Social Studies

Here is what we learn in Social Studies:

People and Places

all kinds of groups

living together

cities and suburbs

rural communities

Video--Book about Rural/Urban #1707 Gila Monsters Meet You At the Airport (reading rainbow)

Places Near and Far (Geography)

your address

land and water

weather and climate

regions of the USA

map skills

Ways of Living

families from many places

sharing cultures

America's symbols


People at Work (Economics)

needs, wants, and choices


goods and services

people save money

from field to market

people and nations trade

America's Past (History)

1st Americans

Explorers travel the world

Jamestown and Plymouth

A new Country

Past Heroes Paul Bunyan by Steven Kellogg (tall tale)

Communities Change Paul Bunyan by Marianne Johnston (the history of logging and the story behind Paul Bunyan) These three selections talk about a periods of America's history.

Communication changes Legend of Johnny Appleseed--copied handout (deciphering between fact/legend)

America's Government (Civics)

government and people

citizens make a difference



national government

our nation and the world

Videos for Regions of the USA Unit

#0267 US Regions Northeast

#1305 US Regions The South

#1304 US Regions Midwest

#1145 US Regions Mountain States

#1147 US Regions Southwest

#1306 US Regions Pacific States

Power Point Lessons:

Native Americans--Navajo

Native Americans--Inuit

Native Americans--Wampanoag

Native Americans--Anasazi

How to be a Historian

World Explorers

Pilgrims Lesson One

Pilgrims Lesson Two

Pilgrims Lesson Three

Personal Financial Literacy