2. Application form

Preparation and Procedure:

You must

1. Read the contest guidelines thoroughly (guidelines) . Make sure you are qualified to apply.

2. Deadline of application: September 25, 2020.

3. Copy the application form below into an email body and fill it out.

4. Attach the copy of handwritten speech draft together with the application. The draft should be scanned. Snap shot is also accepted if the picture is clear. This draft does not need to be the final version, so meet the deadline.

5. Send the application to sdjsc2020@gmail.com


We appreciate your entries more than anything else. 15 finalists will be accepted to compete, not necessarily in the order of application as we want to hear from different schools, but each year is different. Applications may not be accepted in the order of the arrivals as we want entries from various schools rather than more entries from one school. Thus moderation may be requested to the proud schools when it happens. The confirmation of your acceptance will be announced about a week after the process of accepting is closed.

If you have any questions about the application, please write to the committee at sdjscc@gmail.com.

--Beginning of Application Form--copy the followings in your email body, fill it out, and send it to sdjsc2020@gmail.com


Your name in English: (This name will be used in the certificate)

Your first name and last name: _

Spell it in Katakana: (this will be used in the program, so please make sure your katakana spelling is correct.)

Your first name: _

Your last name: _

Your email address: Choose the most reliable, most frequently checked email address.

Your email address: _

Your native language(s):

Date of birth: Month/Year: _

Are you in high school: Yes ( ) No( )

If you are in high school, please check the following:

Freshman: ( ) Sophomore:( ) Junior :( ) Senior:( )

If you are in college, please check the following:

Freshman: ( ) Sophomore:( ) Junior :( ) Senior:( )

Others: Please explain.

Phone number: _

Shipping address:

About the school:

Name of your school:( ) *

*The name of your school will not be presented in the program, but it will show in the result page after the contest if you win a prize. Do not mention the name of your school in your speech.

Tell us about the teacher/professor who recommended you:

Full name of the teacher/professor: _

Name of the school/organization: _

The email address of the teacher: _

The phone number we can reach you for emergency: _

Additional note if any: _

Tell us about your level: (check one)

Beginner ( ), Intermediate ( ), Advanced ( )

All the courses you have completed: _

Tell us how you learned Japanese if you did not take a regular course at school.

How you studied Japanese: _

Does anybody in your family speak Japanese?:_

Do you have a friend who speaks Japanese?: _

Did you travel to Japan before?: _

If yes. how long did you stay in Japan? _

Please talk about your trip(s) to Japan.

Did you live in Japan before? _

If yes, how long and how old were you?: _

Is your speech original?

(Please read General Guideline's page in the guidelines-2020 page)

We sincerely understand that learners of foreign languages will always seek out help from native speakers for proofreading and advice. Please tell us in which area that you received help. Please maintain your own originality so that you can prove that your speech is your own work.


About the speech:

Japanese title: _

If you have problems in translating the title, we do recommend you consult your teacher as titles will stay in the program.

English title: _

My speech is about:

Give us a brief summary, not the translation of the speech, of your speech in a couple of lines in English.

I am attaching the copy (scanned image) of handwritten speech (hand-written in Japanese) draft together with the application. I understand that this does not need to be the final version. However, the speech draft in Japanese should reach the committee within a few days.

Your signature:

To College-level contestants:

About the Japan Trip Award:

We are still uncertain as of now how the travel award will be possibly in a good shape, but the JAL ticket will be effective till 9/22/2022 instead of March 21, 2021 due to JAL's kind corona pandemic adjustment

As of now, the details of the Japan Homestay depends on the situations in Japan as well as the American side of the situation. https://sites.google.com/site/sdjsc2020/guidelines (scroll down the page, and you will find the basic outline of the Japan Trip Award.)

Would you like to accept this award if you won the first place? Check one.

___Yes, definitely. I’d be happy to enjoy the experience, and happy to take care of the responsibility. I understand that summer time is the most convenient time for all of us involved, but you are willing to work with the hosts situation in Japan who welcome you as well as SDJSC committee members.

___Sorry, I am not interested in the travel award. I understand that I am willingly transfer this travel award package to the next place winner who is interested within a week after the contest.


I understand that the San Diego Japanese Speech Contest reserves the right to take photographs and films at this event and to use them for the purpose of promoting successful activities related to Japanese language and culture education on various media in San Diego, including but not limited to: websites, facebook, educational newsletters, local newspapers, and magazines, etc

By sending the application, I agreed the above disclaimers.

--End of Application form--

San Diego Japanese Regional Speech Contest Committee,

c/o Ms. Fumiko Tachibana, Chair,

P. O. Box 28884, San Diego, CA 92198, sdjscc@gmail.com