arkady B. Zaslavsky, Jinho Choi: IoT-based Analysis for Smart Energy Management. VTC Spring 2022: 1-5 - see it at the publisher site
I started writing about Quantum Internet Computing! See the short overview at: and a longer overview at
Percom 2023 CFPs are out!
Deakin University has been ranked within the (shared) top 5 in Australia for Computer Science & Engineering! See (choose Australia as country/region)
Our (Sanjay Segu Nagesh, Niroshinie Fernando, Seng W. Loke, Azadeh Ghari Neiat, and Pubudu N. Pathirana) paper on "Opportunistic Mobile Crowd Computing: Task-dependency Based Work-Stealing" has been accepted for MobiCom 2022 Demos!
Our (Anping Xiong, Guihua Liu, Qingyi Zhu, Ankui Jing, and Seng W. Loke) paper on "A notary group-based cross-chain mechanism" has been published! See the Digital Communications and Networks journal website!
Our (Reza Bairam Zadeh, Arkady Zaslavsky, Seng W. Loke, Somaiyeh MahmoudZadeh) paper on A Multiagent Mission Coordination System for Continuous Situational Awareness of Bushfires has been published! See IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering website here!
I gave an invited talk on Socio-Technical Considerations and Ethics for Smart Devices at the ICT4D (ICT for Development) program organised at UNIMAS! The slides are here.
Our (Tan Duy Le, Mengmeng Ge, Adnan Anwar, Seng W. Loke,Razvan Beuran,Robin Doss and Yasuo Tan ) paper on GridAttackAnalyzer: A Cyber Attack Analysis Framework for Smart Grids has been published in Sensors!
I am now an invited Program Co-Chair for MDM 2023!
I was announced as one of 448 of the 2021 class of EAI Distinguished Members!
Can crowds evacuate more efficiently if there was more neighbour-to-neighbour cooperation? We studied crowd evacuation behaviours using simulation! Our (Norhaida Hussain, Wai Shiang Cheah and myself) paper entitled "A Multi-Agent Simulation Evacuation Model using The Social Force Model: A Large Room Simulation Study" was accepted at the 4th 2021 International Conference on Applied Information Technology and Innovation (ICAITI 2022)!
We have been working on a new view of network communications based on semantic information! Our (Jinho Choi, myself and Jihong Park) paper entitled "A Unified View on Semantic Information and Communication: A Probabilistic Logic Approach" has been accepted at the WS11 ICC'22 Workshop on Semantic Communications!
I am now an invited Technical Program Committee Vice Chair of Percom 2023 (see website)!
If you wonder what some of my "older" (completed around 10 years ago or earlier) (forgive me for using the word "older" if you are one of them :-)) completed PhDs (or my ex-PhD students) are doing now? A sampling below - thanks to LinkedIn ...
Professor Shonali Krishnaswamy (CTO at AIDA Technologies Pty Ltd (Singapore) and Professor at Swinburne University of Technology) (completed in 2002)
Dr. Glenn Tesla Jayaputera (now Deputy Director - Melbourne eResearch at University of Melbourne, Australia) (completed in 2005)
Dr. Amir Padovitz (now at Airbnb, USA) (completed in 2006)
Professor Mehul Bhatt (at Orebro University, Sweden) (completed in 2008)
Professor Flora Salim (at RMIT University, soon to be at UNSW, Australia) (completed in 2009)
Dr. Chong Suan Khai (now Systems Analyst at ATO, Australia) (completed in 2009)
Dr. Wanita Sherchan (now at IBM, Australia) (completed in 2009)
Dr. Tuan Nguyen (now President at Ho Chi Minh City University of Foreign Languages and Information Technology (HUFLIT), Vietnam) (completed in 2011)
Dr. Kutila Gunasekera (now Senior Lecturer, University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka) (completed in 2011)
Dr. Alaa Almagrabi (now Associate Professor, FCIT, Saudi Arabia) (completed in 2013)
Dr. Ahmad Alzahrani (now Associate Professor, King Abdulaziz University, Saudi Arabia) (completed in 2013)
I have accepted the role of Centre Director for the Software Engineering and Innovation Research Centre (SEIC) within the School of IT at Deakin University
Wondering about context-awareness and context management platforms? Our (Kanaka Sai Jagarlamudi, Arkady Zaslavsky, Seng W. Loke, Alireza Hassani) paper entitled "Requirements, Limitations and Recommendations for Enabling End-to-End Quality of Context-Awareness in IoT Middleware" has been accepted for the Sensors journal!
How can we safeguard Cooperative Intelligent Transport Systems? Our (Mohamed Ahzam Amanullah , Mohan Baruwal Chhetri, Seng W. Loke and Robin Doss) paper entitled "BurST-ADMA: Towards an Australian Dataset for Misbehaviour Detection in the Internet of Vehicles" has been accepted at the 6th Workshop on Security, Privacy and Trust in the Internet of Things (SPT-IoT 2022) at Percom 2022!
