Submission Guidelines

J·FR 2018 proposes three main kinds of contributions:

(1) presentations (about 20min of talk including questions)

(2) poster (size A0, portrait)

(3) flash-talk (short presentations, 5min)

When submitting a contribution, it is possible to choose a type of contributions (presentation, poster or flash-talks).

The Organizing Committee will therefore select the contributions to be presented as presentations or posters according to research topics. J·FR 2018 could also propose flash talks for some presentation proposals, depending on topics and progress of work (preliminary research work, etc.). An initial choice could therefore be changed from a presentation to a poster or flash-talk, but not the opposite.The Committee may also propose flash talks for some presentation proposals, depending on topics and progress of work (preliminary research work, etc.).

Extended version (optional)

From this year, we also offer to interested authors to publish an extended version of their contributions on the Sciencescope website (20,000 signs max including bibliography).


The main language at J·FR 2018 is French.

However, text contributions (e.g.: summary, biography, posters or slides) could be written either in French or English.

In addition, researchers that are not fluent French speakers but interested by this event can also present their work in English (upon requests). Indeed, J·FR 2018 aims at gathering as many researchers as possible, without any consideration about their level in French.

Submitting Files

In order to present their work during J·FR 2018 (presentations or posters), every researchers have to submit online two documents (1- a Summary of your research work; and 2- a up-to-date Biography) by filling the form on the Registration and Submission.

(Optional: an additional research paper related to the "Summary" can also be submitted to the Committee.)

1- Summary of your research work

  • From 350 words (minimum) to a full A4page (maximum), in French (or English), using the template available on this page: template-summary-jfr2018.doc.
  • The summary can have figures, tables and references. You can also add a specific reference toward a published version of your research work.

2- Biography

  • An up-to-date version of your Biography, from 200 words (minimum) to a full A4page (maximum), in French or English, using the template available on this page: template-biography-jfr2018.doc.
  • You may also include your profile picture in the document (optional, 600KB max).


  • A scientific paper (published or under review) related to the Summary can also be submitted to the Organizing Committee.

Formatting Files

  • For each of the three documents, would you mind please rename each document explicitly with your name and surname (e.g.: Bio_jfr2018_surname_name.doc).
  • You can submit your documents in MS-Word format (*.doc) or Pdf (*.pdf)

Notifications to the speakers

Submissions will be reviewed by the Organizing Committee, and notifications will be sent to authors in November 2017, as well as the nature of the contributions (presentations, posters or flash talks).

All the author' summaries and biographies will be collected into the J·FR 2018 booklet, and made available online on the J·FR 2018 website.

Following the notifications, the authors will receive more information by email for the camera ready in case there is need to slightly update their documents (formatting text, etc.)


Presenters shall use slide presentation in order to present their research work.

A video projector as well as a computer will be available to display the slides. Presenters can send their slides in electronic format (pdf, powerpoint, Prezi, etc.) prior to J·FR 2018, or could use USB devices available on the day to load slides on computer before your sessions.

Slides can be written in French or English; the speech itself should however be in French language.

In order to allow non-native french speakers presenting to J·FR 2018, the Organizing Committee may allow some authors to use English.


Posters will be presented during specific poster sessions

These sessions are planned to allow interactions between presenters and other attendees.

Poster format is free and size should be A0 or A1 (portrait) and can be written in English or French.

The organizing committee recommends that presenters discuss their the poster in French, but English is also possible non-native French speaker.


Flash-talks are short presentations for about 5 minutes. They can be performed with or without any presentation materials (i.e.: slides). If you would like to use presentation slides, the rules are similar to those for presentations.

Flash-talks should be in French, and the organizing Committee may allow some presenters to present in English if needed.


For any attendees (authors or participants), online registration to J·FR 2018 is mandatory.

You can register online through Registration and submission webpage.

Registration is open to all and free of charge but is limited to the maximum number of seats.

An author should also register in order to submit its files.

Registration includes the J·FR 2018 booklet, as well as lunch and reception.

Transportation and housing Refund Policy

In order to attend J·FR 2018 at Maison franco-japonaise, you should ask your own institution to support your transportation and housing fees. Sciencescope could deliver invitation letter and attendance certificate upon requests.

If your institution is not able to fund you to attend J·FR 2018, you may contact Sciencescope and request a travel grant covering a part or the full cost of the transportation and housing fees. Travel grant will be provided according to the number of requests, and guidelines :

  • To be a member of Sciencescope or to join Sciencescope to ask for this travel grant;
  • To present research works at J·FR 2018 (presentation, posters or flash talks);
  • To live outside of theTokyo Area (outside of the prefectures of Tokyo, Kanagawa, Chiba and Saitama);
  • The travel grant may only cover long-distance transports (shinkansen, Plane) and one night.

If your request is accept, refund will take place at J·FR welcome desk, by showing your transportation ticket and letter showing that your institution cannot refund your travel.

Remind that you need to keep your Shinkansen ticket; you should ask for "mukôin" (むこういん、無効印) when exiting the Shinkansen track.
