Does really stellar aberration contradict ether drag


As we know the Michelson-Morley experiment proves that there is no ethereal wind on the ground. It is thought at present that the existence of the stellar aberration necessitates existence of ethereal wind on the ground if the ether is to exist. Comparison of these two experiments results in believing that the ether does not exist. We prove that if the ether exists the stellar aberration can occur with the ether drag and then does not necessitate existence of the ethereal wind.

A new model in the form of undiscovered tiny particles is presented for the ether. With accepting this model and by using the results of the Michelson-Morley and Michelson-Gale experiments a model consisting of an ethereal stack stuck with the earth in its motion in the space is presented such that the earth can rotate axially inside this stack freely. We shall also see why atomic clocks are slow when are in (fast) motion.

(4) Does really stellar aberration contradict ether drag (pdf)