Brief Bio
I am Professor (Level E, Full) in Computer Science at the School of Information Technology in Deakin University. I was Reader and Associate Professor at the Department of Computer Science and Information Technology in La Trobe University. I led the Pervasive Computing Lab at La Trobe, and have authored 'Context-Aware Pervasive Systems: Architectures for a New Breed of Applications' published by Auerbach (CRC Press), Dec 2006, and more recently authored 'Crowd-Powered Mobile Computing and Smart Things' published by Springer (2017) and 'From Distributed Quantum Computing to Quantum Internet Computing: an Introduction' published by Wiley-IEEE (2023). I completed my PhD in 1998 at the University of Melbourne, and the BSc (1st class Hons) in 1994 at the Australian National University winning a University Medal in Computer Science. I was an Honorary Associate of the Centre for Distributed Systems and Software Engineering, Monash University for several years (2006-2011).
My recent research interest has led me to Distributed Quantum Computing and Quantum Internet Computing. My recent book is here (and on and and some resources on this topic are here.
For many years, my research had mainly been in pervasive (ubiquitous) computing and mobile computing, Internet of Things (IoT), focusing on issues concerning systems and information, with current emphases on complex cooperation among Things (including urban robots, smart vehicles viewed as smart things, i.e. Internet of Vehicles, Internet of Drones, Internet of *), crowd-powered mobile computing, mobile Big Data, mobile Big Systems, the social impact of technology innovation, Mobile/Physical Web/Cloud development, and how they might interact. Some of my work can be categorised under cyber-physical systems.
Recent problems/challenges I have looked into as the Internet of Things move to the complex Internet of Cooperative Autonomous Things (or Artificial Intelligence for/in Things), include:
emergent coordination in smart cities for IoT: intelligent decentralised and opportunistic cooperation for autonomous vehicles/things/robots over v2v/t2t communication: their benefits and issues
drone-services: one or more autonomous drones cooperating to provide services to people
trusted complex networks of autonomous IoT devices (including issues of privacy, security, and risks for things on the ground and in the Air, i.e., drones/UAVs)
context-aware services and matching algorithms for open social environments with dynamic and real-time constraints
cooperative multi-node mobile sensor data analytics for human activity recognition and activity recognition services for humans and machines
ethics, trust, safety, and risks in the IoT
I am also very much interested in inter-disciplinary (trans-disciplinary, multi-disciplinary, anti-disciplinary) research, with some of my current and previous projects involving the applications of IT (and IoT) in smart city, and other sectors such as health, agriculture, transport, ecology, and energy.
My research has been supported by organizations such as the Australian Research Council, the AutoCRC, the Australian Army, and the Department of Industry, Innovation and Science, and companies such as Alibaba. My work has been on a range of topics:
mobile cloud and services computing
mobile crowd computing, crowdsensing, crowdsourcing, with applications in Smart Cities and Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS)
distributed algorithms and complex systems in the mobile environment
context-aware mobile applications in mobile health, pervasive advertising, and ITS
activity recognition via mobile sensing
mobile interaction with users, spaces, and information; mobile experience engineering
software engineering for mobile applications; programming models and abstractions; performance engineering; resource/energy-aware software
mobile augmented reality and physical annotations; cross-reality environments and visualizations
smart (mobile) things, and the Internet/Web-of-Things
AI reasoning about Big social/stream Data arising in pervasive computing environments and its applications
Quantum Internet Computing
I have (co-)authored 4 books, 320+ research publications including over 90+ journal papers, over 10 book chapters, and 190+ conference/workshop papers, with numerous work on context-aware computing, and mobile and pervasive computing. I have been on the program committee of numerous conferences/workshops in the area, including Pervasive'08 and Percom'10 (and 2011, 2023, 2024). My research has been published in journals such as IEEE Internet of Things Journal, ACM Transactions on the Internet of Things, ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems, IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, IEEE Pervasive, Knowledge Engineering Review, Pervasive and Mobile Computing Journal (Elsevier), ACM Computing Surveys, IEEE Transactions on SMC, IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Vehicles, Personal and Ubiquitous Computing, The Computer Journal (OUP), Future Generation Computer Systems, MONET, Journal of Systems and Software, Expert Systems and Applications, Journal of Network and Computer Applications and Theory and Practice of Logic Programming. I have also published in leading conferences in the pervasive, middleware, and services computing areas including Percom (CORE ranking: A), International Conference on Service-Oriented Computing (ICSOC) (CORE ranking: A), Mobiquitous (CORE ranking A), International Conference on Web Services (CORE ranking A), HICSS (CORE ranking: A), and Middleware (CORE ranking: A).
For more, please see my always-slightly-out-of-date CV.
View my books below or my publications as a list (more PDFs coming, email me if you need copies of papers);
in DBLP under the names of either Seng Wai Loke or
take a look at what Semantic Scholar has on me;
Not so recent news
2021 news:
Our (Shakthi Weerasinghe, Arkady Zaslavsky, Seng W. Loke, Alexey Medvedev, Amin Abken) paper entitled "Estimating the Lifetime of Transient Context for Adaptive Caching in IoT Applications" has been accepted at SAC 2022!
What does Space hold for IoT? See our (Kua, J.; Loke, S.W.; Arora, C.; Fernando, N.; Ranaweera, C.) paper entitled "Internet of Things in Space: A Review of Opportunities and Challenges from Satellite-Aided Computing to Digitally-Enhanced Space Living" published in the Sensors journal!
