Math Contest Camp 2016

Dates for 2016

Week 1: June 19-24, 2016

for those entering grades 7-12

Week 2: June 26-July 1, 2016

for those entering grades 6-8

Week 3: July 10-15, 2016

for those entering grades 5-7

Week 4: July 17-22, 2016

for those entering grades 7-12

For Week Four Only

A Computer Science Track will be

piloted for this year for grades 9-12

Each week will be capped at 24 campers.

Numbers update as of 5-31-16:

Week 1: At cap, will take a short waiting list

Week 2: 15

Week 3: 20

Week 4: Math Contest Track: Over cap, will take a short waiting list

Week 4: Computer Science Track: 18 (cap is 20 for this track)

What is the purpose of the camp?

It is a mission of providing an opportunity for students to have fun and to solve math problems with students who are like them (so they don't have to worry about what others are thinking about their interest in having fun with mathematics).

What do you do? What activities are there?

Computer Science Track

  • New for 2016, in Week 4 ONLY and for grades 9-12

  • This track will give campers experience learning how to use computer science to write code on a variety of platforms like Scratch,, Earsketch (digital music), and/or IPRE robotics, and students will get to learn about 3D printing.

  • Dr. Tim DeClue and Mrs. Meilani Conley will be doing the instructional component of this track.

  • Mrs. Conley has tried out some ideas in the computer lab times some past years at Math Contest Camp.

    • If sufficient applications are received, a separate Computer Science Camp will be run. In this case, there will still be some interactions between the two camps.

  • As of 4-7-16, there are 18 who have applied or shown serious interest in applying. The cap is 24 for the week.

  • A tentative schedule of with topics is given here. Some information put together by Dr. DeClue is available at

Who can come to the camp?

Students entering 5th-12th grade who are interested in math and solving problems.

Who started the camp?

Dr. Kevin Hopkins. Email: Phone: 417-328-1675. You can find more info about Dr. Hopkins at .

For Week 4 Computer Science Track

Dr. Tim DeClue

    • Has taught at Southwest Baptist University for 30 years and is chair of the computer science department.

Meilani Conley

    • Graduated from SBU in 2008

    • After tours at Cerner and Booz-Allen-Hamilton, has returned to her alma-mater as a faculty member.

On average, how many kids come to camp?

In the 22 weeks of camp (over 10 years), we have averaged 22-23 per week, The camp is capped at 24 per week. Both weeks reached the cap in 2011 and 2012 and in 2013 we had 24, 24, and 19 for the three weeks and in 2014 all reached cap and there was a waiting list for weeks 1 and 3. In 2015, only the first week (added in 2015) was not at capacity. So send in applications and deposits early to reserve your spot. The Computer Science Track is new. It will be capped at 24 (and be its own camp if it reaches that cap, which it probably will).

How many workers are there?

Usually between 4-6 depending on the number of campers. They all stay in the dorm (including Dr. Hopkins) and stay with the campers all day. For week 4 the plan is for both tracks to stay in the same dorm and do some things together. How much will depend some on how many campers each camp has.

Where is the camp located?

On the campus of Southwest Baptist University in Bolivar, MO. It is the personal work of Dr. Hopkins, Chair of the Mathematics Department at Southwest Baptist University. Bolivar is 130 miles from Kansas City, 190 miles from St. Louis, and 25 miles north of Springfield. The Lake of the Ozarks and Branson are nearby attractions families could visit before or after dropping their camper off.

Although not officially sponsoring the camp, Southwest Baptist University is the location of the facilities. Offering Christian higher education since 1878, Southwest Baptist University serves an enrollment of 3,400 students with graduate and undergraduate programs. The views or beliefs set forth in this web page do not necessarily reflect the views and beliefs of Southwest Baptist University.

How much does the camp cost?

$400 for the week-includes room, food, t-shirt, tests, and other things. A $100 deposit is required by May 1 (to be sure there are sufficient numbers to run the camp-if not, deposits will be returned). If the cap is reached before May 1, the website will be updated. If there is still space after May 1 (and enough to run the camp), additional registrations will be accepted until camp begins.

Can I find out more information?

An application form and a brochure with information are available. Students coming to the SBU Math Contest, will receive a camp brochure. As of Jan. 19, 2016, Dr. DeClue is working on a separate website for the Computer Science Track. The link is .

Math Contest Camp is not sponsored by, or affiliated with, the MATHCOUNTS® Foundation or with the AMC 10/12, or with any of the other contests.

This camp is the personal work of Dr. Hopkins. This page is produced by Dr. Kevin W. Hopkins of Southwest Baptist University. It was last modified on April 18, 2016. I hope to redo the webpage some more, but will probably not do that until later. More information is available from the 2015 camp website: