

Jan, 25-28- Mar. 15,

Visuel, Paris

Course title: Linguistique et LSF


Dec. 01,

Université Paris 8, Paris

Course title: Introduction à la linguistique des langues des signes.


Sept. 11-12,

Visuel, Paris

Course title: Introduction à la linguistique formelle


Oct. 06-07,

Bologna, ENS sezione Regionale Emilia-Romagna (Association of the Deaf)

Course title: Corso Docente LIS modulo: Linguistica generale e applicata della LIS

May 19-20,

Bologna, ENS sezione Regionale Emilia-Romagna (Association of the Deaf)

Course title: Corso Docente LIS modulo: Linguistica generale e applicata della LIS

May 05-06,

Bologna, ENS sezione Regionale Emilia-Romagna (Association of the Deaf)

Course title: Corso Docente LIS modulo: Linguistica generale e applicata della LIS


Dec. 11-12,

Visuel, Paris

Course title: Introduction à la linguistique formelle

May, 8-12

FEAST Summer School

Course title: 'Capacity building training session for early stage Deaf researchers in sign linguistics’

January, 28-29

Napoli, Sezione provinciale

Workshop: “Arricchimento strutturale LIS”


November 26

Bologna, cooperativa sociale ‘Service and Work’

Workshop: "Corso di formazione: Linguistica "Dall'unità lessicale ai Composti passando per i Classificatori"

October, 29

Bologna, Cooperativa sociale ‘Service and Work’

Workshop: "Full immersion sintassi LIS" 

May, 21

Bologna, Cooperativa sociale ‘Service and Work’

Conference: ”Sintassi generativa applicata alla LIS”

March, 05

Bologna, Cooperativa sociale ‘Service and Work’

Conference:”Il lessico e nuovi studi sui composti nelle Lingue dei Segni"

February 2012

Istituto Statale per Sordi di Roma (ISSR, Rome School for the Deaf), Rome.

Linguistics of LIS Instructor; LIS Teacher Qualification Certificate: ‘Advanced course for LIS teachers’.

2008 -- 2009

Leonardo Da Vinci Elemantary School, Noventa Padovana, IT.

Educator; LIS-Italian bilingual classroom.

March 2008 -- May 2008; June 2011

University of Verona, Verona, IT.

LIS Instructor; Expert Educators in Sensory Disability MA Degree.


Province of Verona, Verona, IT.

LIS & Deaf Culture Instructor; Expert Educators in Sensory Disability MA Degree.


Ente Nazionale Sordi (Association of the Deaf), Treviso.

Linguistics of LIS & Deaf Culture Instructor; Certificate of Sign Language Studies.

Ente Nazionale Sordi (Association of the Deaf), Bologna.

Linguistics of LIS & Deaf Culture Instructor; Certificate of Sign Language Studies.


Ente Nazionale Sordi (Association of the Deaf), Modena.

Linguistics of LIS & Deaf Culture Instructor; Certificate of Sign Language Studies.

Ente Nazionale Sordi (Association of the Deaf), Bologna.

Linguistics of LIS & Deaf Culture Instructor; Certificate of Sign Language Studies.


Cittadella Elementary School, Modena.

LIS/Deaf Culture Instructor for faculty and staff members.

January 2001 -- June 2010

University of Ca’ Foscari, Venice, Italy.

LIS Instructor, BA program; Faculty of Foreign Languages and Literature.

LIS Instructor, Advanced Practices of Italian Sign Language Certificate Program; Faculty of Foreign Languages and Literature.