List of my current PhD students at Deakin University as of 16/11/2021(with my supervisory role)!
How can we select context services better, taking into account quality requirements and costs? See our (Kanaka S. Jagarlamudi, Arkady Zaslavsky, Alexey Medvedev and Ali Hassani and S.W. Loke) ) paper entitled "Quality and Cost Aware Service Selection in IoT-Context Management Platforms" accepted at The 14th IEEE International Conference on Internet of Things!
How can we use drones to improve situation-awareness of bushfires? See our (Reza B. Zadeh, S.W. Loke, Arkady Zaslavsky and Somaiyeh M. Zadeh) paper entitled "Multi-UAVs for Bushfire Situational Awareness: a Comparison of Environment Traversal Algorithms" accepted at The 14th IEEE International Conference on Internet of Things!
How can we use context-awareness to improve the safety of Automated Vehicles? See our (Amin Abken, S.W. Loke, and Arkady Zaslavsky) paper entitled "Towards Group Activity Recognition and Analysis for Improving the Safety of Automated Vehicles" accepted at The 14th IEEE International Conference on Internet of Things!
How can we operationalize ethical behaviours in IoT collectives? See our (Amna Batool, S.W. Loke, Niroshinie Fernando and Jonathan Kua) paper entitled "Operationalizing Rule-Based Socio-Ethical Behaviour in IoT Collectives: a Policy Management Approach" accepted at The 20th IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence and Intelligent Agent Technology!
How can we design IoT devices that incorporate ethical behaviours? See our (Amna Batool, S.W. Loke, Niroshinie Fernando and Jonathan Kua) paper entitled "A Methodology for Human-Centred IoT Collectives Based On Socio-Ethical Policies" accepted at The 2021 Workshop on Human-Centric Software Engineering & Cyber Security (HCSE&CS-2021) co-hosted with the 36th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering!
Our (Amna Batool, S.W. Loke, Niroshinie Fernando and Jonathan Kua) paper entitled "Towards a Policy Management Framework for Managing Interaction Behaviors in IoT Collectives" has been published! See it on the publisher Website!
My book on "The Automated City" with Andry, published by Springer, has finally been published! Please see the publisher website or Amazon.
My paper on "Designed to Cooperate: A Kant-Inspired Ethic of Machine-to-Machine Cooperation" has been accepted at the workshop on "Building and Evaluating Ethical Robotic Systems" at the 2021 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS)! Also available on Arxiv.
I delivered a keynote talk at CITA 2021 on Cooperative Internet-of-Things: Perspectives on Edge Computing, Social Vehicles and Urban Robotics!
Our (Ali Aliedani and myself) book chapter on "A Review of Smart Car Parking as IoT Systems" in the book "SMART PARKING IN FAST-GROWING CITIES" has been published - see the full open access book here!
My paper "Achieving Ethical Algorithmic Behaviour in the Internet of Things: A Review" (with an older version in Arxiv) is finally published in MDPI's IoT Journal - see the full text here!
How will context services be measured and delivered? Our (with Kanaka, Arkady, Alexey and Ali) paper on "Towards Measurable Efficient and Effective Metrics for Quality and Cost of Context" has been published! See it here!
I wrote about the ethics of smart devices in Cyber Today - see it here!
How can we manage IoT collectives when they interact with people? Our (Amna Batool, S.W. Loke, Niroshinie Fernando and Jonathan Kua) paper entitled "A Policy-Based Approach for Managing Socially Appropriate Interaction Behaviours in IoT Collectives" has just been accepted at PerIoT 2021!
The proceedings of MONAMI 2020 is out, at: (thanks to the conference chairs, especially Dr. Xun Shao)
What are the best strategies for drones serving a particular region? Our (Majed Alwateer, myself and Niroshinie Fernando) paper "Drones-as-a-Service: a Simulation-Based Analysis for On-Drone Decision Making", has been accepted for publication in Personal and Ubiquitous Computing! Access the paper here!
2020 news:
Our grant application to the Australia-Japan Foundation, led by my colleague Dr. Adnan Anwar, "Deakin-JAIST Collaborative Cybersecurity Training and Innovation for IoT-Enabled Critical Infrastructure" has been successful!
