YAMM Follow-up feature has improved!

Post date: Jul 06, 2017 12:2:26 PM

Our latest release is the number one request on our website: Follow-up to non-responders. Over 300 of you voted for this feature to be integrated to Yet Another Mail Merge. It’s now available!

Our YAMM feature requests page is the place to challenge our team and ask for functions you need. Vote for an existing feature or submit a new one: We will implement the most popular request!

And by popular demand, we proudly release Follow-up to non responders, the fastest way to contact again people who didn’t answer your previous email.

So far Follow-up could send new campaigns, based on the previous email being open or not, and to everyone in the last mailing list. Because we weren’t able to track answered emails, we kept only those options available.

Improving this feature with a non-responders target group, Yet Another Mail Merge offers a greater monitoring of your campaigns and an additional chance to get the answers you were hoping for!

As always, this feature is simple to use and a great time saver. Pick a target audience directly from the tracking sidebar and start a new mail merge. You will then be able to deliver custom additional email according to you recipient action on your previous email.

Try Follow Up and achieve high quality management of your mailing list :

    • Contact again non-responders to get the answer you’ve been looking for

    • Send new campaigns with another opening line for better open rates

    • Give additional informations to a specific group of recipients

Need help using Follow-up ? Find the tutorial here.

If your goal is to get better response rates, YAMM Polls is another great feature to try. Add mini polls in your emails and give your audience a simple way to answer. Find out more here.