Display images and links in your Awesome Table views without using HTML templates

***Read more about the imageType and hyperlinkType keywords in our knowledge center***

In an effort to make Awesome Table more and more easier to use, we recently released our new template gallery on awesome-table.com. Although you can now create beautiful views in just a few clicks, we know that some of our users do not want to spend time on HTML and CSS, and like Awesome Table to be as simple as possible.

That is why we just released two new parameters for table views, ImageType and HyperlinkType. They are simple shortcuts to achieve a simple yet beautiful table within seconds:

Easily display images

This new parameter lets you display images in your table view without using a template. Just add the 'ImageType' parameter to a column filled with your pictures URL and Awesome Table will automatically display them in your view:

All your images will appear in the same format in your Table view. But as the original pictures can have different sizes, we also added the possibility to hover over your images to get a preview (see example at the end of the article).

Say goodbye to unsexy links

Before the release of this new parameter, the only way to display a link without using a template was to add the entire URL in your view, like this:

So we wanted to add a tool that would help users apply a link to another element, like some text or an image:

Check our documentation to see all you can do with this new Hyperlink parameter.

Live preview

Which other parameters do you want in Awesome Table?

We believe these new features will greatly encourage people to use Awesome Table as they really simplify your view creation. For people who don’t want to code their own templates, we are planning to release more parameters.

We welcome any feedback on these two features, so please give us your opinion on new parameters we should develop next!