In the light of recent aged care problems, what are the issues in deploying robots to help check up on Seniors in aged care? Take a look a our (Amna Batool, S.W. Loke, Niroshinie Fernando and Jonathan Kua) paper entitled "Towards a System for Aged Care Centres based on Multiuser–Multidevice Interactions in IoT Collectives" accepted at a Mobiquitous 2020 Workshop)! (PDF preprint to come; take a look at Amna's prototype using Temi robots here)
Can one hack from IoT devices into the Smart Grid? Our (Tan Duy Le, Mengmeng Ge, Phan The Duy, Hien Do Hoang, Adnan Anwar, S.W. Loke, Razvan Beuran, and Yasuo Tan) paper entitled "CVSS Based Attack Analysis using a Graphical Security Model: Review and Smart Grid Case Study" just accepted at the 4th EAI International Conference on Smart Grid and Internet of Things conference (SGIoT) provides a perspective! (See PDF preprint)
Do vehicles that cooperate pose a risk to society and how can we address this? Our (A. Aliedani, S.W. Loke, and S. Glasier) paper entitled "Robust Cooperative Car-Parking: Implications and Solutions for Selfish Inter-Vehicular Social Behaviour" has been accepted for publication in the journal Human-Centric Computing and Information Sciences! (See PDF preprint here or go to publications)
How can one learn about cyber attacks on smart grids? Our (Tan Duy Le, Adnan Anwar, S.W. Loke, Razvan Beuran, and Yasuo Tan) paper entitled "GridAttackSim: Cyber Attack Simulation Framework for Smart Grids" has been accepted for publication in the journal Electronics (MDPI)! (See it here or go to publications)
How can one do crowdsourcing over peer-to-peer smartphone-based Bluetooth networks? And what is a good algorithm to do this? Take a look at our (Jurairat and myself) paper entitled "Iterative Spatial Crowdsourcing in Peer-to-Peer Opportunistic Networks" accepted for publication in the journal Electronics (MDPI)! (See it here or go to publications)
I am now officially an ACM Distinguished Speaker!
What is the future of drone services? What needs to happen before drone services will become a reality? Have a look at our (with Dr. Majed Alwateer) paper entitled "Emerging Drone Services: Challenges and Societal Issues" has appeared in the IEEE Technology and Society Magazine! (See it here or go to publications)
On Academic Study Leave from Feb to Aug 2020, as a Visiting Fellow at QUT, Brisbane (virtual, due to Covid-19)
I was pleasantly surprised and humbled to have received the Deakin School of Information Technology's 2019 "Research Impact Award":
How can multiple robots, multiple humans coordinate and cooperate on-demand in urban applications? Have a look at our paper (with Amin Abken and Niroshinie Fernando) entitled "Towards an Edge-Cloud Platform for Multirobot-Multihuman Cooperation in Urban IoT Ecosystems" has been accepted for Percom 2020! (Go to publications)
- a figure from the paper:
2019 news:
Our paper has been accepted! Le, Tan Duy, Anwar, Adnan, Beuran, Razvan and Loke, Seng W. 2019, Smart Grid Co-Simulation Tools: Review and Cybersecurity Case Study, in icSmartGrid 2019 : Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Smart Grid, IEEE, Piscataway, N.J., pp. 39-45, doi: 10.1109/icSmartGrid48354.2019.8990712.
Our ARC Discovery Project (led by Prof. Arkady Zaslavsky, with A/Prof. Prem Jayaraman, and Prof. Christian Becker) on Adaptive context caching for fast concurrent access in Internet of Things has been funded!
Thanks to Shubham Jindal, Temis can take you on a tour! Demonstrated on Open Day, Deakin University.
Start page: press “start tour” & start following Temi :)
At a location: click to continue
At another location: end here...
Our paper (Qingyi Zhu, myself, Rolando Trujillo-Rasua, Frank Jiang and Yong Xiang) entitled "Applications of Distributed Ledger Technologies to the Internet of Things: a Survey" has been accepted for ACM Computing Surveys! Full version available soon.
Our paper (with Majed Alwateer, Niroshinie Fernando) entitled "Enabling Drone Services: Drone Crowdsourcing and Drone Scripting" has been accepted for IEEE Access! Full version available.
Temis arrived...! See one here with a "slightly customized" Android app:
HEXA arrived and now in action - thanks to Shafi and Ranjith!
Robin, myself and others got an Automotive Engineering Graduate Program grant on
"Cyber-Safe Connected Vehicles: Ensuring Secure, Trusted, and Robust Cooperative Automotive Systems".
Our (Niroshinie Fernando, myself, Iman Avazpour, Fei-Fei Chen, Amin Abkenar, and Amani Ibrahim) paper on "Opportunistic Fog for IoT: Challenges and Opportunities" has been accepted in IEEE Internet of Things Journal! Complete version will be available soon!
I am now also an invited Research Theme Leader: Intelligent Built Environments, Live+Smart Research Lab
My paper on "Cooperative Automated Vehicles: a Review of Opportunities and Challenges in Socially Intelligent Vehicles Beyond Networking" has been accepted in IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Vehicles!
See the full preprint here.
I am now in the editorial board for the Sensors journal in the Internet-of-Things section.
Our (Yousheng Zhou, Chujun Wu, Qingyi Zhu, Yong Xiang and I) paper on "Rumor Source Detection in Networks Based on the SEIR Model" has been accepted in IEEE Access!
See the full paper here.
Our (Majed and I) Work-in-Progress (WiP) paper on "A Two-Layered Task Servicing Model for Drone Services: Overview and Preliminary Results" has been accepted (and will be presented Percom 2019, in Japan, thanks to Jon and Wei, RMIT colleagues) See the full paper.
Our (Majed and I) paper on "On-Drone Decision Making for Service Delivery: Concept and Simulation" has been accepted (and will be presented at the Workshop on UNmanned aerial vehicle Applications in the Smart City: from Guidance technology to enhanced system Interaction (UNAGI) held at Percom 2019, in Japan, thanks to Jon and Wei, RMIT colleagues) See the full paper.
