Michael "Rebar" Lewis

Name: Michael Lewis

Age: 42

Height: 5'6"

Weight: 230 lbs.

Eyes: Brown

Michael Lewis, also known as Rebar. Is a human hailing from Vega Colony. The man is a contraction in many ways. He's a loner, preferring his own company and thoughts over those of others. He enjoys reading, vid steaming, holo-novels, music, or pretty much anything that allows him to live in his own little world. For this reason he tends to prefer jobs wear he can work alone for extended periods of time and grant him a certain autonomy. The job with the SS Axel as the pilot of the attached vessel Brindley was perfect for him.

As a member of a crew he can easily deal with alien races as long has he can recover from being around them quickly enough. This gives him time to process these interactions and no better how to handle them in the future. He is a team player but has a tendency to act first and apologize later. Wild ideas are rare but completely within the realm of possibility, because he is wildly imaginative.