Files Cabinet view: List files from Drive with Awesome Table

Post date: Jun 03, 2015 3:54:49 PM

Files Cabinet by Awesome TableQuickly list all the files of a Google Drive folder in a spreadsheet

Lately, we have been focusing on giving you ways to get nice views with Awesome Table. A lot of emphasis was put on the use of templates. We recently released a Hotel Booking View example as well as a brand new Cards View example featuring Marvel movies. Today, we are going to introduce you our last creation : the File Cabinet View for Awesome Table that lists files from a folder in Drive.

Files Cabinet view : a simple way to aesthetically list files from a folder in Drive

After Google deprecated old API and we had to update the script behind this view, we also re-created the view that lists files and their related informations from Drive into an Awesome Table view. This feature uses a dedicated script to list all your files in a spreadsheet, also adding the matching settings for Awesome Table. In just a few quick steps, you get a finalized Files Cabinet from files inside a Drive folder. Thanks to the script, the spreadsheet gets automatically updated daily by synchronising with the data from the selected folder in Drive.

Step by step tutorial

Below are the instructions to help you setting up the Files Cabinet view on your Google Site.

1 - Open this spreadsheet and make a copy.

2 - In the top menu, click on "List files" > "Select a folder".

3 - In Drive, select the folder containing the files you want to list on your website. Click on "Share" and collect the id :

4 - Paste it in the pop up box. Validate.

5 - Your files are now listed in your spreadsheet. The two rows at the top that will help to install Awesome Table view have been automatically created and set up..

6 - On your Google Site, insert the Awesome Table gadget : click on "Insert..." in the top menu, then on "More gadgets..." and search for "Awesome Table" in the public ones.

7 - Set up your gadget with the following settings. (this is an interactive settings view, click on the tabs to display each setting category)

Congratulations you succeeded in creating your Files Cabinet view. For any further infos, please check the Awesome Table documentation and subscribe to the Awesome Table community.

Going further...

- Even if the spreadsheet automatically updates itself every day, you have the possibility to manually do it. Go to "List files" and select "Sync now". It will update all the modifications done to your folder : new files, deleted files and information modifications.

- If you want to stop the automated daily synchronisation, go to "List files", and select "Stop sync". You will still be able to update and synchronise your data manually with the "Sync now" functionality we previsouly introduced to you.

In the example we created for the Files Cabinet view, you can notice that we added a "Progress" column. This progress bar might be useful to provide information on the completion of a project, a file in process or a presentation... If you don't want to display it, follow the two steps below :

- Edit the "Progress" by filling up "Completeness" column.

- To hide this column from your view, in your gadget settings, go to "Advanced parameters" and delete letters "M" and "N" from the Query.

The main quality of Awesome Table is that everyone can customize the gadget to match his own needs : add or remove fields, filters and so on...

And if you like using Awesome Table, and would like to use it outside of Google Sites, check out the beta version at: