New template gallery available in the Awesome Table website!

Post date: Mar 13, 2017 4:44:52 PM

Do you remember when you had to copy a spreadsheet and a CSS file to use our templates? If not, then you’re lucky: Last year we released a bunch of templates on Script Examples with a unique ‘copy template’ button to simplify the use of our templates. That was already a big improvement compared to the very first method (see our review from April 2016).

And now? Well, most people prefer to use a template to create their own Awesome Table view instead of starting from scratch, so we took it a step further. From now on, all our templates are directly available on!

Let’s have a look at this shiny new template gallery:

You will find many similarities with Google UIs (eg. from Google Sheets, Docs etc.). This is simply because we are always trying to make it easier for you to use Awesome Table, hence a more familiar, beautiful and user-friendly interface.

All you need to do is to choose one of the dozens of templates available in our gallery, and click ‘Use this template’. Then just let Awesome Table do the rest!

It is for the moment too early to provide relevant stats on usage of this new template gallery, but we hope that this simple and intuitive interface will help you create more beautiful Awesome Table views and that many of you will use it.

As we aim at simplifying our templates and make them always more accessible to our users, we are also planning to create a new series of simpler templates. It will then be much easier for you to get started with Awesome Table as you will be able to easily customize these templates.

We are curious to know what you think about this new template gallery, so please share your feedback on the community!