B. 師資簡介

班‧休斯(Ben Hughes)


英國中央聖馬丁藝術設計學院(Central Saint Martins College of Art and Design)工業設計研究所碩士學位。


現任英國中央聖馬丁藝術設計學院工業設計研究所專任教授暨課程總監(Course Director MA Industrial Design),曾任教於愛丁堡藝術學院Edinburgh College of Arts(2004-2008)、威爾斯大學University of Walse(2005-2010)。具業界多年經驗,並於英國、澳洲與台灣擔任工業設計師。


”The Emotional Jukebox,” paper at 7th International Conference on Design & Emotion/IIT Institute of Design, Chicago(2010); ”Onepiece Room interactive Claystation,” feature exhibition at 100% Design/London Art Festival(2010); Craft: The Integration of Rapid Manufacture Technologies into Craft and DIY applications,” paper at Industrial Design Society of America Conference(2010); “DIY Design: Threat or Opportunity?,” paper at Portland(2010); ”Onepiece Chair,” feature exhibition at 100% Design/London Art Festival(2009); “Hands-on-Jukebox,” exhibition at the Milan Triennial(2009); MyBag - Exploration of Object, Memory and Emotion, published book (2008); “My-Bag,” interactive exhibition at Taipei(2008). Collage and Industrial Design, published book (2008); “Claystation –Remodelling Scotland,”at the Six Cities Design Festival/UK(2007)。