Print and export to PDF are now available in Awesome Table

Post date: Jun 30, 2017 4:26:38 PM

*** This page is deprecated. Please click here for the new version***

People can now easily print and export to PDF the data displayed by Awesome Table - no need to print the entire web page anymore!

On UserVoice, our site where everyone can post or vote for feature requests, more than 400 people voted for this feature, and 'print' has been listed in the top searched words in our documentation for the past 6 months.

As the creator of an Awesome Table view, you can now display a "print" button at the bottom of the view that everybody can use:

Until now, when people wanted to print the content of an Awesome Table view, the only option was to print the entire web page containing Awesome Table. For example, let's take a list of job offers displayed in your intranet. If people wanted to print the list, they had to print the entire page, with the intranet menu and all other extra content… And that wasn’t even working well, many people ended up printing the web page with a blank /empty area instead of the content displayed in Awesome Table…

Now, Awesome Table creators can simply check an option to display a nice print button at the bottom of their view. Whether you are embedding Awesome Table in your website or accessing it directly from our web app, you can now let everyone filter your view, display the info they want and print it, with all formatting preserved. This update makes Awesome Table one of the best options to export beautiful printable documents or PDF from Google Sheets. Documents can be generated from any modern browser and on any support (even mobile phones).

Learn how to enable this new feature in our documentation. You can also try the print button at the bottom of this view: