SeeDB2 Videos

Supplementary Videos associated with the Cell Reports 2016 publication.

Movie 1

Light-Sheet Microscopy of the Cerebral Cortex from an Adult Thy1-YFP-H Mouse. 

A brain slice (2 mm thick) from a Thy1-YFP-H mouse (P58) was imaged with TCS SP8 DLS system. See also Figure S3A.


Movie 2

Serial Super-Resolution Images of a Mouse Oocyte. 

A mouse oocyte stained with anti-α-Tubulin (green) and anti-Kinetochore (magenta) were imaged with FV-OSR. See also Figure 3E.


Movie 3

Volume Rendering of Super-Resolution Images of Dendrite Segments from PBS, ProLong Gold, and SeeDB2S Mounted Mouse Brain Slices.  

Adult Thy1-YFP-H mouse brain slices (P181) mounted in PBS, ProLong Gold, and SeeDB2S, were imaged with Airyscan at a 25-30 μm depth. See also Figure 4C.


Movie 4

Volume Rendering of Super-Resolution Images of a Mouse Brain Slice Cleared with SeeDB2S.  

The cerebral cortex of Thy1-YFP-H mouse brain slice (P56) was imaged with Airyscan and reconstructed in 3D. See also Figure 5A.


Movie 5

Volume Rendering and VAST Reconstruction of Super-Resolution Images of a Mouse Brain Slice.  

A part of the volume in Figure 5A and Movie S5 was reconstructed using VAST Lite.


Movie 6

Reconstruction of High-Resolution Confocal Images of a Whole Fly Brain Cleared with SeeDB2G.  

A whole brain of bsh-Gal4 UAS-CD8GFP fly was cleared with SeeDB2G and imaged with a confocal microscopy with a glycerol-immersion objective lens. See also Figure 7B.


Movie 7

Volume Rendering of Super-Resolution Images of Fly Mi1 Neurons.  

The medulla of a R48E09-Gal4 UAS-myrGFP fly was imaged with Airyscan. Dendrites and axons of Mi1 neurons are shown. See also Figures 7D–7G.


Related Movies

Movie 8

Two-photon images of a whole embryo (E9.5), expressing R26-H2B-EGFP in all cells.

Movie 8 (H2B-EGFP).avi

Movie 9

Volume rendering of olfactory sensory neuron axons expressing I7-IRES-ECFP converging to a single glomerulus of the olfacgtory bulb.

Movie 9 (I7-CFP confocal).avi

Movie 10

Serial super-resolution images (Airyscan) of a mouse brain slice cleared with SeeDB2S. See also Movie 4.

Movie 10 (Thy1-YFP-H Airyscan).avi

Movie 11

Volume Rendering of Super-Resolution Images of a Mouse Brain Slice Cleared with SeeDB2S.  

The cerebral cortex of Thy1-YFP-H mouse brain slice (P56) was imaged with Airyscan and reconstructed in 3D.

Another version of Movie 4.

Movie 11 airyscan 100um rendering green version.mp4

Movie 12

Serial super-resolution images (SD-OSR) of a mouse brain slice cleared with SeeDB2S. 

Movie 12 (SD-OSR) adjusted.avi

Movie 12

Blinking images of LifeAct-mEos2 for PALM imaging. HEK293T cells expressing LifeAct-mEos2 were mounted in SeeDB2S.

Images were taken at various depths (0-15um). The results show potential utility for PALM imaging. See also Figure S4F and G.

Movie 13 EOS_move_Focus.avi