Our (with Flora and Salil) article on Algorithmic Guardians has appeared in the Conversation!
Our (Jurairat and myself) paper on "Exploring Incentive Mechanisms for Mobile Crowdsourcing: Sense of Safety in a Thai City" has been accepted for the International Journal of Urban Sciences! (details to come) - the paper talks about using crowdsourcing to map out people's sense of safety in Trang. A picture from the paper:
Our (Amin, myself, Arkady, and Wenny) paper on "GARSAaaS: group activity recognition and situation analysis as a service" has been just published for the Journal of Internet Services and Applications! Please view the full paper here. Front page of paper here:
2018 news:
Three friends have arrived!
Our (Jurairat and myself) paper on "A Review of Mobile Crowdsourcing Architectures and Challenges: Towards Crowd-Empowered Internet-of-Things" has been accepted for IEEE Access!
Congratulations to Dr. Amin BakhshandehAbkenar on his PhD!
Our (Majed, myself and Alex) paper on "Drone Services: Issues in Drones for Location-Based Services from Human-Drone Interaction to Information Processing" has been just accepted for the Journal of Location Based Services! (details to come)
Our (Amin, myself, Arkady, and Wenny) paper on "Recognizing and Understanding Group Physical Activities using Multi-Device Embedded Sensing" has been just accepted for the ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems! (details to come)
I gave a talk on the Future of the Internet of Things in the School of IT, Deakin University - slides here.
Paper recently accepted for the Fourth International Workshop on Legal and Technical Issues in Cloud and Pervasive Computing (IoT) (CLaw 2018) at Ubicomp'18, Oct 2018, Singapore!
Please click on the image above or find the full preprint in my publications.
(2 Aug 2018) Reflecting about recent scientific directions, a lot of my recent work (since 5-7 years ago) can be viewed as pursuing the following line of research on trying to better understand Massive Cooperation for Large Scale Autonomous Systems.
I am co-chairing the IEEE International Workshop on Pervasive Context-Aware Smart Cities and Intelligent Transportation Systems (PerAwareCity) at Percom 2019.
Presented the paper "Decision-Theoretic Cooperative Parking for Connected Vehicles: an Investigation" at the IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium at Changshu, China in June. Powerpoint slides are here. A Youtube video on the simulation showing cooperative parking is shown here:
Our recent paper on "Cooperative Car Parking using Vehicle-to-Vehicle Communication: an Agent-Based Analysis" has been accepted for the journal Computers, Environment and Urban Systems - look for it under my publications
Our recent book chapter on "Evolving Variability Requirements of IoT Systems" has been published - look for it under my publications
Congratulations to Dr. Osama M. Barzaiq on his PhD!
I co-coordinate the Distributed Systems and Internet-of-Things (DIoT) Cluster at Deakin: we try to have regular meetings and chat about all things IoT - see the blog! (It should have its own "official" Deakin Web page soon!)
Our recent paper on "Algorithmic Governance" accepted for the IEEE Technology & Society Magazine, and recent papers on cooperative parking and cooperative drop-off accepted at the IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium and IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Vehicles - details here (click on link and scroll up):
I presented a tutorial on "Algorithms for Cooperative IoT: From Edge Computing to Smart Social Vehicles" at the 2018 IEEE 4th World Forum on Internet of Things (WF-IoT) - slides are here
Recently, three IoT related papers accepted at the 2018 IEEE 4th World Forum on Internet of Things (WF-IoT), and two at the 3rd IEEE International Conference on Internet of Things: Smart Innovation and Usages in 2018 - look for it under my publications
2017 news:
Our ARC Linkage Infrastructure, Equipment and Facilities Grant (LE180100158) to create "A large-scale distributed experimental facility for the internet of things" has been awarded! (Co-investigators: Professor Michael Sheng; Professor Athman Bouguettaya; Professor Seng Loke; Professor Xue Li; Professor Weifa Liang; Professor Boualem Benatallah; Professor Muhammad Ali-Babar; Professor Jian Yang; Professor Albert Zomaya; Associate Professor Yan Wang; Professor Wanlei Zhou; Dr Lina Yao; Dr Kerry Taylor; Professor Neil Bergmann)
I am an invited editorial board member of the journal Services.
My article on ethical cooperation for self-driving cars has appeared in the Conversation.
I am starting a new IoT research group at Deakin - a glimpse of it is here!
I am coorganizing the Third IEEE International Workshop on Pervasive Context-Aware Smart Cities and Intelligent Transport Systems at Percom 2018!
I am coorganizing the First Internet of Cooperative Autonomous Things (IoCAT 2017) workshop at Mobiquitous 2017!
I am industry track chair for Mobiquitous in Melbourne in 2017!
9 March 2017: my new book "Crowd-Powered Mobile Computing and Smart Things" has just been published in the SpringerBriefs in Computer Science series! Get a copy from Springer or from Amazon.
This SpringerBrief provides a synergistic overview of technology trends by emphasizing five linked perspectives: crowd+cloud machines, extreme cooperation with smart things, scalable context-awareness, drone services for mobile crowds and social links in mobile crowds. The authors also highlight issues and challenges at the intersection of these trends.
