SE-LFG11 (18/05/2013, SOAS)

11th South of England LFG Meeting

We are planning the 10th South of England LFG meeting, a student-oriented meeting for presentations and discussion of various topics from an LFG perspective. It is planned for Saturday, 18 May 2013, at SOAS, London. Please feel free to attend if you are interested, or if you would like more information please get in touch with Louise Mycock or Kakia Chatsiou.

Meeting details:

18 May 2013, Room 4418(4th floor), SOAS main building, Russell Square.

For directions to SOAS see here: (also see map below). To view any planned engineering works affecting your journey within London, click here.

Sign in at the reception when you arrive to get a visitor sticker that allows you to enter the SOAS main building.

Meeting Agenda

11.00-12.00: Generic markers: where do they belong at the interfaces? Anne Tamm (Central European University)

12.00-13.00: Towards an LFG account of the compound particle TOIUNO in Japanese. Tohru Seraku (University of Oxford)

13.00-14.30: lunch

14.30-15.00: Discourse functions of question words. Louise Mycock (University of Oxford)

15.00-15.30: An LFG treatment of the relative clause in Mankanya. Tim Gaved (SOAS, University of London)

15.30-15.45: break

15.45-16.30: An LFG account of Serialization and complex predication in Urdu and Siraiki. Sajida Rehman

16.30-17.00: Discussion and planning for next time