
Deductive or Inductive?

____ A vase was found broken on the floor; some money had been taken out of the safe; and there were strange scratches on the wall. It therefore follows that someone obviously burglarized the place.

____ The Director of the National Park Service stated in an interview that vegetation in the parks is seriously threatened by air pollution. Therefore, it must be the case that park vegetation is indeed threatened by air pollution.

____ All humans are mortal and Socrates is human. Therefore, Socrates is mortal.

____ The fingerprints on the gun match those of the defendant. Therefore, the defendant must have handled the gun.

____ If my car is out of gas, then it won’t start. My car won’t start. Therefore, my car is out of gas.

____ All previously observed polar bears have weighed less than 1,500 pounds. Therefore, all polar bears probably weigh less than 1,500 pounds.

____ The vast majority of popes have been Americans. Therefore, the next pope will most likely be an American.

____ Alice is older than Bob, and Bob is older than Carlos. Therefore, it must follow that Alice is older than Carlos.

____ If people are not informed about the workings of government, then they cannot vote intelligently. People are not informed about the government. Therefore, people cannot vote intelligently.

____ The bumper sticker says “Vote of Fred Collins for Sheriff.” The obvious conclusion is that Collins is the best man for the job.

____ Either the painting is a forgery or it’s worth a small fortune. Therefore, the painting is worth a small fortune, since it’s not a forgery.

____ The Earth has air, water, and life. We know that Mars has air and water. Therefore, Mars probably has life.

____ All the evidence in this trial suggests that Robert Ramirez is guilty of murder. Let’s face it: He’s probably guilty.

____ If r = 2, then s = 3; r = 2, therefore r + s = 5.

____ All dogs have flippers. All cats are dogs. Therefore, all cats have flippers.