Topics covered include cooperative vehicles when vehicles are viewed as smart things, cloud computing, Internet of Things, mobile and wearable computing, crowd computing, the culture of thing sharing, collective computing, and swarm dynamics. The brief is a useful resource and a starting point for researchers, students or anyone interested in the contemporary computing landscape.
Check out some recently accepted papers!
Since 9 January 2017, I have moved to Deakin University as Professor of Computer Science. If you are a prospective student interested in working with me, please apply to Deakin: apply to Deakin.
2016 news:
I am an invited editorial board member of the International Journal of Science and Engineering of Smart Vehicles.
I am an invited editorial board member (associate editor) of Springer's Human-Centric Computing and Information Sciences journal.
I am an invited editorial board member (associate editor) of the International Journal of Mobile Computing and Multimedia Communications.
I gave an invited talk at the Emerging Big Data Technologies Summit (EDBTS) 2016. Program here.
I was an invited external scholar at the QUT Information Systems PhD workshops 2016.
I visited IBM Research in Melbourne and gave a talk on Crowd-Powered Mobile Computing on 9 September 2016!
I co-organized AwareCities at Percom 2016!
I co-organized the PhD Forum at Percom 2016!
I was an invited panelist at Percom 2016 on "Smart cities, intelligent environments, and dumb people"!
I gave a keynote at the CROWDBENCH workshop at Percom 2016!
I spoke at ETH Zurich in March 2016 - slides available from IVT ETH Zurich Website.
Projects/Company Director
SIT314/729 Software Architecture and Scalability for Internet-Of-Things (Trimester 2)
CAPSTONE projects (Trimesters 1, 2, and 3)
SIT740 R&D in IT (FutureLearn, Trimester 2)
SIT740 R&D in IT (FutureLearn, Trimester 3)
SIT750 Mastery of IT (Trimester 3)
SIT740 R&D in IT (FutureLearn, Trimester 2)
SIT111 Algorithms & Computing Systems (Trimester 1)
SIT322 Cloud Systems (Trimester 1)
SIT111 Algorithms & Computing Systems (Trimester 1)
SIT322 Cloud Systems (Trimesters 1)
SIT740 R&D in IT (FutureLearn, Trimester 3)
SIT111 Introduction to Computer Science (Trimester 1)
SIT791 Professional Practice (Trimesters 1, 2 and 3)
SIT740 R&D in IT (FutureLearn, Trimester 3)
2016(@La Trobe)
CSE2ICE Internet Client Engineering (Semester 1)
CSE2MAD Mobile Application Development (Semester 2) [Coordinator only]
CSE4ASD Advanced Systems Design (Semester 2)
CSE4MPC Mobile and Pervasive Computing (Semester 2)
2015(@La Trobe)
· CSE2ICE Internet Client Engineering (Semester 1)
· CSE4ASD Advanced Systems Design (Semester 2)
· CSE4MPC Mobile and Pervasive Computing (Semester 2)
2014(@La Trobe)
· On OSP (Semester 1)
· CSE4ASD Advanced Systems Design (Semester 2) (cancelled)
· CSE4MPC Mobile and Pervasive Computing (Semester 2)
2013(@La Trobe)
· CSE2ICE Internet Client Engineering (Semester 1)
· CSE4ASD Advanced Systems Design (Semester 1)
· CSE4MPC Mobile and Pervasive Computing (Semester 2)
2012(@La Trobe)
· CSE2ICE Internet Client Engineering (Semester 1)
· CSE5BMS Biometrics Security (Semester 2) (cancelled)
· CSE4MPC Mobile and Pervasive Computing (Semester 2)
2011(@La Trobe)
· CSE2ICE Internet Client Engineering (Semester 1)
· CSE4ASD Advanced Systems Design (Semester 1)
· CSE4MPC Mobile and Pervasive Computing (Semester 2)
Current PhD Projects and Supervision:
Amna Batool (PhD - Deakin University), Human Interaction with IoT Collectives, co-supervise with Niroshinie Fernando, my role (principal)
Kanaka Sai Jagarlamudi (PhD - Deakin University), Quality and Cost of Context, co-supervise with Arkady Zaslavsk (principal), my role (associate)
Norhaida Hussain (PhD - University of Malaysia Sarawak, UNIMAS), Crowd Steering for Mobile Crowd Evacuation, co-supervise with Dr. Wai Shiang Cheah (principal), my role (external, associate)
Reza Bairam Zadeh (PhD - Deakin University), Situation-Awareness, co-supervise with Arkady Zaslavsky, my role (associate)
Yuechao Ren (PhD - Deakin University), Federated Learning for IoT Environments, co-supervise with Attul Sajjanhar and Shang Gao, my role (associate)
Mohamed Ahzam Amanullah (PhD - Deakin University), Cybersecurity for connected vehicles, co-supervise with Robin Doss and Mohan B. Chhetri, my role (principal)
... (more to come)
Recently completed PhD Students:
Majed Alwateer (2019) (PhD - La Trobe University), Civilian Drone Services: Concept, Strategies and Experimentation, co-supervise with Wenny Rahayu, my role (external, principal)
Amin Abken (2018) (PhD - Deakin University), Group Activity Recognition and Analysis: Concept, Model and Service Architecture, co-supervise with Arkady Zaslavsky and Wenny Rahayu, my role (principal)
