Planning meeting minutes

The first Planning meeting took place after the meeting in room 4.418, SOAS, London and was attended by Mary Dalrymple (Oxford) (chair), Anna Kibort (Cambridge), Peter Sells (SOAS), Louise Mycock (Oxford), Maria Flouraki (SOAS), Louisa Sadler (essex), Farah Akbar (Essex), Kakia Chatsiou (Essex), Maris Cammilleri (Essex), Alastair Appleton (Cambridge), Anna ? (Paris VII), Bozhil Hristov (Oxford), Jeff ? (Oxford), ? (SOAS), ? (SOAS), Ahmad Al-Sharif (Essex), Bedour Al-Sharifi (Essex). The following issues were discussed (some actions to be taken are noted):

    1. Saturday 08.05.2010 is the day of the next meeting. We agreed that SOAS seems the most convenient place for all, considering that London was commutable from all sites (Cambridge, Essex, Oxford, Paris VII)

    2. We agreed that a later starting time would be more convenient for commuters, so next meeting's start time will be 11.00 instead of 10.30

    3. The choice of the day (Saturday) was also agreed as being convienient for for the commuters (no teaching commitments) as well as the organisers (easier to book a room on a Saturday).

    4. Possible topics/themes were discussed. Some of them were:

      1. tutorias on a topic/phenomenon

      2. denominalosed verbs/nouns

      3. morphology

      4. tutorial on information structure

      5. coordination

      6. relative clauses

      7. to include student presentations to get and offer feedback

      8. LFG conference mock presentations

    5. We concluded that the next meeting's topic will be on morphology. Possible members of the group that would be interested in delivering a talk are Peter Sells, Farah Akbar, Jeff ?, Louisa Sadler (and who else?). We also thought that Andrew Spencer and Jim Blevins would be informed of the theme and asked if they would like to deliver a talk. (ACTION: Anna and Louisa). Mary is to further coordinate this and contact people who expressed interest in this. (ACTION: Mary)

    6. It was proposed that the current website is linked to the main LFG site (ACTION: Kakia)