
Tesser & Paulhus MiniTheory of Love

Note in the analyses on this page, I elected to analyze the variance/covariance matrix rather than the correlation matrix. The standardized loadings agree fairly well with the standardized loadings from the analysis of the covariance, but are not identical, of course.

Note also in the Amos files that several competing models are considered for the data concerning equivalence of factors over time, presence of autocorrelations, etc. These are simply exemplars of the types of questions you could ask.

Parameter Specifications

Parameter Estimates

Trait Model Alternative to Minitheory of Love

One alternative model that can be considered is that the relationship between the two love factors is not necessarily autoregressive. For example, a model which assumes that the two love factors are caused by a general trait fits the data just as well. As before, the Amos diagram that accompanies this fits several models for illustrative purposes.

Model Parameters

Parameter Estimates