Ali Nabeel Ibrahim Aliedani (2018) (PhD - La Trobe University), Vehicular Cooperation for Car-Parking: Model, Algorithms, and Experimentation, co-supervise with Aniruddha Desai and Prajakta Desai (and later Wenny Rahayu), my role (external, principal)
Osama M. Barzaiq (2018) (PhD - La Trobe University), Context-aware Prediction of Human Behaviour Based on Self-Histories: Algorithms and Applications, co-supervised with Hongen Lu, my role (principal)
Jiahui Wen (2017) (PhD - University of Queensland), Mobile Activity Recognition with Dynamically Added Context, co-supervised with Jadwiga Indulska and Peizhao Hu, my role (associate supervisor, 20%)
Jurairat Phuttharak (2016) (PhD - La Trobe University), LogicCrowd: Integrating Logic Programming and Crowdsourcing for Mobile and Pervasive Computing Platforms, co-supervised with Richard Lai, my role (principal)
Niroshinie Thotage Fernando (2015) (PhD - La Trobe University), co-supervised with Wenny Rahayu, my role (principal)
Prajakta Aniruddha Desai (2014) (PhD - La Trobe University), co-supervised with Jack Singh, my role (principal)
Chuong Cong Vo (2014) (PhD - La Trobe University), co-supervised with Torab Torabi, my role (50%)
Alaa Almagrabi (2014) (PhD - La Trobe University), co-supervised with Torab Torabi, my role (principal)
Ahmad Alzahrani (2014) (PhD - La Trobe University), co-supervised with Hongen Lu, my role (principal)
Do Manh Thang (2013) (PhD - La Trobe University), co-supervised with Fei Liu, my role (50%)
Kutila Gunasekera (2012) (PhD - Monash University), co-supervised with Arkady Zaslavsky, my role (minor, 10%)
Anh-Tuan Nguyen (2011) (PhD - La Trobe University), co-supervised with Torab Torabi, my role (principal)
2010 and earlier:
Shonali Krishnaswamy (2002, PhD - Monash University), A Hybrid Model for Delivering Internet-Based Distributed Data Mining Services, co-supervised with Arkady Zaslavsky, my role (50%)
Amir Padovitz (2006, PhD - Monash University), Context Management and Reasoning about Situations in Pervasive Computing, co-supervised with Arkady Zaslavsky, my role (50%) - You can view the PhD thesis here: Open publication
Glen Jayaputera (2006, PhD - Monash University), eHermes: Development and Run-Time Support for Mission-Based Multiagent Systems, co-supervised with Arkady Zaslavsky, my role (50%)
Evi Syukur (2007, PhD - Monash University), Mobile Hanging Services: Modelling, Implementation and Methodology for Context-Aware Regulated Services, co-supervised with Arkady Zaslavsky (later years) and Peter Stanski (for first year), my role (main: 50%+) - You can view the PhD thesis here: Open publication
Pravin Shetty (2007, MSc (Research) - Monash University), An Investigation of Security Policy Formalisms for Pervasive Computing Environments, co-supervised with Christine Mingins, my role (main)
Mehul Bhatt (2008, PhD - La Trobe University), Modelling Dynamic Spatial Systems in the Situation Calculus, my role (main) [now an Alexander von Humbolt Postdoctoral Fellow in Germany]
Ying Li (2008, PhD - Monash University), Data Handling in Wireless Sensor Networks for Query Answering, co-supervised with M. Ramakrishna, my role (minor, 20%)
Flora D. Salim (2009, PhD - Monash University), A Context-Aware Framework for Intersection Collision Avoidance, co-supervised with Shonali Krishnaswamy, Andry Rakotonirainy and Bala Srinivasan, my role (shared) [now a Researcher at the Spatial Information Architecture Laboratory (SIAL), School of Architecture and Design, RMIT University]
Khai Chong Suan (2009, PhD - Monash University), Context-Driven Control of Sensors for Energy Conservation, co-supervised with Shonali Krishnaswamy, my role (shared: 50%)
Wanita Sherchan (2009, PhD - Monash University), Explanation-Aware Web Service Rating and Reputation, co-supervise with Shonali Krishnaswamy, my role (shared)
Oshadi Alahakoon (2009, PhD - Monash University), Three Layered User Profiles for E-Commerce, co-supervise with Arkady Zaslavsky, my role (shared)
Samantha Chen (2010, PhD - Queensland University of Technology), Risks for Crashes at Curves, co-supervise with Andry Rakotonirainy and Shonali Krishnaswamy, my role (minor, 10%)
Recently completed Masters minor thesis / Honours Students (all below at La Trobe University):
Moises Dionisio Cruz (2016), A Pragmatic Investigation Into Beacon Based Indoor Positioning, my role (sole supervisor)
Alexander Zuchowicz (2016), Human Interaction with Drones: an Investigation, my role (sole supervisor)
Ameet Kumar (2015), An Approach to Decentralized Leader Election in Pervasive Computing Environments, my role (sole supervisor)
