YAMM Polls - Embed polls to improve your response rate

Post date: Apr 27, 2017 3:20:18 PM

A crazy intern made the bet to release one new feature every week for Awesome Table. And we wanted our users to participate in this fun challenge, so we asked everyone to vote for the feature they wanted first.

To do that, we simply posted a poll on our Awesome Table G+ community. But what about all the users who don’t visit our community every day? We were planning to use YAMM to contact them. The only issue is that for many people it will be too long to open the email, read it, click on a link to open the post on G+ and vote there (in the same way that people don’t bother to answer your emails or click on a link to fill a web form). So we decided to make it as easy as possible for them, with a poll directly included in the email!

And this feature is now available to all: You can include simple polls in your email campaigns!

In the following example, we asked our Awesome Table users to vote for the next feature. We have inserted the links for the different options / answers behind clickable buttons, and then sent the campaign with YAMM:

When recipients clicked on one of the three options, YAMM automatically recorded the responses in our Google Sheets:

Thanks to YAMM Poll, we were able to get way more feedbacks / votes than via a standard web form or email answers.

Next time you want to get short feedbacks, remember that YAMM Polls are a great solution to get answers within a few seconds in your spreadsheet. You can use it for customer satisfaction surveys, or on a more personal plan, to simply ask if friends are planning to come to your event (wedding, party etc.). This will help you and your recipients save a lot of time!