Form Publisher now available with new Google Forms (+ Templates!)

Post date: Feb 18, 2016 9:4:41 AM

Back in September 2015, we introduced to you a new way to use Form Publisher with Google Docs / Sheets templates.

We are excited to announce that Google has also released many new templates for Google Forms since the beginning of February 2016. Thanks to these templates, it will be much faster and easier for you to create a Google Form:

Meanwhile, Form Publisher is now available with the new version of Google Forms! This is a positive improvement, which will facilitate your use of Form Publisher.

In the following examples, we have selected some templates that best match your needs and are relevant for you to use along with Form Publisher.

Google Form Templates

Order Request: The order request is the very first document of a purchasing workflow (you can even use the purchase order from Google Sheets for the next steps). Simply select the template, then use Form Publisher to collect your customers' purchase and send them an order recap in a PDF file. You can now directly use Form Publisher to send a personalized email to your clients.

Event Registration: This form will be of interest when working with an event management team. Instead of manually asking your guests / exhibitors to provide information about their attendance at your event(s), you can simply use the event registration form and then, run Form Publisher to send the invitations in PDF format to all your guests.

Customer/Event Feedback: Now, Google provides us with customer and event feedback forms which are ready to use. Receiving feedback from your customers is definitely one of the best ways to get insightful information, in order to improve your business (e.g. right after the event). Form Publisher will automatically send your file to your customers, ensuring valuable and accurate follow-up in the future.

Job Application: Being a significant part of the recruitment process, the job application form will help you to collect important data about your applicants. Combined with Form Publisher, it will considerably lighten your workload by creating the PDF files and automatically sending a notification to your applicants.

Course Evaluation: If you are working in the education field, this template will definitely be useful for you. For example, you can ask your students to assess your course on a regular basis (e.g. at the end of each semester). Once done, you can generate the PDF file containing the answers thanks to Form Publisher.

Using Google templates and Form Publisher

To begin using these templates, simply go to and open one of the examples that are available just below. If you need help using templates with Form Publisher, you can watch our tutorial about how to create personalized files upon form submission.

See related files for our examples:

Order Request

Event Registration

Customer Feedback

Job Application

Course Evaluation