Batni Prabhanjan (2015), GuideMate: an Integrated Crowd Powered System to Assist the Disabled, my role (sole supervisor)
Abeysinghe Achchige Don Venura Sasanka Abeysinghe (2014), Programming Virtual Boxes for Drones, my role (sole supervisor)
Majed Alwateer (2014), WiFi Positioning using an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle: Applications for Finding Targets in Disaster Scenario, my role (sole supervisor)
Nick Waywood (2014), An Investigation of Sensor Based Activity Recognition using Unsupervised Learning for Precision Agriculture, my role (main supervisor, cosupervise with Wenny Rahayu)
Keegan Napier (2013), A Linear Topology for Mobile Crowd Computing Systems, my role (sole supervisor)
Abdulaziz Alali (2013), Proximity Sensing and Power Management, my role (sole supervisor)
Amin BakhshandehAbkenar (2012), MyActivity: a Cloud-Hosted Ontology-Based Framework for Human Activity Querying, my role (sole supervisor)
Cindy on Show (2012), Activity Recognition and Human Computation, my role (sole supervisor)
An Nghi Vu (2012), ZOR: an Indoor Smart Phone Augmented Reality System Based on Bluetooth Technologies, my role (sole supervisor)
Fahad Zarouni (2011), PivotAds+: a System for Gesture-Based Interactive Public Advertising Multi-Displays, my role (sole supervisor)
Hamed Al Balushi (2011), Physical-Explorer: a Bluetooth-Based Real-Time Physical Search System using Mobile Phones, my role (sole supervisor)
Phuc (Eddy) Nguyen (2011), TRACE: a Cross-Reality System for Capturing Availability, my role (sole supervisor)
Guan Huang (2011), Displays with Gesture Based Easy-Computer Interaction, my role (sole supervisor)
Sultan R. Alotaibi (2011), Webco: a Framework for Building Web Sites with Adaptive Location-Aware Behaviour, my role (sole supervisor)
Muhanna M. AlGhamdi (2011), An RFID System for Children Tracking, my role (sole supervisor)
Naif Ali Al Mudawi (2011), A System for Fine-Grained Zone-Based Positioning using Bluetooth, my role (sole supervisor)
Deafallah B. Alsadie (2011), Gesture-Based Control of Applications using the iPhone, my role (sole supervisor)
Other Projects:
Mobile phone based diagnostic sensors for early diagnosis of sepsis: with Conor Hogan (Chemistry), Hamsa Puthalakath (Biochemistry), Darrell Elton (Electronic Engineering), Seng Loke, Berlinda Abbott (Chemsitry); Start-up Grant from the La Trobe RFA "Understanding Disease" 2015
Parkinson Freezing App: collaboration with Professor Meg Morri (School of Allied Health), Natali Stepan, and Amin BakhshandehAbkenar, 2014
Mobiles for Autism: collaboration with Thang Do (CSCE), and Cheryl Dissayanake, Wojciech Nadachowski, Elfriede Ihsen, and others from the Olga Tennison Autism Research Centre at La Trobe; La Trobe eResearch Grant 2012/2013
La Trobe e-Sanctuary: collaboration with Dennis Deng (EE), Ka Chan (CSCE, Bendigo), Torab Torabi (CSCE), Henrik Wahren (Department of Agricultural Sciences), and Andrew Stocker (LTU Wildlife Sanctuary); La Trobe eResearch Grant 2013/2014
mSafe: collaboration with Falko Schmid (, Kai-Florian Richter (, Sara Fabrikant (, Stephan Winter (, Christoph Stahl (, Patrick Laube (, Robert Weibel (, Christian Freksa (, since 2012.
I am also interested in mobile education & health, programming the smart Internet-of-Things, and new HCI (using sensors)
Some apps my team has done:
Distributed Mandelbrot using Honeybee
OTHER information ..
[More Information (including past supervised PhD completions) | Slides for my departmental talk (30th July 2010) | What's recent? (My blog of interesting links) ]
Some venues with interesting work: ACM SIGMOBILE events, Percom, PMC, PUC, TMC, TCC, IEEE Pervasive Computing, AI, FGCS, KER, IEEE ITS, TKDE
External Reviewer for the European Research Council (ERC), Starting Grant 2020 Call.
External Reviewer for AIAS-Cofund II (Marie Curie) Fellowships (2018) and AIAS-Cofund II (EU Marie Curie) fellowships (2019)
External Reviewer for Aarhus Institute of Advanced Studies (AIAS)-Cofund (Marie Curie) fellowships (European Union’s 7th Framework Programme Marie Curie Actions) (2017)
External Reviewer for the Swiss National Science Foundation (2014)
External Reviewer for the National Fund for Scientific and Technological Development (FONDECYT) Program, Chilean National Commission for Scientific and Technological Research (CONICYT), Chile (2013)
Asoociate Director (Research Training) at the Centre for Technology Infusion, La Trobe University (2012)
ERA Peer Reviewer (2012)
Selection Committee, Technology Voucher Program (2012) by the Department of Business and Innovation, Victorian Government
Postgraduate Research Coordinator, Department of Computer Science and Computer Engineering (2011)
I was also a Qatar National Research Fund grant reviewer